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  1. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    After my case was 'Stayed' as expected, has there been any indication of how the High Court Case next week is going to go ? I presume it is still scheduled for next week ? Thanks
  2. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Thank you for the above I really do not want to sound ungrateful, but is it really worth the printing and delivering of the Witness Statements and asking for the Removal of Stay if it's not going to do me anygood and it end's up Stayed anyway. I really appreciate the help I've had but I'm feeling a bit down at the moment. I've had a few personnal issues lately and I'm now thinking what could have been getting me out of a rut, is now going to be put on hold for 6 months with no guarentee of a positive result. I'm sorry for being so negative.
  3. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    The Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing), states that all documents which are to be relied on at the hearing need to be delivered 14 days before the hearing. Is it not too late.
  4. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Court hearing next Tuesday at 12.00. Getting very nervous. Apart from the bundle I sent to both parties is there anything else I need to bring or know. Thanks
  5. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Court case in 7 days time. Called the Court and told them I have not received their bundle and they said the they will make a note of it. Is there anything I should do or just expect the worst. Thanks.
  6. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Thanks for your reply. - Should I call the Court first to see if they have received a copy of their defence. - What email should I use ? There is nothing mentioned on the letter and it looks like it is signed S. Bromley. Many thanks
  7. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Just been catching up with things since being away, and have noticed other threads. I made sure I handed in my 'Bundle' to the Courts and posted it to Abbey before I went away and the 14 day deadline elapsed before the 28th Court case. Where is my copy of their Bundle delivered to me ? Do I not get to see their's or do I just have to accept a letter saying they are plannning to propose a Stay ? Thanks
  8. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Court case due 28th August. I called the Court last week and they said that all case's are still being heard. I have been away for the past few day's so havn't kept in tough with the forums latest news (also had to delete 2,000 emails upon my return), so I'm sorry if I'm going over old ground. In my post upon return was a letter from Abbey saying ... My claim in relation to charges is being litigated in the County Court. We still we are being fair. We are writing County Courts to stay cases. Waiting for Test case. We have written to you offering a goodwill offer (too late, time has elapsed). I presume this is normal. I might give the court another call tomorrow to see if they are ignoring the 'Stay'. I might be wrong, but the wording of the letter seems that they are getting worried. Any advice ?? Thanks
  9. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    What with the weekend and the kids off school, I didn't manage to get the Court Bundle done. Have now printed off the Court Bundle and I am in the process of copying the letters between me and Abbey. Can you please clarify the above question and response - Do I need to copy for all parties the Defence I submitted and Abbey's one and also the Allocation Questionairre. Sorry to be a pain.
  10. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Well ink and paper at the ready. Kids going out to Church with Grandparents in half an hour. Building myself up to do the Court Bundle. Is there anyone around for me to PM if I get stuck. Many thanks.
  11. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Oh my word !! Having checked the link above and decided in the dead of night to do the Court Bundle, I've noticed that it is massive !!! I don't think I'm going to have enough paper (or ink) to start it. I'll have to go out Saturday to some more. It's not worth doing some of it and then stopping. Can you please advise me on. 1) Roughly how many pages will it be to both party's. 2) Do I have to add the Abuse papers I sent for my defence (as it say's attatch all correspondance). 3) Do I have to bind the papers or just leave loose and number them. 4) Should I call Abbey first to try and reach an agreement before spending hours doing the bundle. Thanks
  12. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Sorry to be a pain, but have a bit of spare time today so I want to get the stuff ready to give in to Court and post to Abbey. Can someone please post me the thread or advise what I need to give in / send to both parties. Many thanks
  13. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    Can someone please post me the link to what I need to take to Court. Also, do I need to copy the Abuse stuff etc I have already given both the Court and Abbey and resend that? Thanks again.
  14. ,hills

    Jason v Abbey

    After seeming like a lifetime, I have finally received a Court date. But is it too late ??? It has been allocated the small claims track (although over £5,000) for August 28th at my local County Court. I have to send in the Court Bundle to both parties I presume ? It says that it has been block listed and with an hour in total ? In light of recent things in the news, do you think the case will go ahead ? Is it worth contacting the Court to confirm or even Abbey for a settlement ? Many thanks
  15. I started a thread some time ago about my Daughter supposedly oweing Council Tax before moving to Spain as a Childrens Rep. She has used my address as as c/o adress for the past 4 years and I have moaned about the threating Equita letters coming through my door. I can honestly say that she has tried to resolve the matter, in front of my own eyes/ears on the phone. It all has gone quiet, then until today, I get a letter from the Bailiff, which when I call her to inform her, she asks me to open it, and it asks for a payment. They also said that they had already been around my house and nobody was in but had seen item's that they were intending to take as payment. I telehoned today on behalf of her, to inform them she has never lived here and it is only a care of address, (as per conversation in March with xxx, who they insisted that the Bailiffs would not turn up at my house),. I got a snotty 18-24 year old who told me that I was obviously her boyfriend covering up for her and that the bailiffs would be around again soon. And then heput the phone down on me !!! Surely this can't be right ? You must be able to complain against these people. I hope this is comprehensible, I've had a drink now and am fuming! Any idea's ?
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