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  1. a friend of a friend who also gave an statement on scene. whatsort of punishment is he looking at for no insurance?
  2. My friend had a serious motorbike accident, which resulted in him being in intensive care and on life support for 2 weeks. He has 8 broken bones and is in a wheelchair for the time being. From what I understand the other driver was at fault..........BUT and I mean but, my friend had no insurance, mot......yes I know hes an idiot. Is he able to claim or does he have to take his injuries as punishment and move on?
  3. Thank You all. Yes have certainly learnt from this to be more prepared. Natwest is soon to be at this stage also. So should be so clued up on all this by then. Have done so much reading the past month. From what i can read between the lines, is it true that the banks, if they had the choice, would prefere to go to a county court than mercantile? Could of totally got this wrong, but if not, what is the reason for this.? Good luck trick in your case. let me know how you get on. When i rang the court to let them know and to pause the case until the cheque arrived and cleared, they had already closed it as they had recieved a fax from lloyds stating that they had settled!! I have since sent an email to them to re-open and wait until they hear from me about the cheque. Quite dissapointed in a sence that i wont be going to court, for the experience that is! Might have to go along and sit in on one. Anyway, thanks one and all and good luck in all your claims, im sure our paths will cross again in time.
  4. Hi all. Just had a phone call from a Mr Thomas (Lloyds Solicitors) offering me full payment of charges, intrest etc. I accepted. Will be phoning the court now to let them know. Thank you all for your support and replies to this post.
  5. Thanks all for getting back to me. I have been reading the mercantile links which ive already found, printed etc and im slowly working my way through all this. Didnt mean to come across as an airhead!! Just wanted words of encouragement, wisdom, support and maybe any helpful tips.
  6. Thanks for that. I hope they do. If i do end up going, would anyone like to join me?????? PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hi My case was also transferred from Bromley and i to had problems getting through to Bromley Court. So i rang the London Mercantile court and spoke to a very friendly lady who told me that due to a high level of bank charge recoveries (especially from Bromley) They are transferring to the London court to ease the work load/back log from Bromley. It can take up to 3weeks to get a court date, the lady said to ring after this time if you had still not heard anything. Im due in court Monday coming. Bricking it at mo!! Good luck with your claims Hope this helped.
  8. HI ALL! RECIEVED LETTER AS FOLLOWS; "Your case has been transferred to the London Mercantile Court. There will be a small claims hearing in this case and in several others which raise the same or similar issues at 9.30am on 26th feb. The hearing is intended to give directions for the hearing of some or all these cases in a way which saves time and expense. It is hoped that all parties will attend but if this is not practicable the court will be pleased to consider the written views of any party provided that they reach the court no later than 21st feb. Although some of these cases have been allocated to the multi track, it is the provisional view of the judge that the costs rules for the small claims track should apply to all of them. yours faithfully" So the chances of getting a payout b4 monday i can see are getting slimer by the minuite!! better start getting a court bundle together.......i do think!! any advice would be very welcome or reasurance that they may still payout b4 hand. Has anyone had any experience with lloyds and court hearings? eagerly awaite your replys!!
  9. Sent of SAR (COPIED FROM LIBRARY) recieved a letter saying "Dear Mrs M. Account **** **** We refer to your recent correspondence concerning defult fees on your account. I would like to clarify the situation from our perspective. We have always set out precisely what our charges are in our agreement with you, as they are an integral part of the terms and conditions under which we are prepared to provide credit facilities. When customers pay late, we incur substantial costs in dealing with their default. Similarly, we have set credit limits carefully for each customer to respect their credit limit. If a customer goes over their credit limit, he or she is using the card in a way that is not allowed, in effect obtaining unauthorised borrowing. We, therefore, lend more than we agreed to, and take on risks, which we never accepted in the first place. In the case of both late payments and overlimit usage, and also where a cheque is returned unpaid, we look at the portfolio as a whole and set uniform charges reflecting our costs of dealing with such defaults of customers overall, as do all other major credit card providers. This approach allows us to be clear and upfront about all default charges and the basis on which they are applied. Our view is therefore that the charges you agreed to are valid, fair and enforcable. Prior to July 2006, term 3b of your credit agreement with us clearly stated that you must pay £25 each time your payment had not reached your account within one day of your payment due date, or when you exceeded your credit limit, or a cheque was returned unpaid. As requested, we have enclosed details of your statement information. On this occasion we have provided the information free of charge, as we have not treated your request as a formal data subject access request under section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998. Please find enclosed your £10 postal order. Should this information be insufficient for your purposes, and you wish to make a full data subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998, please complete and return the attached form. Please ensure you include the fee of £10 (cheques payable to MBNA Europe Bank Ltd) and appropriate ID (e.g. photocopy of driver's licence or passport). We would like to resolve this matter and I have therefore arranged for a goodwill payment of £350.00 to be sent to you within the next 10 working days on the basis that this is in full and final settlement of your complaint. You may know that the Office of Fair Trading issued guidelines in April 2006 for the level of credit card default charges. MBNA disagrees with the OFT's interpretation of the law and continues to maintain that its default charges have always be fair, legal and transparent. However, we decided to reduce our default charges to £12 with effect from 28 June for late payments and returned payments, and 28 July for overlimit fees. I enclose a copy of 'Our Commitment to You' leaflet for your information. If we do not hear from within eight weeks of the date of this letter, we will assume that the matter is closed. Yours sincerely, Stuart Johnson, Assistant Vice President." Then i got another form asking me if i want to send of to get my full SAR etc... This account is closed. He said in the letter that before April 06 my charges would of been £25 and then reduced after this. Looking at my statments, i have only ever been charged £18 and £20 and alot of them at that!! I cant see any charges for £25? So what im saying, are the charges right? also the following day i recieved a cheque for £350. Am i allowed to cash this as part payment (im so broke at mo!!) or do i have to send it back. do i carry on with sending the first letter, but minusing the £350 from the total amount? Really dont no what to do....please help.
  10. Hi I hope someone will be able to help me. I recieved my statments from Natwest, but only 4 years worth. But as it came to a decent amount i didn't worry about the other 2 years. i am due to send them the LBA letter tomorrow, but today they sent me the additional 2 years and have given me even more charges on my account. I would like to add this on to my claim, but dont know how to word a letter, do i have to start the whole process again. i recieved a standard letter from them stating that they have recieved my letter and would be looking in to it. Really need to know what step to take next!! any help would be welcome. mel
  11. hi all!! just to update you all. my papers got issued to Halifax on 2/11/06.!! AT LAST! so when do you think i may be getting a payout?
  12. Thanks Angi. Just rang the court to find out what stage i am at, they have not even processed my claim yet . The man was ever so friendly, he reckoned in the next couple of days it should be done. i hope so, Halifax have just upped their charge amount to £39.00!! I got charged this for a cheque bouncing! which has now taken me over my limit!! so no doubt i will also get charged for this tooooooooo!!!! I hate this bank!
  13. thanks shaz again.... dont mean to be impatient......!! Just desperate for the cash take care all!!
  14. hi all. Nothing in the post. Is it worth me ringing the courts tomorrow? Or just sit and wait? And will they have served the papers b4 they contact me? or do they just let me know when they are going to serve the papers to Halifax? Am i likly to get a payout b4 November? (birthday is on the 5th, and would like to go out!!) All this waiting is driving me mad!!
  15. Hi all, Just to update everyone.....been checking my account daily, still nothing. I haven't even heard from the court. Would i hear from the court b4 i get any cash in my account, or could they just pay it in. Waiting for todays post, if nothing, then i will contact the court.
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