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Everything posted by reidnet

  1. Anyone looking for Info on PPI should Tune into BBC Radio 2 around 1PM to the Jeremmy Vine Programme where Martin Lewis will be doing a spot on PPI, Maybe hear a few Names there .. Ian
  2. Well done R710, Thanks for letting us know... The clue is in the Title Hellhasnofury...lol Sorry Sandbro.. I know when you get to our age our eyes aint what they used to be..lol (I expect a slapping now..lol) Ian
  3. You can send your complaint to their head office, remember to state all the facts clearly along with the salesmans name (if you know it) Date etc etc. If you want you can PM me a copy of your letter and I will have a look over it before you send it of. Good Luck Ian
  4. Good advice there Pete, Gave me some more things to look into as well... Ian
  5. You will need to take up your complaint for mis sold PPI with the Car dealer that sold it to you. The car dealer would have been acting as an agent for GE, GE would have provided the finance and insurance on the paperwork recieved from the Dealer. Hope that Helps. Ian
  6. Grandmother 'terrorised' to death after bank wrongly hounded her for £16,000 | the Daily Mail More detailed story here... Shocking... In fact Disgusting.. Can only agree with Midge and all my deepest sympathies to the families involved.. Surely the authorities need to do something about this sort of thing happening.. Ian
  7. Hi Penny, Looks like no one has jumped in with much help here, I have been away on Holiday etc, Just in from work and heading out tonight.. I will get some info together for you over the weekend Ian
  8. Hi Maggie, Sorry to see you are still having a lot of bother with Crap 1, Im sure with the help of folks on here you will get all the support you need. I myself have been a bit quiet due to personal things going on too and with some more bad health, but Im still around on and off. You should have changed your telphone number to one of those 0870 number which would have cost them to call you and you get a percentage of the call value..lol , An def Harrasment with over 300 calls, will they ever learn ? Good Luck and keep your chin up Maggie.. Ian x
  9. Hiya Puddinpie, Looks like Studio are trying to scare you off.. I have sent you some stuff by PM which you can throw straight back at them regarding costs etc.. Re not releasing the telephone conversation relating to you , I would without delay submit a complaint to the ICO, Not supplying information that they have told you they have is an offence.. Ian
  10. Keep your Chin Up Gemini65, It can take a good while to sort these claims out..Ive been fighting one for almost a year now... Ian
  11. Hello Ladies... Hope you are both well, I am just back from holiday and catching up on things.. Still no word from GE as yet.. Have you both seen the link from BF regarding the Complainers program looking for stories .. As normal too the FSA too little too late.. But as hell says it will help a lot of people who have claims after 2004.. And at least they are still taking the mis selling of PPI seriously along with trying to make these companies Treat their Customers Fairly., I think with the latter they have a job on their hands though, almost as bad a getting a drink out of a Scotsman..lol "So when the big mis-selling went on to thousands of customers, who do they go to. The courts, it costs them money, causes them stress." And dont they know it, even when they have no evidence to support their defence they still continue with the actions.. Now you have to ask is that following the FSA recommendations to Treat Customers Fairly... I think NOT. It makes you wonder what real Authority the FSA and the OFT etc really have over the big financial institutions. Ian
  12. Hi Gemeni, I would now put pressure on Oceon Finance to provide you with copies of the telephone conversations that they admit they have listened to, That is your right under the Data Protection Act, and you may even find out that they dont actually have these calls recorded.. Ian
  13. Hi Loltel, I think Hellhasnofury has you under control..lol, As suggested I would submit SAR to get all info, Since they charged you PPI for a loan that there was no executed agreement for I think they will give in without too much of a fight, But then again I have been known to be wrong..lol Good Luck Ian
  14. Well Done SKB, They finally admitted defeat...No doubt as a gesture of Good Will..lol, Thay can call it whatever they like as long as you got your Money Back.. Again Well Done Ian
  15. Hiya, Just for anyone that is reading and dosn't Know what an Aberdeen Rowie is, I'll try to Explain.. It is an Item of food that one normally stottered or fell into Thain's Bakery in George Stree Aberdeen around 4am in the Morning after a night on the town, and after consumeing one or 3 too many Lemonade Shandies.. I alsways used to go there and buy them as sweetner for the other Half..lol, But 99% of the time by the time I got from George Street to Mastrick all that would be left would be an empty paper bag and a few Crumbs all over the back seat of the Taxi.. And all I would get for breakfast that morning was a double helping of Hot Toungue..lol Does That sound Familuar Sandbro... :eek: I would love to disclose the recipe for these Rowies but Im sworn to secrecey..lol Ian
  16. Hello MrsC, Good God another Aberdonian..lol ( Im a Born and Bread Aberdonian, but I was Deported to Dundee about 8 years ago for mis behaving..lol). Just looking through your thread and to me it looks like they have shot themselves in the foot so to speak, They have admitted that they never sent out the policy documents at the time of the suspect sale, IMHO, how the He** would you have known that the policy was in place and of course you would have not seen the cancel within 30 days. I wonder how many more of those nice letters they have sent out, Trying to cover tracks etc ... Shocking.. Good Luck, Just be careful with Hellhasnofury, she will try and get you to illegally Export Aberdeen Rowies to her...LOL Ian
  17. Hi Jimmy, The template letters I posted are simple letters which you can add any further information to before sending. If there are issues in your claim that are not mentioned in the template letter, you can simply add these in. Good Luck, and if you need help just shout.. Ian
  18. Hi, I think you may have a bit of a wait with the FOS, though they should be a bit quieter just now with the test case for bank charges putting claims on hold. Good Luck Ian
  19. Maggie, Is there any company that you are not fighting with... ..lol GE Money..argghhh .. you will have fun with them, Trust me I know how they operate..lol If you need info on GE just PM me.. And a wee word of Warning... BE Careful what you Post on open Forum re GE Money as they have been known to Monitor posts on here ( well evidence I have shows that they Monitor my Posts...lol) Good Luck Ian
  20. Hi Wills, Personally I would wait for the outcome from the FOS, If you start court proceedings the FOS will be unable to continue looking into your complaint. Its a bit of a bummer but once legal action starts the FOS will drop your comlaint. If you wait for the FOS outcome and it is not what you want or expect, then you can go down the court route. Good Luck Ian
  21. And if you were to arrive late , would they knock £5 off... I dont think so... Ian
  22. Hi, Ive just bought a blue Awning.. Not from Dorema though.. I have had a look through Dorema's warranty, Which does state the following would not be covered,(well according to them..But SOGA may have different views) Changes in colour between Panels Changes in colour due to the weather or enviroment. Having said that I feel it does not actually let them off the hook at all. Just out of Interest.. was your neighbours awning bought around the same time ?, Have they complained about the colour changes of theirs with their dealer?. If bought around the same time it is possible a bad batch of material had been supplied to them etc. I would contact Bookworm on CAG regarding the sale of goods act, She is our local expert on SOGA.. Sorry Ive not been a lot of help though Ian
  23. Hi, This might be an explanation Hellhasnofury ?.. or maybe Im barking (and dont you dare say anything) up the wrong tree..lol ""we always change the compound interest.This means that interest is recalculated monthly on the outstanding balance.This will continue even if we have demanded payment or this agreement has terminated.Details of our interest rates are shown above.Any payments you make are allocated as follows;first to pay off any arrears,then to apy off costs,expenses and charges and finally to reduce the amount you otherwisw owe."" Seems a nice little earner for Dell..? Ian
  24. Well done Lesleyjane.... It is time we all stood up to the bad practises of these outfits.. Ian
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