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Everything posted by san_d

  1. You're right about the debt skyrocketing under the Tories but you're wrong about the economy growing in 2010. The economy took a massive hit in 2008 and has never recovered from there and will never recover because, quite simply, the capital required to fuel the economy is gone. We live in a state of zombie economy, where we all pretend it's all good and well but it isn't. No cuts however deep will ever reduce the debt. If anything, cuts will incease the debt, because when there is less money in circulation there are fewer people employed hence less tax paid into the system. The only sensible solution would be a global debt jubilee. We did with Africa in 2000, why can't we do it for the rest of the world. Who do we owe this money to? Mostly US pension funds, large banks and Asian governments. They can live without that. Actually debt jubilees have been applied to Europe after the 2nd WW and it helped rebuild the economy.
  2. The Scots voted no on the ground of broken promises of politicians, some of whom are not even around. They deserve a second referendum. And if you hate the Scots so much, why not let them go their own way? Why is it that for those who want out of the EU don't accept that the Scots also want out?
  3. I think we should be realistic and strike a deal with Isis. We did it with the Russians first, then the Chinese, who were the axis of evil, why can't we do with the Islamic state?
  4. So what you're saying is that citizens shouldn't do their homework and think with their own head but vote according to propaganda leaflets? Well, Sir or Madam, I disagree!
  5. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=URISERV%3Axy0023
  6. It is the duty of a good citizen to be informed of the laws they are voting about. No excuses!
  7. The population of this country could have taken the time to read the EEC treaty before relying on being told what to do by their betters.
  8. The preamble "ever closer union" was already in the 1957 treaty of Rome. When Britain joined the EEC in 1973, the preamble was already there. When voters voted to stay in the EEC in 1975, they voted to agree with that preamble. No excuses can be taken. The bigots who rant about a presumed dictatorship of the EU, are happy to clean for the queen, an unelected millionaire who is actually half German.
  9. The difference in a nutshell is: Roman law = the authorities write the law and the judges apply it. Common law = no law is written, the judges apply the law according to common usage.
  10. Common law = UK, USA Roman law= the continent I actually did study Roman law about 35 years ago.
  11. Trump, the Poles, ISIS. So you guys are saying that Trump will win because he wants to build a wall for the Poles, who are ISIS sympathisers?
  12. Because Farage wouldn't be elected even in that one.
  13. Proves the point that the poor cannot be trusted!
  14. In prison. That's what they want. Who needs cheap labour from abroad when you have free labour in prisons?
  15. Well, last time I looked into my bank account, money didn't exist.
  16. When we leave the EU, we'll be finally free to decide our own weather, instead of having it dictated by the Brussels bureaucrats!
  17. But peace is not good for GDP. War, instead, is a catalyst for growth. Kill, kill, kill, if that is good for the economy.
  18. My temp job ended a couple of weeks ago. I was receiving Working Tax Credits, so I rang the HMRC helpline to inform them of my change of circumstances. They told me I would receive 4 more weeks of WTC and then it will stop. So I made a rapid reclaim. When asked if I was also receiving other benefits, I ticked yes ( I am not sure if that was the correct thing to do). Then I received a letter from the DWP confirming that my claim was accepted, by the amount is just over £40 a week. I assume it's because of the WTC. My question is: once my WTC runs out, is it just as simple as calling the JSA helpline and informing them of my new circumstances or is there anything else I should do now? Any help will be appreciated.
  19. Ipsos is a reputable company. I do online surveys with them. If the letter is genuine, then why not go for it?
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