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Everything posted by whitenight

  1. im sorry you think like that i wanted to show the whole article but couldnt, never mind im sure you will all read it in the news papers soon,
  2. quietly privatised from 1st April 2013. The BMJ is doing the work that hardly any media organisation in the UK is doing – informing us of upcoming changes to the NHS in a clear
  3. maybe people should look at david ikes website he was called a nutter years ago but all he has said was true, he wasnt or isnt mad at all , he speaks the truth, our government is persicuting us all to bring us to our knees then when we riot marshall law will be brought in to control us, its worse than corrupt, when the jobless have to pay council tax come april watch what will happen then, the army will be brought in to control us its what the government want TO CONTROL US maybe then the british will stand together and fight back!!!
  4. Best get my will made and funeral sorted just in case, god help us all
  5. i love new years eve with the family, having fun and counting down to the new year lifes to short to sit about moaning, who knows this could be the last new year we spend together, who knows whats in store for any of us so i say again enjoy and wish 2013 a better year for us all
  6. i,m talking about the people who have never been sick just lie not disabled people!!, scroungers for want of a better word, its been going on for years people have claimed they have a bad leg then been filmed working or climbing over a wall, these are the scroungers and its got worse thats whythis has been done to get rid of the scroungers so the real disabled people can get the help they really need, and as said before on here if people are truly sick and disabled then they have no worry do they
  7. well there have been people saying their sick and claiming for years when really they should have been at work, but now they have been caught out and either their other halfs have been sent to work, its about time the government shook the NON sick from the REAL sick, now the real disabled will be left alone, imagine how much the government have saved on the work dodgers,
  8. your lucky you have a job, maybe you need a job with more excercise, not so muc sitting down then i wouldnt bemoaning about having your job:evil:
  9. a good friend of mine was on esa, is dissabled, had to endure the atos medical failed it, was put on jsa, who found her a job in a nusery, 30 hours a week my friend was in agony trying to pick children up that the owner sent her home because she couldnt cope with the job, she went to her GP, who gave her a sick note, but she doesnt know what will happen now because she cant work shes to unwell, so what about other disabled people who get sent to work but are to ill for the job, will they get sick pay
  10. thats awful burly, why are they all ignoring you, why dont you ask for your medical file off the hospital and look through it you might find out something then would be worth it surely, you will probably get the mri, xrays, bloods, everything then take them to a consultant and tell them you want something done now not next month
  11. WHAT!!! omg nooo what if he floats back no way leave him where he is with the worms
  12. every one talks about it but no one has stopped it, if those they have made to go back to work but are that ill then do something about it stop moaning, it just seems all this talk has got people nowhere, people who have limbs missing are being sent back to works, but no one does anything its all talk and its happening now !!!! so do something and stop going on about it
  13. have you not had a MRI scan because that would show up anything untoward, and if they do a full blood count that would show most problems, sometimes its very hard to get through to GP,s isnt it,
  14. i agree with surfer, there are to many people claiming they are sick when they arent, it will dig out the scroungers from the severally sick and its about time its long over due, if you truly have a sickness then it should show then be treated for it or refered to consultants , theres to many telling their GP,S ive got this and that when they havent, there the ones who need to be sent back to work
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