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Everything posted by toptrapper

  1. Sounds good so far although can I suggest you don't follow up by calling them? if you want to follow them up, send them an e-mail as PDL's have the morals of an alleycat, cannot be trusted and will twist your words. Which PDL's are you struggling with?
  2. Why leave it at that? They've ignored your reasonable attempts to make payment, refused to acknowledge a complaint and refuse to deal with you only in writing? All against OFT rules. Get a complaint off asap to the OFT - you'll find the form half way down this link - http://www.oft.gov.uk/OFTwork/credit/payday-lenders-compliance-review/ Keep a log of all your attempts to contact them (and the fact they've refused) along with their harassing e-mails/texts and phone calls. Lending Stream have 8 weeks to send you a final response from the date you originally complained. After this 8 week expiry (or should they send you a final response earlier which you're not happy with), you can complain to FOS. This can be a fairly timely process but LS will be charged the investigation fee; so you'll be smug in the knowledge they'll pay through their pocket for the refusal to treat you fairly and reasonably.
  3. 20 emails sent and no response? So they're ignoring you? Naughty. Overarching principles of OFT Debt Collection confirm that "exercise forbearance and consideration, in particular towards debtors experiencing difficulty – we would expect businesses to work with debtors with a view to providing them with reasonable time and opportunity to repay debts" http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consultations/OFT664Rev_Debt_collection_g1.pdf Get a complaint sent to OTF. have you lodged a formal complaint against the company?
  4. he's an odious individual representing odious companies. http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigations/2011/04/were-not-all-in-it-together-pa-3.html And this well crafted paragraph from the Guardian "Crook used to work for high-street banks such as Halifax and Barclays and pays himself close to a million a year. He is a living, wheezing example of everything that is wrong with the financial industries. This man doesn't design airplanes, build computer chips or hunt bosons. He's just a rich dude who has found a way of funnelling large quantities of our taxes directly from the benefit system into his own bulging pockets" http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/09/payday-loans-shaft-the-poor And finally, I nearly felt sorry for the staff after reading this super blog about how Provident treat their own staff. http://agentssayno.co.uk/whistleblower/
  5. Their stance is to ignore, ignore and ignore some more. I asked as part of my complaint to OFT/FOS how Vanquis/Impact remunerate their call centre operatives and how they can ensure that such remuneration ensures the fair treatment of customers. I'm looking forward to a response as Mr Crook seems entirely incapable and refuses to provide an answer.
  6. OFT haven't changed over. The FSA became the FCA/PRA in April 2013. The FSA were heavily criticised for falling asleep at the wheel when the banks fell over and it was fairly claimed their "light touch" to regulation did not work. The FCA have already shown enforcement action more quickly than the FSA - http://www.fca.org.uk/firms/being-regulated/enforcement/fines The FCA and OFT have published a "Memorandum of Understanding" detailing of how they will work together in the interest of the market and consumers. It's early days but I'm hopeful that the FCA will continue to "shine a light" on unfair practices. http://www.oft.gov.uk/about-the-oft/partnership-working/partnership-working-info/financial_services/ The above link also evidences the links that OFT will have with FOS. From reading this, Section 19 is key in how FOS will share information with OFT on the number and types of complaints handled; and more importantly FOS will give OFT information about "serious shortcomings in a licensee's complaint handling & concerns and fitness propriety of a consumer credit licence".
  7. Mike770, Tis ridiculous the lengths these parasites will go to justifying their harassment, I've a complaint sitting with FOS, OFT and OFCOM where I e-mailed the chief exec demanding all in writing. Totally ignored, anywhere up to 18 calls per day for the previous 6 weeks including calls to mobile, landline and work. After 6 weeks they suddenly stopped and they seem to have crawled back under their rock.
  8. Vanquis are difficult to deal with re their outbounding calls and the use of spamming numbers. I was verbally abused by one of their operators and when I complained, the call could "not be located". Staying off the phone is difficult as they use that many numbers it's difficult to keep track. Like rene said, recorded delivery for post, or, email the chief exec peter.crook @providentfinancial.com Make sure you confirm in writing that you will not deal verbally.
  9. Lucky escape!!! Steer clear. Natalie was one of the clowns I had to deal with, complete nightmare.
  10. Shaza, Good advice from renegadeimp. They will not stop this; I've been through the same with these lot, it was only a FOS intervention did they back off.
  11. This is a tragedy. Having personally dealt with Keyes Whitlock on behalf of their parasite PDL Payday UK, they will stop at nothing in harassing customers. I received 18 calls in one day, 9 mobile 9 at work threatening bailiffs, doorsteppers, CCJs and a visit at work. It was only FOS intervention did they back down.
  12. Terrible. Refused a repayment plan, phoned my employer 3 times whilst they knew I was away ill. Attempted to hammer me with extra charges. Refused to acknowledge a complaint despite their so called Compliance Officer being copied in on 4 emails asking a complaint to be investigated. I'm copying in their letter threatening further contact at work despite the "all in writing" letter being sent. They also lie in their correspondence, as I had some 15 e-mails contacting them to arrange payment, each and everyone they ignored. Dear Trapper, PLEASECONTACT US URGENTlY 0208-532-5020 We have been trying to contact you regarding your outstanding loan but to no avail. We have sent numerous emails, text messages and letters. Additionally, we have attempted to contact you at home and on your mobile phone. The only other method of contact we have available is via your work place XXXXX- as provided at the time your loan was underwritten. We understand that it may be difficult to communicate whilst at work so before we put our efforts into contacting you there, we would like to give you another opportunity to contact us. You can call us directly on 0208-532-5020 or email us using repayments@mrlender.co.uk If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot afford to repay the balance of £xx.xx in full, we can offer you a repayment plan over a number of months that you will be able to afford. Yours Sincerely, Repayments Department 0208-532-5020 POL I ended up complaining to FOS who upheld the complaint and wrote off a £200 debt. I've also raised their conduct with the Information Commissioner and OFT. Are you struggling with them? If so, have a read of this link, hopefully it may help. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387895-Mr-Lender-wants-to-chase-debt-with-employer
  13. if you're thinknig Payday Express will somehow obtain some morals and deal with you fairly; you'll be waiting a while. Send off formal complaints asap to payday express and the OFT.
  14. Rene's right. Keep all the paperwork that you've received in writing stating what they've agreed to, you've lodged a formal complaint and you've nothing to worry about at this stage.
  15. You're right to be wary, although it looks like a good result. As for the balance owed, have they tried adding any extra charges on?
  16. Yes, it delays the complaint being finalised; however, dealing in writing only ensures you have an evidential trail for any FOS and OFT investigation. Have a read through the threads on PDL companies and how they verbally abuse and manipulate individuals. Unless you have call recording equipment, stay off the phone as in my experience with PDL's, what they recall after the event is never what was agreed verbally.
  17. Don't get scared. No doubt LS will huff, puff and stamp their feet, but that;s there problem. Have a read of the threads on PDLs, they'll give you a good indication of what you may have to deal with.
  18. 1st complaint should be direct to Lending Stream. Tell them what the issue is and how you want it resolved. If you're sending through the post, ensure it's recorded delivery. 8 weeks after your complaint (or should LS send a Final Response sooner and you're unhappy with it), your can complain to the Ombudsman. In the interim, you can (and probably should considering they're ignoring your reasonable attempts to sort the matter out) make a complaint to the OFT. The complaint can be found on this link, half way down. Silent treatment is not uncommon unforunately for PDL's. http://www.oft.gov.uk/OFTwork/credit/payday-lenders-compliance-review/#named6
  19. They weren't the worst in my experience. The problem I had is getting one individual to look after my account. i received letters confirming a payment plan has been set up then a phone call demanding full payment. Once the plan was set up, it worked fine. Like any PDL, stay off the phone and all in writing.
  20. Ask them to prove what it's for. Have you set up your payment/cancelled your CPA's?
  21. Obtain a full breakdown of the entire account, including (but not specific to) initial loan, initial interest, added charges, default fees etc as what they've said doesn't add up. Your comment earlier (#9) on the 7th said the balance was £438.20, but this has increased to £459.40 only 2 days later? (comment #54) It could be that Payday Express have decided to add some additional unenforceable fees to the account? I'm sure that they'll have some readymade excuse to support their profiteering.
  22. Yep. Their move next, just don't be surprised if they continue to ignore your complaint. Stick with it, keep off the phone, evertything logged etc. One other thing - have Payday Express your card details? If so, cancel the card, contact your bank and cancel all CPA's, make your payments via bank transfer so they cannot raid your account etc.
  23. They "should", however, I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for one. As I've said previously, PDL's (and Payday Express in particular) believe regulations don't apply to them. You're in the box seat now, you're complaint is in, you've made an offer to repay, you've OFT in your corner and the potential to hit them in the pocket with a FOS investigation.
  24. Good work, let us know how you get on. Keep logging calls/texts that you receive. Payday Express now have 8 weeks to acknowledge and send you a final response. On receipt of the final response (or 8 weeks, whichever is sooner), should the response not be satisfactory, you can raise a complaint with FOS
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