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Everything posted by t18con

  1. I had a car loan through First Trust bank approx. 18/19/20 years ago. I know I paid PPI on it. I tried to reclaim the PPI off the bank, but I kept being put off for longer and longer periods of time, so I contacted the FOS. This complaint is pending with the FOS. I bounced a direct debit with the bank a few weeks ago, and eventually got sick of the nuisance calls coming from the bank about when I was going to pay the outstanding amount. I penned a very cheeky letter, explaining that , at this time, THEY owed ME considerably more than I owed THEM, and if they would hurry up and sort the money that they currently owed me, I would certainly forward any arrears owing to them. I wasn't really expecting a reply, it was sent just to get them off my back for a while. I then got a reply saying they had checked the loan in question and had found they were NOT at fault, however they had reviewed ALL my loans and discovered I had been mis-sold policies on two different loans from the same era. That I had a habit of clearing loans early and should have been sold a monthly policy, rather than a lump-sum policy. to that effect they had calculated the difference between what I SHOULD have been sold and what I WAS sold, and were willing to give that as a settlement (with interest) for ALL of the accounts. I have 2 questions from this;- 1. I have paid bank fees in the period in question, that I would not have been subject to, had I have had that money in my bank account. Am I entitled to a refund of bank fees for that period? 2.They have admitted I was mis-sold PPI on two loans, they have offered a settlement figure for the policy I WAS sold minus the amount for the policy I SHOULD have been sold. Is this the correct way of calculating or would the FOS have a field day with this? To be 100% honest, I don't even recall HAVING these loans and certainly don't remember knowingly taking PPI on them. It's all very suss to me. Any thoughts guys?? Thanks in advance
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