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Everything posted by JoeyJoeC

  1. If they knock on your door. Tell them you revoke all implied rights of access from them. Also whip out your camera phone and begin recording, they will leave. Don't give them any info at all. It is up to them to prove you own a TV that is capable of receiving live broadcast, not you to prove you don't. Even if you open the door and they can see the TV is powered on, they still can't assume that it is live TV, and not a video.
  2. Couldn't they just reword it, "Tick the box if you DONT want ....". Or is this more to do with addons than the actual checkbox?
  3. Yep, that's where I heard that!
  4. I thought the sale of goods act allowed people to return goods no questions asked up to 7 days after the sale? Can they decide against this? Edit: Turns out this isn't true. Can't find anything about the 7 day return.
  5. Personally I would have kicked up a bit of a stink in the shop. Eventually they will give in and refund you. Alternative option... [removed]
  6. https://www.gov.uk/rules-pedestrians-1-to-35/crossing-the-road-7-to-17 A. First find a safe place to cross and where there is space to reach the pavement on the other side. Where there is a crossing nearby, use it. It is safer to cross using a subway, a footbridge, an island, a zebra, pelican, toucan or puffin crossing, or where there is a crossing point controlled by a police officer, a school crossing patrol or a traffic warden. Otherwise choose a place where you can see clearly in all directions. Try to avoid crossing between parked cars (see Rule 14), on a blind bend, or close to the brow of a hill. Move to a space where drivers and riders can see you clearly. Do not cross the road diagonally. C. Look all around for traffic and listen. Traffic could come from any direction. Listen as well, because you can sometimes hear traffic before you see it. D. If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly. E. When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run. Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross, in case there is any traffic you did not see, or in case other traffic appears suddenly. Look out for cyclists and motorcyclists travelling between lanes of traffic. Do not walk diagonally across the road. Driver should have been able to stop. Pedestrian should have paid more attention.
  7. This has nothing to do with speeding. Where did that even come from?! The highway code says nothing about "Natural crossing areas". She assumed she could cross there. She also said the car hit the pushchair and sent it 15ft on the other side of the road. She must have been near the middle of the road when the car hit. It's a double edged sword, she said the car should have seen her in the time and had plently of time to slow down, she MUST have had plenty of time ALSO to see the car and get out of the way. THUS why the police said it was an "accident". Both at fault. I highly doubt insurance would pay out anything for this.
  8. Thanks Bazza. I'm more worried to go back and find the tyres slashed, or my window put through. Seems to have happened not long before I get there, which would indicate around 3 - 5pm.. around the time the school kids come out. If it does turn out to be a school kid, is there a way to claim from the school?
  9. Yes, he should have slowed down due to being "blinded" by the sun reflecting off water on the road... but she still walked into the path of an oncoming car. Doesn't matter if she could see it or not. She didn't judge it correctly. Should have walked further down the road where she could have seen clearly. Sorry, but it should occur to someone to think whether a car could come before you finish crossing, not "Oh there's a bend there, any car that comes around it should stop for me to allow me to reach the other side".
  10. I'm not saying the driver was at fault, I'm saying both were at fault. She shouldn't have crossed next to a blind bend, and the car should have been able to stop. Roads are for cars, pedestrians are allowed to cross certain roads, as long as it doesn't put any one in danger. She decided to cross because she couldn't see a car, even though a car could be (and was) coming around the corner, thus putting herself and the child in danger. You're really only looking at one side of this. If I decided to cross the M25 before I could see a car, and a car was coming along, I don't expect the car to stop for me.
  11. Tell them they can do what they like with the car, it's already a done deal, their mistake! I worked with a dodgy guy that had a van that could barely move. He took it to one of those places, where they inspected the van for 10 minutes, started it up, sounded fine, but didn't bother to try and drive it. paid him £4k for it, he was considering scrapping it before then. Still nothing they could do.
  12. I know this is probably the wrong forum, so please move it if it doesn't belong here! I park my car near a station everyday and get a train to work. I park near a school, but it's down a small country lane which has many other cars parked down there. Twice now, I have gone back to my car and someone has done something to my car. First time someone had spat at the window, with it dripping down the car. Second time, I noticed a new scratch. I have a 1080p dash cam, which I now have set up facing the driver side window to catch them if they do it again. If I go back to my car tonight, and find more damage to the car, and I have video footage, other than going to the police, how could I claim back compensation for repairs to my car?
  13. So she crossed where she couldn't see clearly if a car was coming or not? Especially if the car wasn't speeding, she put her self and kid in danger by crossing the road where a car could easily hit her, and it did.
  14. You can claim up to £10k via small claims, and it doesn't cost much, and it's not complicated to do. I would say to go down that route if they can't sort it out very soon. Claim for loss of earnings as well as the inconvenience for not having your car useable. Wouldn't be surprised if the costs came close to £10k.
  15. To clarify, did the car turn on to the road you were crossing? If so, did you have a foot in the road before the car entered the road? If a car is turning on to another road, and a pedestrian is crossing, the car by law has to wait for the pedestrian to reach the other side before continuing. Otherwise the pedestrian would be in the wrong. The police said the car was not speeding, so unless it entered from another road, you would be in the wrong for crossing at either a bad place where you're not able to see clearly, or you didn't look. Insurance won't pay out unless it is the drivers fault. Car insurance is there to protect the driver only if they are not at fault.
  16. Personally I would ignore it. But hover over the word "ignore" and it will explain why you shouldn't. Private parking companies cannot send the bailiffs around for money. They can request your details from the DVLA and send you / hire company a letter. Only issue is that they may go after the hire company instead to pay up, which in turn they may charge you as per their terms. Remember, UKPC arn't fineing you, they are mearly sending you an invoice.
  17. Thank you. I will do that. The thing is that the 2nd call used up around 30 minutes of my "free call minutes" (causing other calls to charge me). Am I able to claim back on that some how?
  18. The bank screwed up, and took out a payment that was supposed to come out every 28th of the month, on the 24th instead in January. The gist of it is, they claimed that I had chosen the payment to come out the last friday of every month, (In Jan that would have been 31st!). I've checked and triple checked, it is set for the 28th of every month. I told them that the last friday in Jan would have been the 31st, and the lady just went quiet, put me on hold for 10 minutes then came back without mentioning it. I had to call them twice, once before I got the charge to complain, they told me they wouldn't charge me. The second time, after the charge was put on to my account. The charge was only £8 which they refunded, without admitting their mistake, but has cost me around £10 in mobile phone charges. Can I claim this back? Also for the total of an hour spent on the phone to them?
  19. Oaks Lane - In Essex, near Newbury Park The bays are right near "Whites Lane" The bays across the road have a sign about parking for 20 minutes. But the bays I'm talking about is the one with the red route sign. It doesn't mention the parking bays I don't think.
  20. This road has parking bays all up the road, with no signs. At the end of the road, is the A12, which has a red route. The red route starts at the bottom of each side road. The other side of this road also has the same sign, but no bays. I am confused as to whether or not the sign includes the restrictions on the bays. If it does, it doesn't make sense as it's just the same as any other bay in the area, the street is residential, thus no need for loading. I parked here once for the day, didn't get a ticket, but decided not to park there again just in case. Others tend to avoid the bay too. The sign also faces different directions a lot, sometimes facing up the road, sometimes faces the other way up the road, and other times faces out. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49701[/ATTACH] This forum doesn't allow me to post the location on google maps, /maps/@51.576052,0.094029,3a,75 y,287.84h,67.14t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sqrs3T sCeC-U_M1mwcO93PQ!2e0 Ignore the attached image, it has the wrong sign
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