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Everything posted by toptrapper

  1. I'd send it to every e-mail address you have for Payday Express, the ones suggested earlier in the thread and the collections e-mail. At least that way there's a "chance" someone will pick it up and acknowledge/deal appropriately.
  2. Sorry, I thought you'd lodged a complaint with them a few weeks back? Send a formal complaint to Payday Express demanding they stop their calls/texts and deal only in writing and thus adheringto OFT guidelines. They should also halt any further interest and charges and demand that they'll accept your offer of payment.
  3. If you've sent your complaint off to both Payday Express, wait for their formal response to this. I doubt calls will stop immediately, they're not overly sharp/ competent when it comes to adhering to regulations and complaint management.
  4. That;s the one. You'll receive an automatic acknowledgement. If you're sending the complaint to OFT by e-mail, copy in Payday Express to know you're serious about not being messed about.
  5. http://email.about.com/od/outlookexpresscomposing/qt/Request_Read_Receipt_for_a_Message_in_Windows_Live_Mail_OE.htm
  6. Either. Email is tickety boo although I'd suggest you add a "Read Receipt". With standard mail, ensure you send it recorded delivery so you can be sure they've received it and not #ahem# filed it in the bin. Sorry, not sure what you mean about making a complaint to Payday Express directly?
  7. Standard response from them. read the stepchange guidance I posted previously, they can shout and rant as much as they like; Payday Loans are NOT priority debts. You state how much you can afford to pay once you have taken your priority debts into account. As for how to word your complaint, keep it simple. You've asked to communicate in writing, they've ignored this. You've asked for a repayment plan, they've ignored etc.
  8. Be prepared to be in for the long haul. Just keep a log of everything, get your complaint off to OFT and don't be intimidated by their threats. To give you an idea of what you'll be in for, after lodging a complaint directed to Caroline Walton (Director of Express Finance), no acknowledgement was provided and I received 27 calls in a 3 day period from 08000 126347 demanding I call them to "help myself before potential legal action is commenced". Over the next 5 weeks, I received 2-3 calls and texts per day demanding I contact them; I collated the calls/texts and e-mailed them back weekly telling them to correspond only in writing. It was only after 6 weeks of their text and phone harassment, Express Finance sent me a Final Response rejecting my complaint. I raised their conduct with FOS (at this time the loan had increased from £150 to £540 with random additional charges, interest, charges for letters which I didn’t receive etc) who upheld the complaint, reduced the amount owed to £40.00 and charged Express an additional £500 for their investigation. (As a side issue, I raised the same complaint with the CFA with the same evidence - they rejected the complaint as "frivolous and without merit", typical trade association - pointless) You’ll win in the end, you’re doing the right thing, stay off the phone. .
  9. Keep a note of the number and the time of call. All evidence to be used against them
  10. Don't phone them at all; you've stated clearly your reasonable intention to correspond solely in writing so you have a valid and timely method of evidence for your complaints to the regulator. If the numpties have a problem with this, tough. You pay these people what you can afford, not what they think you can. They can shout and rant as much as they like; priority debts come first (link below). http://www.stepchange.org/Infographics/prioritydebts.aspx I'd be tempted to reply to their e-mail confirming you've already responded and remind them of the timescales of their complaint investigation. (And a big hello to Payday Express if you're reading).
  11. If you've already lodged a formal complaint, there's no need to write again. In my experience, I did keep reminding them of their responsibilities/timescales for responding and received calls regardless. That said, there's no real harm in doing so reminding Payday Express that the clock is ticking and unless they play ball, they'll have to explain to FOS their actions as part of a formal investigation and their bill to pay!
  12. Log a formal complaint re the phone harassment. They've 8 weeks to respond before you can contact FOS. In the interim, let OFT know straight away what they're up to. Payday Express seem to feel rules don't apply to them.
  13. The ball's in their court then. Make sure you keep a note of all your e-mails/ attempts to resolve the complaint in a reasonable manner for OFT & FOS. Did you complain to the Trade Association?
  14. City, Watching with interest on this one. Not a surprise with the silent treatment, wonga have 8 weeks (56 days) from the date of complaint to resolve/send a final response. Have they sent you an acknowledgement to your complaint yet?
  15. dr@ paydayexpress.co.uk Customer.Care @dfguk.com Don't be intimidated by these numpties and good work staying off the phone. Payday Express (read some of the threads) are difficult to gain a response. Don't be afraid to lodge a formal complaint and raise their conduct with OFT and FOS should they not play ball.
  16. Wonga on the box tonight defending their stance on fraud management/prevention after reporting suggested that 350 people had their accounts raided despite not having any dealings with Wonga. Maybe if they received enough e-mails, the Beeb might consider a follow up on their general incompetence? http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/22357839
  17. HFO tried this on with me years ago. I submitted the below and they soon crawled back under their rock. Demand proof - "- You dispute utterly the alleged payment, and demand that they provide proof of any payment that they would seek to rely on in court. - In addition in line with pre-action protocols on seeking a resolution prior to legal action, you require disclosure of a copy of the proof of payment that they will be relying on in court. - Failure to take reasonable steps to resolve the dispute at this stage by providing this proof will be brought to the attention of the court. - Any failure or refusal to provide evidence of any payment, will also be forwarded with a complaint to the OFT and trading standards. - Should they persist in claiming a fictitious payment, then not only will you will report them to the OFT and trading standards, you will consider informing the police that they are attempting to obtain monies by false representation. - Remind them that the timescale for responding to your complaint still applies, and that you will take the issue to the FOS when the 8 weeks from your original complaint is up
  18. Right, they won't listen to you, so get complaining to the regulators as it's clear they're not interested in adhering to rules and regulations.
  19. Not sure ringing them is a good idea, stay off the phone so you have a written evidence chain and not what MMF interpret verbally. Are you sure it was MMF who knocked?
  20. I think there may be some interpretation over calling people at work. This (below)is copied from - OFT1466 - Payday Lending Compliance Review Interim Report, November 2012 4.38 Issues highlighted in complaints included aggressive debt collection practices, such as threats to coerce payment and excessive collection charges, persistent and excessive telephone calls, including calling consumers at their place of work, refusal to accept offered repayment plans, refusing to deal with debt advisors and alleged misuse of continuous payment authority. We have also seen evidence of firms using misleading or deceptive practices in order to recover debts. This suggests calling consumers at their place at work is considered aggressive debt collection practice?
  21. Mr Lender have used this trick before. I've a letter from them (reported to OFT and FOS (upheld complaint, huzza)) copied below; confirming their intention to contact me at work. Copied below. One thing is to break OFT rules, another is to totally lie through their back teeth and claim customers don't respond. You must contact the OFT to let them know what they're up to. Dear Trapper, PLEASECONTACT US URGENTlY 0208-532-5020 We have been trying to contact you regarding your outstanding loan but to no avail. We have sent numerous emails, text messages and letters. Additionally, we have attempted to contact you at home and on your mobile phone. The only other method of contact we have available is via your work place XXXXX- as provided at the time your loan was underwritten. We understand that it may be difficult to communicate whilst at work so before we put our efforts into contacting you there, we would like to give you another opportunity to contact us. You can call us directly on 0208-532-5020 or email us using repayments@mrlender.co.uk If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot afford to repay the balance of £xx.xx in full, we can offer you a repayment plan over a number of months that you will be able to afford. Yours Sincerely, Repayments Department 0208-532-5020 POL
  22. I've experience with Impact/vanquis "not receiving letters". Their also entirely unwilling to provide e-mail addresses of their staff. That said, get the letter sent off recorded delivert as above AND, email their chief exec, Peter Crook - peter. crook@ providentfinancial.com. Copy in the OFT on all complaints. vanquis have 8 weeks to respond then you can complaint to FOS. Don't be messed around by this bunch.
  23. Certainly a good idea raising awareness with their trade body and I would be interested in their findings consideirng the OFT lens being trained on their members. I lodged a complaint with the Consumer Finance Association regarding one of their members - it was dismissed out of hand, they stated it was without merit and frivolous. FOS, they investigated the same complaint with the same evidence I provided the CFA. FOS upheld it and reduced the amount owed from £540 to £40. There is the other aspect that as a chargeable case, the PDL paid £500.00 for the courtesy of FOS giving them a shoeing so they had to pay for their own incompetence...............
  24. City By definition, a trade association is designed and set up solely to represent their members. I doubt you'd gain any independent oversight from any trade body as it's not in their interest to censure their own members, who pay them a nice fat fee each year? Well done complaining to OFT, after 8 weeks (or if Wonga provide a final response sooner), get a complaint off to FOS. Keep us informed.
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