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Everything posted by san_d

  1. Don't worry. Most public libraries will be shut in the next 5 years, so problem solved!
  2. Whatever the final score, the margin will be very narrow. Last year I'd have predicted a 55 to 45 for remain, but the leave is gaining momentum, just like the yes gained traction at the last minute during the Scottish referendum. A game changer would be another terror attack maybe a couple of weeks before the vote. In any case the matter will not be settled here and now. We don't even know what the EU will be in 10 years. The perfect solution would be a 2 tier Europe. Tier 1 are the countries that want to become part of a federal superstate. Tier 2 would be a bit like the EEA but on steroids. And in any case a European army is inevitable. How do you fight Islamic terrorism on European soil? It's clear that NATO are not really interested, as long as it doesn't affect USA interests.
  3. In a surprise announcement on Newsnight, comedian Meredith Spatchcock has revealed that she will no longer be performing as provocative alter-ego ‘Katie Hopkins’. The persona was first launched in 2006, and Meredith Spatchcock claims that it was intended as a satirical response to the reality television boom at the time. Under the guise of “Katie Hopkins”, the comedian reached the final of BBC’s The Apprentice but withdrew, citing personal reasons. http://newsthump.com/2014/11/12/comedian-to-retire-controversial-katie-hopkins-character/
  4. Then in case they should leave the EU. Another case of wanting to keep the cake and eat it.
  5. End of March I received a letter from the hmrc telling me I was overpaid working tax credits by almost £200. Fair enough! They stated I would receive a letter shortly with instructions how to repay the amount. It's almost end of April and I've received nothing yet. Should I worry? I wouldn't want them to contact me later asking me to pay up fines or penalties. Should I make the first move? Or is it normal procedure? Thanks
  6. Of course we should trust companies! They have our best interest in their hearts! They do god's work and we should feel privileged. Those who doubt this should be locked up in jail (run by the companies!).
  7. Strangely enough this presumed scaremongering comes from multiple sources. So what becomes of Britain once it leaves the EU? Who's going to support Britain when negotiating with the evil EU? Not the USA, not the IMF, not the WTO. Britain will be completely isolated and left to its own device. This would make the angry little Englanders happy, but is it worth pursuing this lunacy?
  8. Tories are heroes! They don't earn enough. The poor should be taxed more and more money should be given to the rich. Tax evasion is not really a bad thing: http://www.dailysquib.co.uk/world/18171-why-offshore-tax-evasion-is-not-really-that-bad-a-thing.html
  9. Why should the taxpayer subsidize a failed industry? Why does everyone hate free market in this country? You'd expect the Tories to be the champions of capitalism, but come crunch time they are more socialists than the socialists!
  10. It's in the DM, so nobody gives a damn if it's true or not.
  11. You have to ask yourself who is benefiting from that. Surely not the Muslims. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we discovered there is Vladimir's hand on it. It's not a secret that Russia is rooting for a break up of the EU. They have pretty much created the cause for the exodus of refugees from Sirya, then facilitated their entry into Europe, so they can break the EU from within. Imagine the EU is broken, Russia can then invade the ex Communist countries, plus Greece and Cyprus, why not Italy, after all they are broke and bankrupt. Then they can put their missiles on friendly soil and point them towards Germany and Britain.
  12. https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays Good Friday is definitely a bank holiday in England and Wales.
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