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Everything posted by t18con

  1. just to update this slightly, I have received a (small) payment from First "Trust" Bank, in relation to ppi on an overdraft that I wasn't even aware of. I had initially refused their offer as they refused to include related bank charges in the redress. They have went ahead and made the payment to me anyhow. I wrote to them making it very clear that i was considering it as part payment. I raised the issue with the ombudsman, who said to sort the matter with FTB myself. They (FTB) point blank refuse to discuss further. On recontacting the ombudsman to discuss furthering the complaint, they said the only course of action was to resubmit my complaint as an "incorrect redress" complaint and go back to the start of the process, stepping back up to two years. Can anyone offer any alternatives?
  2. update on this , received a letter from FOS yesterday saying first "trust" would be in touch with an offer for ONE of the complaints. two questions, how long have they got to get in touch? I have a separate complaint about the bank charges as discussed elsewhere, will this offer therefore take the charges into account or will that be a separate settlement?
  3. if you have your mortgages statements, have they just lumped those fees onto your mortgage, making it into front loaded PPI? some of the more knowledgeable people will be along soon to answer....
  4. thanks folks, the wife has been proved right again.
  5. posting this up to resolve an argument between the wife and myself...... you're off work for a few days, then, say back for a week, then back off for a day WITH THE SAME ILLNESS, then back for a week, then off again with the same illness. Does this be classed as one period of absence or three? She says her workplace regard it as three absences, I thought there was something somewhere where it should be regarded as one absence??? It does relate to a warning a colleague received in work today, the colleague has been off with stress.
  6. honestly don't know how this has happened. I thought all cpp persons were waiting for the vote on redress ( which I believe only happened yesterday) http://t.money.uk.msn.com/news/%c2%a313bn-payout-for-cpp-customers don't know how you've beaten the queue!!!
  7. this "family member" probably gave you authorisation at the time, surely if you get a letter from them that you were acting on their behalf, that resolves the whole thing?
  8. what about asking the FOS for all the info they used to make their decision? see if there's something in there that you weren't aware of...
  9. right, so I've done a wee bit of reading on small claims court. The limit over here is 3 grand... .. but MY reading of it is that I cant bring them up to small claims 4 separate times , as each of the PPI claims is decided by the FOS? is that correct?? so it would mean a civil bill??
  10. the fos will not help on bank charges AT ALL, or the ones over six years old?
  11. getting caught up on some paperwork over the holidays... ... been fighting trying to get paperwork off First "trust", instead of them supplying the paperwork requested, they have held their hands up to even more PPI that I had no knowledge of, this time PPI on an overdraft facility. It doesn't amount to a great deal of money, and I was fairly happy with their estimate of redress. I asked them, however , to bring my account back to where it would have been, had the charges never been applied in the first instance, as well as the return of the monies plus interest. I got a very nasty letter off them for even daring to ask, stating it was more than six years ago, so I couldn't do anything about the bank charges, and bringing to my attention the "test case" that was lost. That's 4 sets of ppi now for myself, 3 they've held their hands up to and one they havn't, but in all cases they've refused to return any bank charges . (All are now with the ombudsman). I am right in asking for the charges aren't I ? they have me doubting myself again... ... the bank charges over 20 odd years amount to as much as the ppi in the first place if you get me.
  12. bringing this back from the dead again, DFS have held their hands up to a 2009 mis-sale of PPI but they say they were unregulated for the 2001 sale, so it's tough luck. Do I go after Santander instead for the 2001 one? or if I forward the complaint to the ombudsman are they likely to pay up rather than be billed the ombudsman's fees? Neither amounts to great amount of money, but every little helps.......
  13. i'm reclaiming two lots off dfs at the moment, but through Santander. they just forward the complaint to dfs. dfs have said they'll pay up on the 2009 one as soon as I prove I met all my commitments (finished paying for the sofa). have still to hear from the 2001 one. for all the money involved, it's not worth them letting you take it to the ombudsman with the penalties that go with it.
  14. was the form filled out by yourself or one of their salespeople? in not yourself, then the box could have been ticked at any stage during the process. is the tick identical to other ticks used on the form ....... Are you CERTAIN it was ticked when you signed it??????
  15. most don't bother cashing the cheque, they rip it up, so don't be going by that.
  16. let a mod comment on that, i'd say they've made a typo of the wrong sort.
  17. have you quoted exactly above? "24 months premiums @ £8". If that's what it says then that's £8, not £8 per month!!
  18. what about SARing them to see what address is actually on those letters they sent out to you??? then you have proof they messed up?
  19. I've a quickie question. the "offer" everyone is expecting only relates to post 2005 CPP, pre 2005 do you complain to the ombudsman? I've complained to Barclays about pre 2005 CPP, they have forwarded the complaint to CPP themselves, but it's clear from their paperwork they're only dealing with post 2005 cases
  20. ge capital are owned by Santander, get a SAR in to get ALL details they hold on you, then download one of the template letters from here which will give a specific time period for them to reply before action. You can pursue two avenues at once, the ppi and the fraud part. it would be better not to deal by telephone, keep everything in writing with copies, dates, receipts for postage etc.
  21. just bringing this up again, got two letters from Santander yesterday asking for more time, the 8 weeks isn't quite up yet (think 3 days to go). Got a third letter today, Santander say it isn't their issue, since it was DFS who sold the policy, not them, they have forwarded the complaint to DFS to deal with. The direct debit was going to Santander, and it said Santander on the application paperwork. Is this just time wasting, or have they a point? Or just bang in a complaint to FOS and let them sort it out?
  22. would you not go straight to FOS and then tell hsbc that its in their hands. a moderator will comment soon i'm sure. If you havn't got the authorisation from you to the bank to withdraw the PPI monies, I would be chasing them again for that. They might in the end admit "they can't find it" like oe of my own cases.
  23. firstly, it's not that uncommon, I put in a claim for ppi on a 1995 loan, they didn't uphold it but held their hands up to mis-selling on a 96 and 98 loan that I didn't know I had ppi on. I think they hoped I would settle for all three with the one paltry offer. Anyhow you need to sar them, they'll deny they have any paperwork, but the fact they are able to quote details means there are records somewhere!! So it means chasing and more chasing. £10 and one of the template SAR requests, and you never know what it might turn up....... one of the mods will be along shortly
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