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  1. thanks guys really appreciate the info, quickquid balance outstanding as of last wk was £187.50 but thay have added £12 late payment/default charge, wonga balance is £235.01 plus £20 charge wda £125 lending stream £375 payday express £300 plus £20 charge. it's so frustrating when you contact them and explain the situation and they just ignore what you say and continue to send e mails or leave answerphone msgs saying they have had no contact, do they not communicate with each other or something
  2. Hi there. This is my first time posting on here so i hope im in the right place. Im looking for some advice on how to deal with a number of payday loan companies, payday express, lending stream, wageday advance, quickquid & wonga. i have had these loans for about six or seven months and been rolling them over month after month and i simply couldnt afford to do it anymore as the interest alone was taking all my wages (i only work part time) so i closed my bank account to stop them taking any money and contacted all of them by e mail explaining my situation giving them a breakdown of my income/expenditure and offering to repay £10 per month to each of them on condition that they freeze any interest/charges on the balances. so far i have had responses from wageday advance who sent me their own version of an expenditure form to fill in and asked for my partners income details, can they do this??, lending stream responded saying they will only accept the offer for a maximum of 2 months, wonga sent me the same inc/exp form to fill in which i did and sent back over a week ago and there has been no response to that but they (wonga) have sent several e mails from different departments with added figures for charges, dont know what to do about this as they seemed to want to negotiate at first and now it's all gone quiet and the charges are mounting up. The payday express loan in particular has angered me as the funds were there to pay the balance back in full in january and february but they chose to roll the loan over for 2 months without my say so, taking 2 payments of £60 from my bank the £60 is their defferal charge, are they legally allowed to do that without even asking me?. quickquid also added a £12 charge despite them receiving the same e mail i sent to the other companies with a payment offer and asking for charges to be stopped etc.... Sorry if this is a bit garbled but my heads all over the place with stress and worry, 3 years ago i was diagnosed with reactive depression (financial issues being a contributing factor) dont want to end up in that place again. i guess i just want to know what my legal rights are with these people, i cant have them phoning my workplace as there is a strict no personal calls policy at my work, i also dont want them sending collections people to my house, my offer of repaying £10 per month to each of them is actually more than i can afford and if it was not for my partner i would not be able to offer them anything based on my income and outgoings, is there a mininum limit i have to offer these people to stop them chasing me?. Any advice would be greatfully received as the stress levels are rising, i am fully aware that this is my mess and it's up to me to sort it out but these people appear to want blood from a stone so to speak. Paul
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