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Everything posted by christinajanep

  1. sorry kits but i have and going back to post 52 some people who do have the £250 taken out in one month were put in that positon from the banks anyway. they never give u a break and when u call them to see if they can reduce it they let u grovel and plead then say "sorry the computer says no" i myself have taken lloyds to court twice and won both times its about time we started getting our own back, have alook at some of the other threads on here where lloyds have had people in tears over charges that spiral out of control. for two long they have taken the rip out of people who work there butts off during the week to have it taken off them by lloyds. rant over lol:D
  2. well all the major newspapers support the fight against the banks so i dont see where there is an issue.
  3. sorry i find that very hard to believe, u come on here getting everyones backs up harping on about how stupid we all are for getting these charges in the first place (when dont forget u did the same thing) when i started banking with lloyds i had zero overdraft but went overdrawn a couple of months in a row due to this i ended up £1500 in the red because of it. now u may call me stupid but i have a degree in business management and now going for my masters but two months of hardship cost me dearly, do u call that fair as i think not
  4. think thats slightly harsh, without these websites and the advice they give u wouldnt of got back your 750 quid
  5. i fond this quite laughable, be careful u dont upset too many people
  6. lol nightowl, i dont know guess one of the mods will do it
  7. ah thanks very much. looking forward to meeting up for a drink
  8. of course you will, and the same for me, i'll be just as chuffed when u win
  9. thanku. still dont believe it so have checked my account about 4 times already today and its still there. lol:D
  10. yes me i got nearly three granf back on friday. if the court say u dont need to attend then i'd say you'll be ok:D
  11. thanks , as soon as fzrkitten has won it'll champagne for sure. dont think its sunk in yet as its been sat in the account for days lol
  12. i think it would be wise to attend, if u cant then u need to inform the court and see if its worth setting a new date. dont worry about the court bundle
  13. What Hearing Is It, Is It The Allocation Hearing
  14. I WON hello, well i'm pleased to say i have just checked my on line banking (to pay a bill) and lloyds paid £2696.00 into my account very late friday night... so been stressing these last couple of days for nothing. thanks everyone for there help obviously garyh, and nightowl etc etc, and to the great friend ive met fzrkitten (hope were still up for the champers)
  15. hi ya, i'm waiting for the letter from the court but i havent had any post sice thursday due to postal strike. what about u,
  16. hi, i would send the lba again as its been a while. i did this and it was on my second lba that i got the 750 refund goodluck:D
  17. your welcome, once u fax it over to her, give her a call to confirm receipt and if ur lucky like some on here u could have ur money same day
  18. no u need to carry on to the court stage, its not lloyds decision to put cases on hold its upto the court to decide how it proceeds
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