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Everything posted by Delboy01

  1. Hmmn Just had a phonecall from "John at TV Licensing" Just asking if I still needed a TV licence as yours ran out at the end of March. I replied I havnt got any money till end of month, he replied OK dont watch any tv then. Who gave them my ex directory number I dont know. Anyone else had any odd calls????
  2. Are you dealing with them by telephone?? You really shouldnt. You want that threat "recovery agents to COME TO MY HOUSE AND RECOVER THE GOODS TO THE VALUE OWED." in writing it is a threat:-), you are nowhere near that stage so dont worry. What was the name of the account manager that said this?? THEY WONT COME TO YOUR HOUSE PLEASE DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT its months off you will sort this well before that. sleep well.
  3. Hi lovewishx have you had no communication from toothfairy like a default notice or something?? If they have passed it onto NDR they should have told you. You should email toothfairy for a thorough breakdown of charges and interest and a copy of your agreement. Perhaps email NDR asking for a copy of your agreement with toothfairy and inform them you do not acknowledge the amount they are claiming. Hopefully someone will be along soon to advise you properly. Above all chill, time is on your side, move at your pace not theirs. You are amongst friends who will help.
  4. No doorstep collector called despite 2 threats of it in letters which I have kept. Send the "I do not wish to make an appointment" letter back to them.
  5. Yes they have, I have been communicating with the court and sent defence in. They are just stalling on it going before a judge. Either that or the defence was the business.
  6. Delboy01

    Help with #MBNA

    CCA sent today by registered post.
  7. karlito they have taken stupid1 to court, but not heard anything for 3+ months, but they are claiming 90 pence per day on their poc which amounts to 80 quid on top of what the summons is for. But i shall be informing the court of the stress and upset the delay is causing our family, not to mention the debt being allowed to increase. Just wish I knew how to bring this to the courts attention. Looking forward to this actually going before a judge.
  8. We paid QQ by the paypal method you need to link your account to a paypal account. QQ will send you a paypal link with the amount you will be paying. PLEASE CHECK THE AMOUNT IS THE CORRECT AMOUNT YOU HAVE AGREED TO PAY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ALTER THE AMOUNT ON THE LINK Paypal does not forward your bank details to QQ. The amount will be taken out of your account by paypal.
  9. Above all dont worry about it, there are a few this MAY happen that MAY happen. The 14 day threat will turn into months. You are in control or soon will be. Its not an easy road and in the next stages there are many fine people on here to assist you through it and allieve your worries. Keep us updated and people will advise you. You are amongst friends and fine friends they are.
  10. Agree with sillygirl1, the are only your debts, a joint Inc Exp is not neccessary, if neccessary at all, if you are happy that you can only afford what you have offered and that your personal i/c exp details will stand up in court if it ever gets that far. I personally would not reveal a true i/c exp until then, but pay what you can atm if its only a fiver per creditor.
  11. Delboy01


    If the OC sells the debt on and you are claiming charges from the OC and get them they cant, is that right????
  12. Delboy01

    Help with #MBNA

    I have read other posts on here that when I get my charges back, which I will (see below MBNA), it will be taken by MBNA to cover the debt. As MBNA have said they will sell it on after it defaults next month, shall I wait to SAR and CCA?? Cheers.
  13. Delboy01

    Help with #MBNA

    Can anyone confirm this is the correct address for a SAR for MBNA?? http://www.ico.gov.uk/ESDWebPages/DoSearch.asp?reg=5038422 M B N A EUROPE BANK LTD STANSFIELD HOUSE CHESTER BUSINESS PARK CHESTER CHESHIRE CH4 9QQ
  14. Delboy01

    Help with #MBNA

    Not a newbie but what do I do first cant remember. CCA or SAR
  15. Delboy01

    Help with #MBNA

    Hi, had a card with MBNA for over 15 years. Would love to see the agreement. Current Position In arrears with mortgage and priority debts also unemployed. Cant pay MBNA agreed minimum amount this month they say they will sell it on next month, Can I CCA them after they sell on as I dont think it will reach them before theyreceive CCA Also shall I SAR them re Charges for the last 15-20 years????. Not that I dont want to pay, more I cant atm. Anything I can do to slow the process up???? Cheers
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