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  1. Thanks.Will definitely do that.I am fed up with their demand letters.
  2. Ok I get the point.I am already in the process of filing LBA to stop them sending me demand letters/phoning me.
  3. Thank you WendyB.Thank yu Maroondevo52.Thats helpful advice.I will pay the £92.Then if I continue to receive statements asking me to pay the £426 charges,I will file the N1 as you said. Will keep yu updated.
  4. I have not paid my Capital One account as I am in arrears.Purchases and interest amount to £92.But Capital One's statements are demanding £518 form me,difference being late payments/overlimit charges. I wrote a letter stating that I would pay £92.But they said the OFT ruling states that they shuld charge £12,not $20.So they said they are prepared to credit my account with the diiference of $8 per transaction instead of crediting the whole amounts.Should I accept to pay at £12 or claim the whole £20 charges.Which letter/template should I use,please. Thank you
  5. Thanks Kbh.The council's letter states that the regulations says they should only display information about the times and dates of match days at the entrance to the Controlled Parking Zones only.Council states that the regulations does not state that they should display more information once they are inside the CPZs, thats why there was a pay and display time from 08.00 am to 6.30pm monday to saturday 'and match days'.Problem is that these big CPZ signs at the entrance are perhaps half a mile or more.They are the signs with more parking information, like match days 8am to 10pm.But these smaller signs with 'and match days' are closer to parking bays but they have limited information(no time limits after 6.30pm yet they are more convenient to motorists). When council say regulations, they are referring to the Department for Transport(Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002), is that right.If right, then this Department for Transport informed councils not to display match days parking enforcement times along with the Park and display signage.So does that means we have to appeal to the DfT for these signage to be changed.Council is arguing saying I should have seen the Controlled Parking Zones time at the entrance to the CPZ, but I did not see this sign.I toured the site again and noted there is a CPZ sign at the corner but its on one side.The road is branching from a dual carriageway.A rough reading of 2002 regulations talk about direction 8(4), which confused me. Do I have any chance of winning or I should pay discounted £30
  6. My gren car was incorrectly stated as 'dark' on a PCN.I appealed and they rejected saying it was difficult to correctly state the colour of the car because it was dark.Car was parked in a Controlled Parking Zone, seen at 6.45pm. The nearest sign say 'Pay as display 8.00am -6.30pm and match days'.I parked on match day.The sign does not say 'Match day 8.00am to 10pm, as replied by the council.What Act, or legislation should I quote to say ticket is invalid with incorrect colour of vehicle.They argued in the letter saying colour of vehicle does not make the ticket invalid.Help pliz
  7. In October 2005 I moved to share a flat with a lady who had Tenancy agreement with Landlord. In March 2006 another couple moved in as subtenants/lodgers,paying rent to the same lady who was the tenant at that time. The landlord's relationship with the tenant deteriorated as she was not passing the rent we paid to her to the landlord.The lady tenant agreed to move out of the flat and recommend me to take over tenancy to the landlord as from 1st August 2006.I went to the landlord's office in July for a meeting to take over as the tenant.During the meeting I told the landlord that there are repairs that need to be done on the flat,some of them urgent,to be done before the rain season.The landlord agreed verbally and said he does not mind spending more money improving the flat as long as I pay my rent,unlike the outgoing tenant.I mentioned the leaking roof,burst water pipes,floor tiles coming out and kitchen to be redecorated. On the 27th September 2006 I wrote to the Landlord reminding him that the roof need repair urgently before rains begun.I also mentioned other repairs like the floor tiles in kitchen and bathroom that were coming out.The landlord replied on his letter dated 3rd October 2006 giving me phone numbers for the roofer and plumber to contact and make arrangement for access.The plumber came and fixed the pipes.The roofer said he does not need access to the inside as he would just climb on top of the roof and do his work.Both came around mid October. Rain temporarily stopped between mid October and mid November.When it rained again,i discovered that roof was still leaking and called landlord again.The guy came to repair within days but damage had already been done. There was mould in the other bedroom where this couple lives and it affected their clothes.I told the landlord,who said I should move them into the lounge for a few days as he redecorate(new carpet & wallpaper) the room affected.This couple refused to pay me rent for December,saying its compensation for dry cleaning their clothes and living in a mould and cold room in the month of November. The landlord send a council inspector after this couple moved out of the room.The day he came,heating was switched off as there was noone living in that bedroom.The inspector reported to the landlord that the room was very cold when he entered,so the cause of the mould was condensation.He said the room was not being heated properly.So the landlord said he was not responsible for the mould,but that I was budgeting on heating thats why there was mould in the room. When i talked to the inspector over the phone,he said he was not aware that the roof was leaking. I asked this couple for drycleaning receipts.They did not give me.They stated that their damage was more than the £440 rent they were withholding for one month of December.I do not have a written contract with this couple,but have one with landlord. I went to the Citizen advice bureau.The lady said if I do not have tenancy agreement with this couple,then I can't enforce payment.I can only give them notice to move out.The lady stated that if the landlord refuse,I should talk to a solicitor,who can possibly sue. I don't mind if the landlord give me notice of possesion because he has not repaired the floor tiles in the kitchen and bathroom as stated in my letter of 27th September.I have not enjoyed living in this property because i mopped the water leaking into the kitchen and pipes leaking in bathroom.I discussed compensation for late repairs but the lady at CAB said the landlord is not responsible for repairing inside the flat,but outside.Is that true.She said whatever repair that need to be done inside would be treated as wear & tear,which the landlord is not responsible for. The boiler makes noise at night because its old.The landlord's gas certificate for 2004,2005,2006 states that the boiler is noisey and old.The latest,dated October 2006 stated that 'the boiler is very old and noisey,I would recommend replacement'.I believe the boiler is a health hazard.But the inspector circled 'safe to use'. I am sorry my story is very long.Please help
  8. Thanks Welshman.I thought the 'schedule of latest charges' on the documents of Court bundles is for this purpose.Would anyone please explain how we can use this schedule to the best of our advantage. Thanks once again
  9. I submitted my AQ to the county court with a schedule of the charges.I am now in the process of preparing my court bundles. I made copies of statements, but only pages with charges - Is that right. On the 'Latest schedule of charges' can I include £25 charge I omitted on the list I first gave them or this latest schedule of charges is only for interest update and any other charges the bank has levied on my account from the date of first schedule up to the date I submit my Court bundles.There is also a £25 charge which I included on the schedule submitted but is over 6yrs and on the bank's defence they have noted this and its on their last point on their list of arguments.Maybe I can simply change date and put the one I omitted(which won't affect total), or leave it to the judge to decide and I go on add the £25 I omitted.Would this amount to an amendment of the original schedule submitted. Thank you
  10. I started claimimg from Barclays Bank online on moneyclaim.Barclays have filed for defence.Just received letter from mcol saying if the claim is for £1500 I should pay court fees at the local county court.My claim is £750.I paid £80 when I submitted my claim online.Should I pay the £100 again with the AQ. I read on this site on guide to completing AQ that :''Bear in mind however that at this stage you need not attach all other documents that you wish the court to consider at the hearing. This is something you will later be asked to provide''. I also read ''. I have attached the schedule of the charges I am claiming for to this allocation questionnaire to show a breakdown of the amounts for the courts perusal for the courts perusal. GI concluded from the two statements that I can attach the schedule of charges when submitting my AQ but I should not attach court bundles(copies of bank statements, OFT Statements,House of Parliament early day motion etc). Will this be asked latter after submitting my AQ.If thats the case then I can file my AQ lunch time today but I wanted to know whether to pay fees and any attachments. Thank you very much
  11. The information on the letter above is vital.I just saw it now, after I had filed my mcol and Barclays filed their defence saying claimant did not specify detail of charges.But I sent a spreadsheet of charges to Barclays soon after filling my claim online.I did not send the tow copies to the court manager as you have said.Had I done so,I think this could have limited or discouraged Barclays from filling a defence,hence no time wasted. The problem is that the info in your letter is not available anywhere on the FAQ on this site.Would anyone please add this or maybe I simply did not come across it but its somewhere. Thanks Mike
  12. I started claimimg from Barclays Bank online on moneyclaim.Barclays have filed for defence.Just received letter from mcol saying if the claim is for £1500 I should pay court fees at the local county court.My claim is £750.I paid £80 when I submitted my claim online.Should I pay the £100 again with the AQ. I read on this site on guide to completing AQ that :''Bear in mind however that at this stage you need not attach all other documents that you wish the court to consider at the hearing. This is something you will later be asked to provide''. I also read ''. I have attached the schedule of the charges I am claiming for to this allocation questionnaire to show a breakdown of the amounts for the courts perusal for the courts perusal. GI concluded from the two statements that I can attach the schedule of charges when submitting my AQ but I should not attach court bundles(copies of bank statements, OFT Statements,House of Parliament early day motion etc). Will this be asked latter after submitting my AQ.If thats the case then I can file my AQ lunch time today but I wanted to know whether to pay fees and any attachments. Thank you very much
  13. You are lucky Barclays have not entered a defence.They entered a defence on the last day in my case.So I wait for letter from mcol who said they would advise me on which court the case would be transferred to for hearing.So I have started preparing my court bundles.
  14. Thank you Spotty. I have tried to open the court Bundle.zip but its not opening up.What programme do I use.I tried adobe reader, word, excel and powepoint but to no avail. Sorry, it may be easy but I do not have a clue.
  15. Barclays has two days to submit a defence. I am waiting in anticipation.I have read and noted that most of the defence they file are just by reading the weaknesses or errors on the particulars of claim section of money claim.Apart from amending the account number and dates, I followed the wording of the particulars of claim on this site.I do not know what weakness they would find in order to file a defence. I have seen the approach to filling the AQ on this site and saved onto my computer.But I have not come across the court bundles.Any help with a link would be appreciated.
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