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Everything posted by san_d

  1. Surely this will be fixed by leaving the EU.
  2. GERMANY has provoked fury after a much followed TV show, Heute Show, has sent presenter Lutz van der Horst, to the streets of London, campaigning for the organisation called "Krauts for Brexit", which advocates Britain not only leaving the EU but also the Champions League. I don't know what these arrogant Germans want from us, but I tell you what, I'll do the opposite of what the Germans want and I'll vote IN!
  3. Libre Office can open a PDF and edit it for free. PDF shouldn't be used for the sole reason of preventing tampering.
  4. So, it's not just the EU bureaucrats who are unaccounted, it's also our born and bred ones. Interesting.
  5. I'm not convinced Bremain is done and dusted. I think this a tactic of the pro brexit media (the Toryograph, the Daily Mail) to demotivate Bremainers from voting altogether. What's the point of turning up to vote when we've already won. I'm pretty sure the majority of the electorate wants to stay in the EU, warts and all, but the ones turning up to vote will be the ones with a lot of time on their hands, like pensioners and the unemployed, an they are likely to vote out.
  6. I'm aware that, if you leave for more than 3 months and then come back and claim benefits, you might fail the HRT and will have to wait another 3 months. What I would like to know if these 3 months are consecutive or must be spread across the year. For example: I leave the country to do some volunteering abroad for two months. I come back and claim benefits. I should be able to pass the HRT. But if after 6 months I go abroad again for another two months, what happens? Will the two months get added to the previous two months? Thanks
  7. Because they're both run by Johnny Foreigner. I'm surprised you didn't mention ISIS or the Fourth Reich.
  8. Positive discrimination is just another form of institutionalised racism. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  9. What about the unelected monarch and the House of Lords? Do you patriot freedom fighters want to get rid of them too? In which case I can join forces.
  10. Not quite. See what happened in the us of a with that Trump thing. Boris is playing the Trump card. He's appealing exactly to that demented electorate that wants that kind of gore.
  11. Are you serious? What has the constructive approach got to do with my time? I've been to almost hundreds of them and they all revealed a waste of my time. How do you construct on that?
  12. A group interview is like an orgy, but with the performance anxiety and without all the fun.
  13. You see, this is more likely to be regarded as normal here than in the continent. Yes, the same Europe that the kippers blame for the islamization of the UK.
  14. If the remain plays project fear, the outers play project terror. 100 million Muslims heading to the UK, etc.
  15. I've stopped going to group interviews. They're a waste of time for the jobseeker.
  16. True. In fact a few million Irish Catholics have been killed (either directly or by means of starvation) in the last 4 centuries. But I guess most on this forum don't even regards Catholics as Christians.
  17. A Muslim mayor? What next? A Catholic prime minister?
  18. Simple. If it goes your way, democracy has won! If it goes the other way, it's been rigged.
  19. If you're a single person with no children you need to work at least 30 hours a week to qualify, but does it have to be from one job only? I'm working part time. If I get a second part time job, would I be entitled to WTC? Sorry for the silly question but I've checked on gov.UK and it's not very clear. Thanks.
  20. I eventually rang the tax credits helpline. They told me that the repayment hasn't been processed yet and it might take weeks or months.
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