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Everything posted by mikesmotor

  1. Hi All I would be intereseted in opinions on this one. My wife made a CCA section 78 request some three weeks ago, we sentin the follow up letter. She has now recieved a reply stating that because the aggreement was made pior to 19th May 1985 Lloyds is not obliged to send a copy of the aggreement. I suspect its an excuse because they can't produce one but I would be interested in any comments. Regards Mike
  2. HI All Has anybody heard of Triton Credit Services and Green and CO solicitors they're supposed to be something to do with RBS and Natwest. I would be interested to know if anyone has had dealings with them and how they got on. Regards Mike
  3. The main problem I found with the FOS is that when they can't find any way to find against youn they comen up with an totally vauge decision and say that is their final desision. In my case I complained about the way MBNA calculated my monthly payment. I was told it was an incredebly complicated process and can't be simplified. When I argued that the process was simply 'x'% times the number of days I was told 'well we have decided its complicated and that our final decision'
  4. Hi Brig We;ve already told them that the account is in dispute. I get the impression that the statement in their letter 'we will put your account on hold for seven days' suggests that they know that and hope that we will make the next move or, if they seem threatening enough, we will bottle it. Regards Mike
  5. We've had an issue with Wescot Credit for some while now. We've gone through the CCA request process and so far they havn't come up with the documentation quoting a need for previous addresses. It would appear that the issue has been passes to an organisation called Regal Credit. We've sent them the letter saying that this needs to be passed back to Wescot. regal have sent a letter saying that we need to apply to the originators RBS. Should we write to Regency telling them to comply with the contents of our letter or should we sit on it and wait to see what transpires, any advice would prove usefull. Regards Mike
  6. I have an RBS credit card that I'm paying a set ammount off each month. due to an error on my part last months didn't reach them. They sent me the usual statement but I've just received a threatening letter from this Triton crowd who I have discoveres is an internal arm of Natwest. For their cheek I think I'm going to evoke the CCA 1974 rules and ask for a copy the credit agreement and see what does.
  7. I've been dealong with Fredricson International and their tame law mouthpiece Bryan Carter over a MBNA account that MBNA themselves admit trhat is now paid up (as per a copy of the last statement). Despite sending Bryan Carter copies of this statement I received a letter from MBNA saying they've sold this debt to Arrow Global. I'm getting a bit frustrated as to know the best direction to go in. Any oppinions would be welcome. Regards Mike
  8. How much I'm owed in compensation is something that is probably quite small, the intertest would probably be much larger but you have answered my question in effect by mentioning suing. I am rel;uctant to bring the fos in as, by past experience, they are notorious for finding in favour of the banks etc. Yes it has gone on for a while but at this stage there is more a matter of principle that anything else and I am looking for a way to make Barclays Bank take notice of its customers. As I said to trhe customer services 'are we here for your convenience or are you here for ours'. Mike
  9. Admittedly it was about four years ago and I've been fighting ever since. The ammount in question was in excess of £42,000 that was taken from my current account (joint account with my wife) itwas paid back about a month after with the comment "you'll have to wait after all we don't keep it in our back pockets". Regards Mike
  10. Regarding my previous post I meant the FOS Rgards Mike
  11. Hi all and a happy new year Some while ago I sold my house and the woolwich were sent enough money to clear the mortgate, overdraft and loans. Within a matter of days they re-took unauthorised money from my curreent account equal to the overdraft and loans. itwas only after a severe fight that I eventually got the money back buit I didn't get a single penny in compensation or lost interest. just recently I thought I was getting somewhere when my complant was dealt with by some incompetent at Barclays customer serveices who has decided to close the matter off by issuing a 'final response' letter more or less saying get stuffed. My questtion is, should I calculate the interest and add a figure for compensation and take it to the small claims court or risk goling to the FSO. Any advice would be gratefully received. Sorry for being a bit long winded. Regards Mike
  12. Thanks for that guy's the solicitors I wrote to were Nelson Guest and Partners based in Sidcup Kent. Apparently a legit firm of solicitors. Regards Mike
  13. Hi All We recently got a letter from wescott solicitors threatening allsorts so I sent them the letter on file telling them that their clients have not complied with our CCA request. We have just received a letter from wescotts themselves now threatening door step collection. Any body help with the best way to deal with this. Regartds Mike
  14. Hi Brig Thanks for that, I'll just hang on then and see what transpires. Regards Mike
  15. Hi all Guess what! We've just received a letter from Wescot now saying we've got to send our CCA request to their clients. We've sent the 'failed' letter out to them with a firm statement at the bottom stating that our business is now concluded. Should we just ignor this latest letter or should we send them some sort of reply. Regards Mike
  16. Thanks for that, I'll get a letter out straight away. This most recent letter is signed by a Mr C. Cooper so I'll address it to him. Regards Mike
  17. As expected I've got my correspondence back yet again with the same excuse as before. I'm left wondering, do I send them the 'failed' letter or simply just let the matter rest where it is? I must admit that I'm suspicious that if now do nothing the whole matter will be resurected at an later date and it will start all over again. Any advice would be useful and gratefully received. Rergards Mike
  18. I'll just wait to see if I get my correspondence back again then I'll send the 'failed' letter. Incidentally and somewhat displaying my ignorance, what do I do if I get the postal order back that made out to them. can I cash it in? Regards Mike
  19. I returned the CCA to them with a covering letter telling them to get on with their legal duty etc. They've yet again returned the whole lot to me saying it will not be dealt with until we provide our previous addresses. I've done what they did and parcelled the whole lot up with another covering letter saying that I can only conclude that they are not sure if this is actually our debt and they are hoping that I might just pay up anyway (fat chance). I've also told them that they are now out of time and unless they come up with the goods a follow up letter will be sent. I suppose I've just got to wait now for that lot to come back. Incidentally, they returned our correspondence in an unsealed envelope. Regards Mike
  20. I'm not sure where this is all leading. The facts are that we have not, in this instance at least, not made a credit card application to MBNA this why they can't find either the application or the agreement. They have admitted that they will not persue any court action so we might as well let it sit. Regards Mike
  21. I've sent a CCA to wescot over a week ago they have now replied and returned our original CCA request letter and the postal order saying they can't deal with it as we have not sent then details of previous addresses etc. Any ideas what our next step should be? Regards Mike
  22. We have a dispute over an MBNA credit card. We've sent the CCA request and they admit to not being able to supply acopy ofn the credit agreement (not that there ever was one). However they claim that they can still persue payments quoting certain case law namely McGuiffick vs RBS and Carey vs HSBC. Does any one know anything about these cases and how they might affect the rules on persueing payments where no aggreement exists. Regards Mike
  23. Thanks for all the info everyone but I'm getting a bit confused as there seems to be a lot of contradictions here. I've a mind to return the postal order to them that its their responibilty to pass on the request to the originatior. If anyone has any advice on this tactic I would be gratefull. Mike
  24. What do i do about the postal order send it MBNA?
  25. Just got a letter back from Freds Int ref my CCA request. They've said that I need to contact MBNA 9the debt originators) with the CCA and they've sent me back the postal ordert that I had made out to them. They have also mentioned that they have put my "account"on hold for twenty eight days in order to give me time to contact MBNA. Anybody got any ideas where to go next. Regards Mike
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