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Everything posted by BankFodder

  1. 40 days begins when an appropriate person has received the request and payment. If the request is correctly addressed then the orgainsation has a respnibility to make sure that the request does reach an appropriate person within a resonable time - say 24 hours after receipt of the letter.
  2. Are you joking? - Yes, if it exists Read the FAQs You can try
  3. I think that Andrex does about 8 packs for the same price. Perfumed too.
  4. What University? must be an ex-Poly. I knew that no good would come of it.
  5. £10 should get you everything including bank statements. You should point this out to them. They are telling you porkies.
  6. Take it to the branch get a receipt or the name of the person who takes it.. Or else special delivery.
  7. EWell you can only cliam as far back as 2000 anyway. have you got all of your charges sorted out or do you need that info?
  8. Requested: 14/03/2006 Claim Ref: 6QZ16711 Bank Charges Claimed: £485.00 £50 Court Fees Plus 8% interest Acknowlegded
  9. DaveJ Repy to them quoting Durant that it has been held that data does include statements. Remind them that they have fiduciary duty towards you under which they are obliged to excercise utmost care in the accuracy of the statements which they make to you and that to make a false representation would be a serious breach of this duty and that if they persist that you may bring the matter to the attention of the Court as well as the Information Commissioner whene you make your complaint. Remind them also that they have a contractual as well as a statutory duty to comply fully with your reasonable requests unther UK legislation - viz. the Data protection Act and this also might be brought to the attention of the court.
  10. don't understand what you mean ny ammo, here
  11. Yes do mention the gap. You want everything and they have to give it to you.
  12. I think that there is a right within banking custom and practice to combine accounts. johncbaker's story is a little different. It seems to me that a safer way to conduct is joint account is to have a single account holder but get the other party a thirdparty authority. This means that there is no joint and several liablity for the account. The bank might not agree to this if they understood why this was being done. However, I don't think that it would occur to them.
  13. I understand that they are proposing to deafult you and that you have 28 days to react to prevent it. How much in charges are you actually certain of? I think that you need to escalate this so that is beyond doubt that there is a dispute. I am not convinced that they won't default you despite the banking code unless the dispute is completely in their face. I think that it might be an idea to issue an LBA - 14 days, then a claim for whatever amount that youare certain of. You cam also add in this claim there failure to repsond to your DPA request as th deadline will have passed by then. If they deafult you then you send a copy of the claim form to the CRA's and demand with threats that the entry is removed. You will also then threaten the bank. The bank will either negotiate on your calim or they will defend and countercalim. If they defend they countercalim they will have to reveal information which they don't want to about their charging regime. Also, the court will arrange a scheme of repayments which the banks will have to accept and they will not then be able to default you - although there will be a CCJ which really is just the same. On the other hand, if they negotiate, then they will be obliged to agree a scheme of payments which if you stick to, they will not be able to default you and there will be no CCJ. It will not be wuite as elegant as this but I think that it could be your best bet. Of course, if you can afford to pay off the overdraft and then go for the charges then this will give you the very best time as the bank will have no hook to compromise you with.
  14. Oh, I thought that it was for a DPA request. My brain is generating automatic responses. I must introduce some manual intervention.
  15. If the bank have completed the paperwork for you then check it carefully. Make any amendments clearly in red and accompany it with a DPA request letter stapled to it. Refer to the letter in the form with a statement in red. Better still don't send the form - just the DPA letter
  16. Send them the reminder bu put the number of days still remeining. Don't start the clock again.
  17. No, they carry on. Eventually they get fed up and they close your account. Get a parachute
  18. I have a feeling that it is 3 years in most of the EU
  19. Yes it should - but it won't, will it.
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