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Everything posted by Batfink

  1. (continuing from zippygbr)...the three year period doesn't kick in until the child reaches the age of majority (18) so the claim can be lodged any time until the day before the child's 21st birthday.
  2. Our first sky bill was higher than our agreed amount because it was for a period longer than a calendar month. Since that, (and ignoring extra amounts for phone calls etc), it's been the agreed amount. Is this the same here?
  3. Just a point: you can only carry forward STATUTORY holiday - so your 5.6 weeks a year. I'm in a similar position, have been off work sick since the end of March 2011 - fortunately, I'm covered by a PHI policy that pays about 50% salary (which means that when my contributory ESA ends next month I'll still have *some* income). I had 20 days left from 2011's holiday year, plus the whole of 2012, and we're about to go into 2013 (I'm not well enough to be going back to work yet). I spoke to my employer recently and asked if they could pay me some of this holiday and so this month I received the equivalent of my 2011 holiday on top of my PHI, which paid for the work needed to get my car through its MOT. I'm going to be paid for the difference between contractual and statutory 2012 holidays in my December pay (so I have a little extra for Christmas).
  4. What was the start date of the contract? What was the fixed term? Was an end date specified? Was the tenancy agreement in joint names? When did you give notice?
  5. Frontline used to work on one of our cats and not on the other. IMO, it's a bit like different medications and different people - some work on person A but not person B. We now use Stronghold and that works properly on both (or did before the fatboy was squished)
  6. Places that you could request a letter from (not sure why you're going straight to "SAR" when you don't appear to have asked nicely)_ Doctor/Dentist School/College If your nephew is 17 (now 18, happy birthday to him!) then he should have been put on the electoral register (there's a bit to put 16/17 year olds on so that when they turn 18 they're eligible to vote) - that in itself may be proof enough?
  7. It basically means that if you agree not to sue them (for anything substantial ie your deposit, or any costs you've incurred), they'll drop the case against you and won't ask for any costs they've incurred.
  8. Some quick questions to check whether the s21(s) is/are valid. General What is the start date of your tenancy agreement? What period is it for? Is an End Date specified? Has your deposit been protected in an approved scheme? Have you received the Prescribed Information? Re the s21 you were given with your "welcome letter" Did you receive this before or after you signed the tenancy agreement? Did you receive this before or after you received the Prescribed Information? Re the "Notice to Quit re cats/smoking" What form does this take? Is it just a letter asking you to leave? General (again) What is the date on the s21 notice? How is it expressed (eg "We require possession of "X" (being the address) on "Y" (date)" or "We require possession of "X" after "Y") But just to reassure you - you do not need to leave on 13 January. A s21 notice is merely a form informing you that after the date on it, the Landlord will go to Court to seek possession. Unless a tenant gives notice, the only way for an Assured Shorthold Tenancy to end is for the Landlord to get a possession order from the Court.
  9. No prob. Also contact your Local Council's Private Tenant Relations Officer, they'll be able to help with the repairs situation, and will be able to advise more re the potential illegal eviction.
  10. Tell him to do one? Don't let him in - all the usual stuff that the people over on the debt collection boards can help with (ie keep doors and windows locked at all times unless you're actually going out of it) Yes, ring police. They will probably say it's a civil matter but then say (a) no it's not and (b) he's causing a breach of the peace and you're scared and they should send someone round.
  11. Just FYI, any radar key will fit the locks in Wetherspoons. Since I've had mine I haven't needed to either fall up the stairs or do the wee dance waiting for someone to locate the key (with its giant keyring so no-one nicks it)
  12. Firstly, stop worrying. He *cannot* literally throw you out of the house (unless he wants to end up in jail). How come your rent is due this Sunday? You moved in/signed the TA on 23 November 11. Rent is reserved four weekly, so it is due every fourth Wednesday (ie two days ago). Just pay what you can, when you can - and buy the kids school uniforms. You *WILL* be evicted at some point, via a section 21 notice. When this comes, pop back on here with the dates and we'll advise again. Oh, and appeal against the lack of back-dating from HB.
  13. OK. So ignore everything I said above about a section 8. For some odd reason (probably because the person drafting the legislation didn't engage brain!) you can't be evicted under section 8 if your rent is reserved four weekly. So (this is so I know we're both singing from the same hymn sheet and my fibromyalgia-induced brain fog isn't sending us down the wrong path): Your rent is next due on Sunday (ie 26 August). Your usual rent payment is £504. You pay rent every four weeks on a Sunday. You owe £444, so, to be totally 100% up to date with rent, you need to pay £948. You owe less than one rental period's rent (until Sunday, when this will be nearly two). You will pay 415 HB (I presume this is four weekly), so you need to top up by £89 every four weeks. Your tenancy agreement started in November 2011 (what date?) and is for twelve months? How much can you afford to pay over and above the £504 this Sunday?
  14. Are you 100% sure the rent is reserved (ie asked for) in the tenancy agreement every four weeks? What is the EXACT wording of the tenancy clause for rent payments (for example, mine says: Rent: £x per month payable initially on signing of this agreement and thereafter. Payment: By monthly installments in advance on the XX of each month payable to YY Letting Agents as the Landlord's Agent.) Because you say that rent is asked for every four weeks and then give a monthly amount. (Strangely enough, this is important, and may change everything)
  15. What does your tenancy agreement say regarding rent? If you're meant to pay rent a month in advance, then you're meant to pay it a month in advance, never mind whether HB pays it X weeks (2 or 4?) in arrears. Are you paying any top ups? Your Landlord can apply to the Court to evict you if your rent is more than two months' owing and unpaid (NOT IN ARREARS). So, if your rent is due (eg) on the first of the month, and you haven't paid on 1 August, and then don't pay again on 1 September, and you still owe an amount equal to more than two months' rental payments when it gets to Court then it's a mandatory possession order. However, you do sound like there's disrepair issues, which can be a Defence to a section 8 claim. However, when your fixed term ends, the Landlord can apply for a section 21 ("no fault") notice, and there's no defence to this. Basically, once the procedure has been followed, you're out. IF your Landlord turns up and (literally) boots you out, then this is illegal eviction, prosecutable by the Police through the criminal courts and he'd be in line for up to a £5k fine and 6 months' inside. So, if this happens, then call the Police. What was the start date of your tenancy, how does it say rent meant to be paid, and how much do you owe?
  16. Two identical letters sent from two different post offices, both with proof of posting. The chances of one not getting there are slim; the chances of both?
  17. After checking you have exclusive use of the back garden, I'd put a padlock on the gate. Don't assume anything. "Because you can't help noticing all these strange people who think they can just walk into your garden and throw your stuff away"
  18. If you did late night fag and booze (if you have the appropriate licence)/junk food runs, you'd make a fortune. The amount of times I've been places where someone's run out of fags just after the local shop closed was unbelievable. We've been known to order a pizza just because we knew the delivery man would stop at the 24 hour garage and pick up some ciggies for us.
  19. I claimed on a work PHI policy (at the time for proportionate benefit - the difference between working full and part time) without having been off first. I just had to serve the (in my case) three month period without any extra money. After the waiting period, the claim was paid each month.
  20. I've had one of these for three years now, and they're fab - even if you don't go to the cinema much. It only takes one visit and you've saved more than the cost already. *thinks about going to the cinema tonight*
  21. My prescription has a (5 out) prism in both eyes, and I find fuzziness if it's not quite right (or if I can't find my current specs and have to use my old prescription (4 out) instead). Go back to Vision Express, preferably on a Saturday lunchtime/afternoon and be polite, but loud and clear about the repeated problems they've caused you.
  22. It costs £10,000 to bring an action for libel. It can only be brought in the High Court, and I'm pretty sure that (a) you're not allowed NWNF agreements to do this and (b) even if you were, there aren't many solicitors out there who are specialised in this. And there's as much point appointing a bottle of wine to represent you as there is getting a non-specialist.
  23. I'm presuming you're aware of the Driving Hours Regulations and should be able to assist if you answer the following questions: What proportion of your twelve hours was driving time as opposed to other work? Did you use one of your extended days or was it a standard 9 hour driving day? At what point(s) in your day did you take the break? How many days into your working week was this? Had you had a standard, extended or reduced weekly break? Had you had a standard, extended or reduced daily break?
  24. Do you still fill in timesheets and send them to Manpower, or is this done automatically by the client? (I worked in recruitment back in the Dark Ages and have experienced both, particularly with larger clients). If you are still submitting your own timesheets, just make sure they reflect the times you actually worked. That way, you're pretty much assured (SNAFUs excepted) to be paid the right amount. I'm sure Manpower don't care that you're working half an hour for lunch and finishing earlier on the Friday - all they care about is that you turn up, do what you're being paid for, and that the client pays them.
  25. Actually, it's not illegal to smoke in hotel rooms. It's one of the exceptions to the "no smoking in public places" law. When using hotels with best mate, we choose a smoking room where possible as she then doesn't need to go outside in the cold/wet/whenever, but when I'm with DF, or on my own, non-smoking rooms are preferred. (That's not to excuse hotels for charging erroneously)
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