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Everything posted by christinajanep

  1. they never make it clear that you have to pay a "fee" when opening up an account with lloyds but your right its not reclaimable
  2. what a wicked end to your day... i was also stuck ina huge traffic jam on the m1 and all that was waiting for me when i got home was my cat so well done u
  3. hello hunny... dont worry the champayne will wait until u get ur money... i dont think lloyds are going to pay out that easy with me i'm afraid. time will tell
  4. hello, i spoke to my local court on tuesday and my judge has given them 7 days to pay, should i collect one of those forms from the court just incase ?
  5. ok read the oft report thingy but not really understanding it ?
  6. ok read it but dont really understand it, what does it mean
  7. been on holiday so not kept upto date with it all
  8. where do i find the info on that, and has anything happened witht he oft yet
  9. hello, called the court on tuesday as my judge was sitting and i wanted to see what was happening with my judgement by default. the judge has granted my request and sent a letter stating they have 7 days to pay....
  10. god just got in and looked at your thread... and i'm really shocked, whats wrong with your judge. whats the plan now
  11. ah youve made my day, was meant to go away today but have been putting it off as i was worried. going tomorrow now thanks gary
  12. as i put my judgement by default in yesterday do u think it'll still go through even if the banks do win:confused:
  13. oh ok i understand now sorry (bit slow on the uptake there sorry)
  14. its not worth calling as it'll only get u stressed out as they can be very rude, and i have to say i dont think nudge letters work in your favour. i have just won my case by judgement by default and they now have 14days to pay before i start talking about baliffs (though i dont think it'll go that far), just to give u an idea as to how far it could go.
  15. bleachyschick i did something very similar. the info in my poc was correct but when i transfered the details into the "amount claimed" box i was short of £350+. i ammended the form before i sent it into the court by crossing it out and putting the correct amount in as long as its correct on yor particulars of claim, i dont think u have anything to worryabout if u decide to go ahead and claim the rest. goodluck if u do
  16. that relates to any new claims that are going through and its up the individual court to decide if to stay claims until after the decision is made. u have nothing to worry about:D
  17. hi, pls can u stick to one thread as we get lost as to where u are. the list is ok to get u going but you may need your statement for when/if you need to prepare a court bundle
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