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Everything posted by san_d

  1. It's 2016 and people still use their brain? Fossils!
  2. At least he's the only one standing up against ISIS and he should be commended. All governments kill spies, just the Russians don't seem to take much precaution. And what David Kelly? The MI5 did a good job there.
  3. Things don't add up. If you have worked for more than 3 years, surely you have paid enough contributions to qualify for contribution based JSA, not UC. Therefore you should have received no sanctions.
  4. I have asked to speak to my head of payroll. She said that, under the current employment laws, if a temporary contract expires, the contract automatically converts into a one-month rolling contract and both parties must give each other 1 month notice for termination. I think what she said is bull####, but I would be glad to have your opinion.
  5. China is what it is because the WTO (read: the USA) decided that they should be exempt from protectionism. China's superpower status has been engineered. Sorry folks, there's no such a thing as a free market. The international trade is pretty much politics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_and_the_World_Trade_Organization#United_States_role
  6. I now eat once a day and eat what I want. I have stopped worrying about calorie counting and all that rubbish. The first couple of months were hard as I had low sugars in the afternoon but now I am used to it. I feel more energetic than before. I obviously don't smoke and I drink rarely. I'm almost 50 and people tell me I look much younger than my age.
  7. A bit of a blanket statement here. There was a time when made in Italy was strong and they were a nation of net exporters, not so much as the Germans though. But on the subject of false accounting, Britain looks the richest country in Europe right now because the GDP has been inflated by a ever expanding debt and a property bubble in the SE of England. Take these two factors away and parts of Britain have a GDP per capita less than Easter Europe. I could post many links but I have chosen the mail because it proves to be popular newspaper. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2617938/Revealed-How-parts-Britain-poorer-POLAND-families-Wales-Cornwall-Europes-worst-off.html
  8. I'm talking about GDP as measured in US Dollars. Some years in the 70s and the 80s Italy's GDP measured in Dollars was bigger than the UK. This has nothing to do with "being economically" stronger. You can artificially inflate the GDP by creating an asset bubble, just ask George Osborne.
  9. When Britain joined the then EEC it wasn't really in good health. It had already lost much of status of political and financial superpower and its GDP was well below the one of Germany and France and for some time even below Italy's. During the 1970s and 80s there were more expats working in Europe than European immigrants in UK. Admittedly the EEC of 45 years ago is different story from today's EU, but to say that Britain was a superpower before joining the EEC is absolute tripe.
  10. Well, yes and no. Yes, but you had to have either a working visa or there were bilateral agreements between states to import (usually unskilled) workforce, not that kind of crowd you really want. 20-30 years ago unemployment rates were very low across all Europe and it was almost automatic to get a visa. Also most women didn't work and chose to be housewives rather than to pursue a career. Different times. Chalk and cheese.
  11. And I'm fine with that but I was told I still have to serve a notice if I want to leave. Is this true? The notice on my expired contract was one week.
  12. I don't really like it there, but until I find another job, it pays my bills.
  13. My temporary fixed-term contract with my current employer has officially ended 31.12.2015. No provision was made in the contract to what would happen later. I was put in the rota for this month and I went back to work this last Monday. I had a meeting with my supervisor, which I thought was about my contract. Instead it was a routine meeting about work. I asked her what my legal circumstance is and she said that the contract becomes a rolling contract from now on. However nothing has been put on paper yet and there's no expectation this will happen any soon. I have no doubt that I will be paid for the time being, so money is not an issue. And quite frankly I am not looking forward to have a permanent contract with this company as I pretty much loathe most of the staff. However I just wonder where I stand. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks
  14. The EU introduced the AM licence, which is supposed to be only for mopeds up to 50cc. Prior to 2014 any EU country had their own regulations with regards to motorbikes and mopeds. A loophole that was used (and apparently still is) is that these above mentioned micro cars are registered as moto vehicles rather than cars, hence in some countries you didn't need a driving licence. If I understand correctly, all new driving licences in Europe can be only AM (50cc mopeds), A (proper motorbikes over 50cc) or B (cars), not to mention other licences like C or D. I can't see how one can drive such micro cars without a licence at all, as now you must have some sort of licence to drive any vehicle.
  15. I believe that the new EU regulations (2014) had closed this loophole. If (and it's a big IF) this is true, France is not playing by the the rules.
  16. So what you are saying is that if we leave we can kick all the EU migrants out but they won't kick our expats out? What manure!
  17. It is no secret that most vacancies advertised on UJM are scams and the DWP doesn't care. What your job coach might think about it is a different matter. He/she is likely to push the sanction button when challenged with common sense. Unless you are specifically mandate to apply for that job, just skip it. And if you are mandated, use a different disposable email address and put some errors in your contact details (couple of digits wrong in your postcode and phone number). I know this is not the orthodox answer that you expected.
  18. Out of curiosity I tried the second user agent you mentioned and yet I get the full site.
  19. Cut the middleman and get paid in bitcoin.
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