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  1. Tbh the way she was talking to me down the phone, she sounded like the biggest cowboy going, so nothing would surprise me about them!
  2. Well that seems like a light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for that. I'll let you all know what happens!
  3. Oh really? I was going to call the council on Monday morning, but I thought it would be a long shot. I thought they would tell me it's not with them anymore, they sold it to the bailiffs, can't help etc etc
  4. Yeah that was my next port of call.. I guess if that comes to nothing I might have to take out a loan to pay this, which I really can't afford and annoys the hell out of me. It was a genuine mistake and either way, there is no justification in a parking ticket reaching these amounts! The bailiff was telling me everytime she comes to the house it's going to go up by £200 so I guess I need to sort this out asap and bite the bullet!
  5. Sorry dx can you break that down for me, are you saying I havent got a leg to stand on and should find any means necessary to pay?
  6. The ticket was given by Hammersmith and Fulham council by a parking attendant I'm assuming. They are at my parents house I'm guessing. I changed all my address details to my current home, but obviously sold the car and was oblivious to the ticket so didnt get these, or think to ask! I will call them in the morning to root around for the letters. Apparantly the bailiff was wearing a uniform, and when I phoned her she did have information on the date of the offense etc. so I'm assuming it's not a con artist.
  7. She didnt even leave a letter or anything, just a phone number. I should of asked when I called, but I was too taken aback by the whole thing to remember details. Is there anyway of getting this resolved without footing the bill, which I may add is totally disproportionate to the offence! How someone can be liable for a sum like that, for essentially just parking in the wrong place, is inhumane to me!
  8. Hi all, I really need some help with this one. I've had a bailiff come to my parents house today demanding £500 for an unpaid parking ticket. I was aware of this ticket from last year but moved across the country around that time, and through one thing or another, I completely forgot about it. I rarely get to go down south to where my parents live. This meant that any kind of reminders that came I havent seen... it was only when I got a phonecall from my distressed mother, and called the bailiff that it all came back to me. last year I sold the car that this is in regard to, and dont even live at the said address. This hasnt stopped the rude woman from saying she will still enter my parents property if it isnt paid by tomorrow. I find this ridiculous seeing as they have nothing whatsoever to do with this. I even put to her how would she enforce this, seeing as she can't take the car, as it's been sold, and she doesnt know where I live. What can I do? What are my rights? Surely she can't enter or take vehicles from two completely innocent people. I know if it was a private car park people say ignore them and they'll go away, but this is a council parking fine so I guess that means they have clout.
  9. I brought the item in January, so yes over the 28 days! Not impressed at all with that firm! Thanks anyway
  10. I brought a car stereo from Halfords, and it has developed a blue tooth fault when phoning people. This fault occurs the majority of the time but not always, thus deemed intermittent. Halfords have said that they need to send it off for a period of time to be analysed and repaired if need be. I wont receive any replacement in the meantime, just a hole in my dash board and have said this can take upto 2-3 weeks. I just want my money back now. Do I have to go through that whole process, or is there legislation allowing me to get a refund upon me taking the faulty goods into store? Thanks
  11. In this circumstance, there were traffic lights further ahead of the box. I got to where I was, partially (front wheels) inside the box because I misjudged the traffic and the lights turning red. I didnt enter the box for the fun of it. Thanks
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