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Everything posted by bearo

  1. My last day for them to file was friday, they acknowledged on friday....they do wait until the last minute, don't worry too much, they may also fail to acknowledge too...and if that happens you can file a judgement however I would bet on their acknowledgement at the last moment.
  2. Reading lots of threads and as much info here as you can, knowledge is power!!! Read up on your lba, have it prepared and read up especially on small claims and how you are going to approach it i.e MCOL (money claim online) or filing at your local county court...... More than likely between your pelim and lba you will get a paltry offer from barclays in the way of a settlement, you will more than likely wish to decline their offer, we have templates in the library for this situation also so get locating everything you need so you don't delay anything doing research,. Keep us updated!
  3. OK so if you have sent the pelim letter and 14 days later sent the lba and it is 14 days since, you need to start a small claim, the templates section (library) where all the letters are and the faq's will help you with doing so, any questions please ask!
  4. Yes thats correct, you have given them an opportunity to answer the question on manual intervention, they have choose not to and hide behind the fact they are no obliged to....don't worry its standard and the response is fine....
  5. As long as you havent filed a small claim as of yet you can add this charge on and just ensure you send them an updated schedule so they cannot claim ignorance to it's appearance on your schedule at court stage.
  6. The interest (s69 - 8% ) is not included in your small claims limit of 5k so looks like you will be ok. Your 6 yrsd begin from when you became aware the charges were unlawful. ie from the date of the sar..... Hope that helps
  7. pm me with your current one and what you wish it to be changed to, although i have a feeling you have already emailed us about it?
  8. Standard don't worry at all about it, ....everyone , well most, get this letter if they send a rejection letter.
  9. You can in the meantime send off your pelim letter with what charges you know about and when you get the others update your schedule, just make sure you have a total amount before filing with the courts.
  10. Yup, 40 calendar days, so 20 days would have started on 20th Sept, you now need to send a letter of non compliance from the templates section, however sometimes a call also (to back letter up. not instead of!) helps.
  11. You should start shouting and whooping.....lol I wonder how fast he could run downstairs...sorry I have a wicked sence of humour! A letter for what?
  12. Doubtful but possible all the same, have you got all your info prepared? Ie. court bundle etc?
  13. Ah so it has been transferred to Birmingham? In that case, this is what I would do...send one to Birmingham, one to MCOL (in case it is still somewhere in their system) and one to the solictors quoting your claim number, make sure you get proof of posting too!! (free at po)
  14. I too have (had) a business account with Lloyds which over a period I got certain charges reversed, but that was after a lot of phone calls and pleading, believe me when i say that they will as Gary has said take the company line, I too believe like you have pointed out yourself, that you will be wasting an afternoon, it will only serve to wind you up even more. The only way to resolve this problem is to issue a small claim it seems, you have asked twice through letter for them to return your money and have had no joy, what therefore is a face to face chat going to achieve that strongly worded letters quoting revelant law going to change? Have you thought about cancelling all your dd's and paying them manually until such a time that you are straight again? Unpaid dd's etc have a nasty way of snowballing getting you further behind and into a situation that you find hard to get out of .... just a thought. Keep going, honestly you are over half way through, to give up would be to let the banks win yet again! The banks rely alot on people like yourself being put off on the home straight, we however are here to keep you motivated and give you a confidence boost and we don't charge a penny, no which service is better
  15. Great, looks like you have it all under control
  16. Yes it is fine, it is in the templated section so it's fine.
  17. thats what I meant it's funny that you cannot stop from logging into your account every ten mins, I would be VERY suprised if your money is not lodged into your account quite soon. However you are correct, do not inform the courts it has been settled until you have payment.
  18. 7 days from date of their letter, but hopefully you won't need to get bogged down on dates, keep an eye out!!! Julie is right, keep checking, it will drive you mad but it's fun!!
  19. Probably sometime this week...they said 7 days... from what date? I got paid like others while their letter was still in the post, others have to wait 7 days, some 5...it's not a set procedure from them it seems. Congratulations by the way!!!
  20. That took it's time melly?! I was expecting to see some good news posted from you..... although this is good news! You always need to be prepared that you will have to bring this all the way to court however my guess and this is going on past Halifax claims (it can all change) is that they will inform the court they intend to defend in the next week or so and in the meantime you may receive settlement. however you need to know Melly, there is nothing to stop these ppl from changing their tactics and putting in a defence and awaiting a court date, so it "May" drag out a while yet, I personally dont think so but I dont want to give you false hope.
  21. Are you saying that you don't want to pursue this any further? If so, you have done most of the work now, it will all be more or less a waiting game from when you file a small claim, yes there is still paperwork to complete etc, but you are half way there, why stop now? Most people do use MCOL as it is convienent however i personally use the Local County Court, it doesn't make much if any difference time wise, this is not a get rich quick scheme, it all takes time to reclaim what is rightfully yours, something that would have been pointed out in the FAQ's.... Of course you could try to speak to someone from the business centre, and see if they can do something for you, but I bet they will stand by whatever letters from Lloyds you have received thus far. My opinion as you asked is that you pursue your claim, through the small claims court, you will have a little wait with lloyds as yes they do like to drag it out, but do NOT be put off by their stalling tactics and their fob off letters, they have designed them to do this and it seems it is working at scaring some people into going away and forgetting the whole thing. If you need any more advice please ask!!
  22. Yes you should have send a schedule of charges to both the bank and to MCOL asking them to attach it to your claim as there was no facility to do so online, this is what they are referring to, that you have not supplied any details to show how you came to the figure you are claiming for (although we all know they have had 2 letters with schedule thus far) So my recommendation is you do the following ASAP..... Get together an updated schedule, write a covering letter to MCOL asking them to attach it to your claim as there was no facility online to do so, you will also need to post one to your bank explaining you have issued a claim via MCOL and you are sending this schedule as you have done to MCOL also which shows the schedule of charges and which forms a basis for your claim etc...word it how you like ensure though that you put your claim number, account number etc on each letter and schedule, Get them in the post today....then post your AQ as you intended to, also for a safety net also include a schedule with your AQ...not necessary usually but an idea for this one..... Hopefully that will ensure that everything is straightened out......hope that helps.
  23. You should send it anyway, if anything it will ensure that you do indeed receive your statements this week....how did you send it? Normal post?
  24. All sound advice from above (no pun intended!!) ...Keep us informed.
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