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Everything posted by theoldrouge

  1. Be careful what you wish for Having watched the Fox News debate a couple of the leaders of the pack in the “without Trump market” make the Donald look like a soft lefty
  2. All you need to do is to send the VT letter stating that the agreement will terminate on xx/xx/2023, that they then must collect their car for which no charge can be levied for collection If and when they invoice you we can then deal with that You will only be paying that which is necessary to bring the amount paid to 50% of the agreement All finance companies hate VT and are full of bluster
  3. By paying the payments all you have succeeded in doing is extending the statute barred date No a creditor cannot just “apply “ for a ccj Give more information on the original account eg date of opening and the various hands that the debt has passed through
  4. OK so slight differences in the figures as you originally said £6318 left to pay so take that from £11662 would mean you had paid £5344 but now you say inc deposit you have paid £5023 towards the agreement with any interest adjustment as dx says your max liability is £808. What the car fetches at auction is neither here nor there to you as you do not receive any money from the sale, It all goes to CB to help towards their considerable losses Normally I would advise sending a SAR to double check for a Default However in your case personally I would just get on with it as if CB realise what has happened they may issue a DN pretty quick , You need to realise you have been exceptionally lucky so far and could walk away from this mess with a profit of £1500 to £2000 My advice would be GET ON WITH IT Click VT for information
  5. God nothings ever simple on this thread However let’s try and work with what we have got Total agreement £11662 You have paid towards agreement £5344 (11662-6318) 50%of agreement £5831 So amount to complete VT and end problems £487!!!!!!! So all we need to do is for you to answer point no1 as @dx100ukhas requested in order to see if your agreement is still eligible for VT
  6. PLEASE just answer the following three questions 1)Has the agreement been defaulted and terminated? 2)What is the TOTAL of the agreement? (exact figure please from your agreement) 3)How much INCLUDING the deposit have you paid? (EXACT figure please) don’t complicate matters just answer the above three questions
  7. If the agreement has not been defaulted and terminated, it beggars belief that you don’t get on and VT the agreement You will be in profit And rid of the car Going to a solicitor to take on your case will soon put you in an unquantifiable loss situation
  8. Only a VAT reg trader can add the VAT Coins such as Gold/Silver Britannia and Gold Sovereigns are “legal tender” There is a method of sale for you to obtain a price including the added on VAT Will PM dx with the link
  9. In addition to the above has the agreement been defaulted and terminated?
  10. Firstly the matter could have been settled byVT as advised at a profit Second the initial judgment is purely a money judgment nothing more The wording of the POC of the second claim is so poor that CB could take it apart The agreement is not void No reference has even been made to CCA1974 Feb 21 ”IMO you are inviting open ended risk by not VTing the agreementwhilst you are still able to do so”
  11. Moneybarn making it up as they go along as per usual They cannot take your car or stop you driving it Look to take out a Time Order This will put them back in their box Click the link
  12. So the judgement specifically states that the agreement is void? Personally I think you should have asked for advice on the wording of the POC
  13. No need to “assume “ when MB accept the VT So long as you correctly word your VT letter they have no choice but to accept Do not sign any of their forms and make sure you date photograph the entire car inside and out and the engine compartment before collection They cannot charge for collection The car merely needs to be in a condition commensurate with its age You will need to pay to the 50% mark plus any arrears but this can be by instalments if you need to
  14. As dx has said you don’t need to come up with any reason just complete the VT You must use post for communication with these idiots
  15. Oh dear seems to me animal welfare will be the last thing we have to worry about if Labour (which is still rammed with Corbinites) gains power More than a dozen members of Labour's front bench call for Britain to scrap its nuclear deterrent despite the threat of Putin unleashing his own arsenal More than a dozen members of Labour's front bench call for Britain to scrap its nuclear deterrent | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Shadow Scotland secretary Ian Murray (pictured), and shadow Foreign Office ministers Catherine West and Fabian...
  16. The only chink of light in this madness came yesterday in East London, where a group of schoolchildren turned on Just Stop Oil protesters making them late for class. Given that these kids will have had Net Zero propaganda rammed down their throats since they started nursery school, this was a remarkable development. Maybe all is not lost. But for now, we are lumbered with the prospect of an incoming Labour government, committed to an energy policy set by a pair of metropolitan North London lefties wedded to an unworkable, ruinous future which will wreck the economy, cost billions of pounds we haven't got and leave us shivering in the dark in our own homes. If you want an apt metaphor for Labour's insane green revolution, look no further than that mysteriously missing hydrogen-powered bus in Edinburgh yesterday. RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: If you thought Tories' plans to make us poorer were mad, you ain't seen nothing! | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: The launch of Labour's green revolution got off to a bad start when the bus booked to ferry...
  17. Why on earth would he have attended No point dignifying a pointless debate which was purely for the indulgence of the usual remoaners And what an absolute rabble they were
  18. I think you have gone as far as you are going to get with the FOS I would accept the decision and get the car inspected by such as the RAC/AA after it is repaired before accepting the repair Meanwhile carefully work out all the financial implications of purchasing and then selling the vehicle on to see if that works for you Car buying websites will give you a pretty good idea as to what you are going to be able to achieve price wise
  19. Agee with @BankFodderyou need clarification from the Ombudsman But otherwise the result is pretty positive
  20. Lineker is a long-time Israel-basher – he has tweeted about arrests in the West Bank and lamented the killing of a Palestinian man who was later revealed to be a member of Hamas – which makes these comparisons even more revolting than they otherwise might be. His ignorance shines through, too. The Jews so viciously persecuted in 1930s Germany were citizensof that country – not migrants without documentation coming from a safe country. The ignorance of Gary Lineker | The Spectator WWW.SPECTATOR.CO.UK When I was a girl, footballers had a somewhat limited vocabulary. That wasn’t to say that they were seen as...
  21. Little history lesson for lefty’s The real problem with Gary Lineker is that he knows as much about politics as I know about football. But, while you will never catch me giving my opinions on soccer, Mr Lineker thinks his TV and advertising fame qualifies him to discuss politics and history. Actually, it is amazing how little so many people know about these things. Although modern school history seems to cover nothing apart from the wives of Henry VIII and Hitler, nobody seems to know one crucial fact. The Nazis were very left-wing. Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog HITCHENSBLOG.MAILONSUNDAY.CO.UK
  22. No as far as I am concerned Saint Gary could say what he liked if he had the decency to resign from an organisation that I am legally enforced to contribute to (or indeed if that corporation was defunded) even though I very rarely endure their biased lefty output As for the rest of your comment above totally off topic for me to respond here
  23. Bad news for you Jugg is that GB News has secured substantial new funding from new investors Meanwhile returning to what actually matters ” The Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, is quite wrong to say that the BBC has 'caved in' to Tory MPs. Sensible BBC managers recognise that Mr Lineker has gone too far and they cannot just do nothing. Sir Keir should imagine (admittedly it is hard) the rise to stardom of a brilliant and charming footballer with strongly conservative views, who eventually comes to present a premium primetime programme. He should imagine such a person gaining nearly nine million Twitter followers as a result, and using this platform to excoriate Labour's long years of failure to control immigration, and indeed its long years of actively encouraging it.” Gary Lineker outrageously breached the BBC's sacred impartiality | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: The Charter and Agreement commit the Corporation to fairness, in return for...
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