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Everything posted by bearo

  1. Did you not ask the court what to do about the AQ? Remember also Sat is the 11th so your AQ will need to reach the court by friday. Although I believe that you will need to write to the court and explain that you have filed an amendment and therefore until this amendment has been passed you will not complete and return your AQ..... I would recommend that you contact the court also and let them know that you are doing this, if they have any objection they will tell you ,although you need to remember most clerks cannot give specific advice on a case, only general.... Hope that helps.
  2. OCharged, They said 7 days didnt they? I have said to you already that you do need to wait these 7 days, like you give them 14 days to reply to your letters, they have now given you a timescale and I would be very suprised if Halifax do not stick to it personally....you need to be patient, there is nothing more I can say than what Bluecloud has....
  3. did you complete an allocation questionaire? By any chance are you in scotland???
  4. No keep to your schedule not theirs!
  5. Kind of, you can either ask them but my guess and it seems it is correct is they they will be very slow or reluctant to help you with this, however as i said you can figure this out yourself, using the spreadsheets in the library. You can still do this an then file an amendment to your claim to reflect this.
  6. If they havent arrived by tommorow you need to get tough and send the letter I gave a link to, they are now playing games, they have told you they were sent out, then they were delayed, what next?! Hopefully they will be with you tommorow though
  7. Ok first of all one of my jobs as a moderator entails merging threads that are from the same poster on the same subject , you know that you are more than welcome to PM a mod or sh if you feel your thread hasn't been addressed and there are specific questions on it you wish to be answered. If there are several new threads created specifically by the same user to ask the same question, we are asked to merge them. Can you imagine if everyone did this? How much work it would create as 3/4/5 moderators could possibly be replying to the same question....also if one person does it, many will follow creating a complete and utter mess. By me tidying up the threads it does not stop anybody from availing of the information, in fact it does the opposite as they haven't seen the history behind your question and therefore cannot relate it to your case. That is another reason we ask for 1 post per claim, it is much easier to advise someone if we can see a history or what has gone before..... Your question has indeed been answered as to the best of our knowledge. I have sought the advice of other moderators on this forum for clarifiation before I answered you and all have the same view, that you will be able to reclaim but it will more than likely be offset against your debts. I hope that answers your question for you, if not PM me or post here and we can work it out between us.
  8. You mean working out the interest for going overdrawn? If so there is a spreadsheet to enable you to work this out in the templates section, if you have all your statements and interest rates to hand that is.
  9. 2 Threads merged, please stick to one per claim thanks!
  10. They are service charges, for making payments into your account and writing cheques etc etc, you cannot reclaim this, it is a service not an unlawful charge.
  11. Standard letter, don't worry, proceed as normal.
  12. Sounds right.....dont worry as long as it is a Halifax address it will be redirected internally.
  13. Yep file your claim if Lba deadline has come and gone, if they do send a letter of settlement deal with it then but dont waste any time waiting for them.
  14. 8% is not overdraft interest to answer your question it is the s69 interest that you are entitled to claim at court stage, ensure as Michael has kindly given you the text that you include this in your POC ....
  15. The daily rate is calculated by adding together your total charges + 8% and then multiplying thats figure by 0.00022%......so it's 196 added to 1766 and then x 0.00022......make sence?
  16. Ok...just to check as you asked some q's...I gave you a link to the exemption form, you simply print it out and fill it in.... I also gave you a link to the N1 form and there is also some text on the link (Particulars of claim) that you need to put on the N1 form, ensure you have done so exactly so as not to omit any important info that may jepordise your claim....schedule of charges is yes the one you sent with last two letters, however you need now to include the 8% interest...if you are unsure what I am talking about you REALLY need to read more before going any further, mistakes can be costly from this stage onwards.
  17. Personally I would go into a branch with it.
  18. You should not withold the information you have received - you are duty bound to return it as soon as possible. Yiou need to put it into an envelope addressed to the owner by name with the number of the account with a full note explaining how you got it and giving our website address. You should mark the envelope strictly private and confidential and give it to the owner's bank with a note asking them to send it to the account owner. You should also complain to the Information Commissioner and explain exactly what has happened. Banks cannot get away with such sloppy work.....hope that helps.
  19. I havent got a list of what they mean, although I have a fair idea of what then mean if that makes sence....for my schedule of charges I used the statement of charges and put their "detail" column as my reason for charge i.e let1w, ddb, let2w, defnow...etc...does that help any?
  20. Ah! Forgot! I will nip upstairs now and have a look.
  21. Sorry, my edit button isnt working hence all the posts, please remember at this stage you will need to make 3 copies of all documents (not tax credits cert) and bring it to the county court, they will keep 3, send one back to you, one to the defendant and one for the court to keep. If you have any questions just ask! Hope that helps a bit.
  22. This is the text you need to fill in on your N1 form (claim form) there is a version of the form here but you can always go to the court and pick up a hard copy and write it all in there, although this is much easier you just type it in, looks neater also. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/681-4-particulars-claim-n1.html If you havent already put together your schedule here is a good spreadsheet, remember at this stage you will be claiming 8% interest on top of your claim, the spreadsheets work it all out for you http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/182-6-interest-calculation-spreadsheets.html This leaflet lets you know if you are exempt from paying court fees, as I am thinking you are Court Fees - do you have to pay them? And this is the exemption form, which you can also print out and fill in saving you hassle of making 2 visits to county court. http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/GetForm.do?court_forms_id=168
  23. OK......have you sent your letter before action (lba)? if so and 14 days have passed you need to issue a small claim, MCOL is money claim online, the virtual way of filing a small claim, however as you are on tax credit you are more than likely exempt from paying the court fee's and the only way to gain exemption is by filing at your local county court. the only difference is you need a different template from the library. Ok so you need the following now A N1 form from the templates section The POC (particulars of claim) from the templates section Exemption form from courts Copy of certificate or confirmation of tax credits An up to date schedule of charges
  24. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/34887-5-money-claim-line.html https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/csmco2/index.jsp Hope that helps
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