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  1. I finally got the written judgement on Friday. I did as GuidoT said, but I faxed this to [problem] this morning and it was in my account this afternoon! WOOOHOOO!!! THANKS TO ALL AT CAG! I'm only a bit peeved the court only awarded £50 for my costs when it was £80 to file the claim and I spent more than £20 on paper plus time spent preparing case. but nevermind- I'll be getting more charges back after the OFT case I hope... the buggers have been charging me since the case began (I asked for this to be considered in court but judge said I'd have to make a seperate claim) All the above aside, I'm still absolutely delighted with my win and thanks again for support and assistance!
  2. thanks Swiss Toni! I just called them but they had already shut for today. Will try tomorrow. I'm hoping the court will send me a letter of confirmation so I know Iwasnt hallucinating. It happened so quickly I dound it difficult to understand the Judges language, it was so high-brow and intimidating it made me feel like being in front of the headmaster in school again! lol
  3. I could not have got this far without the help from CAG members and the admin team who kindly sorted me out with a good bundle template. It takes a while getting your head around everything to remember but once it clicks it clicks. Its a bit daunting going on your own so I'll be happy to help anyone else going in at the moment. I noticed Barclays and Alliance & Leicester were putting in for stays at Shoreditch and Clerkenwell this morning. I was lucky [problem] didnt both sending in some Sharks to do this with me!
  4. thanks guys! I did as you said... I just sat it out, after no settlement offers- I turned up, they didn't, court ruled in my favour after a little talk about possibility of putting in a stay. I was given the opportunity to comment on this and objected saying that as they were absent it was unfair to give them more time as I had already prepared my case before the OFT announcement (my 14 days deadline was 2 days before it). I asked if the judge would consider hearing my case in their absence today. I dont think he had the time or desire to listen to my long presentation so he just ruled in my favour and drew up a court order on their ass!
  5. My date in court is coming up next wednesday. I sent in my bundle to the court and a the Witness Statement with document list to [problem] within the 14 day deadline. I havent heard anything from the Court or [problem] (they havent sent me their documents- although they did submit a defence initially). Do I just turn up as originally planned?? or do I write to the courts, telling them that I havent had any defence documents from [problem]? help appreciated. I'm worried they might stay my case.
  6. Good luck to fzrkitten! I've seen a mixture of good and bad outcomes since the OFT announcement. I hope I dont get stayed as I'm still getting charges each month and like so many others the bank is hindering me from getting out of debt!
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