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  1. its surprising they ever sent these out at all,they aren't keen on appeals. as the systems designed to do,the emphasis is on you to keep the ball rolling.good advice above. concentrate to on how it affects daily life.
  2. well the sheet wp01ma4 issued by the job centre does state that "be treated politely,fairly and considerately" there has been several reports of strange comments made by these organisations and the one side of this paperwork refers to "sanction" twelve times.the emphasis is on therefore is on sanctions,making highly personal comments is one way of removing people easily. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/8566799/Work-Programme-The-same-old-same-old.html the complaints procedure is designed to be time scaled long winded as to defuse situations,you can appeal and have good reasons to do so. why should you go without your money and entitlements which is your right and no doubt paid for at some point.and let them win.
  3. it may mean called over in the job centre,you need to complain and point out you intend to appeal.you were given no warning that your money had stopped and you have a child to support and no consideration appears to have been given.you have been job searching,and seeing your gp.also you have been treated unfairly.
  4. they are supposed to tell you but they clam up at that point and trying to get information is difficult patchy and time consuming.the worrying thing here again someone with anxiety and depression and being sanctioned.as you have these illnesses under the gp then there is grounds to appeal.
  5. you need to get to apply for a crisis loan straight away,and see if you can access a food bank.also contact the cab and write to your mp.you cannot afford to take this lightly.appeal also stating your health problems too.follow the advice above which is good too. the whole key to this is apply for anything and to keep to a reasonably set out jobseekers agreement,keeping a record of what you have done.to stay organised do what i did write out monday-friday the steps you perform each day spread over the week on a notepad then copy them over to your job log as you go.depending on the job visiting employers could mean just checking supermarket vacancy boards for example.
  6. i was under the impression they were paid a £400 pounds upfront. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/the-work-programme.pdf although the bulk of the fees were made when sustained employment was found around six months.
  7. the dictaphone looks out of stock and has some poor reviews. a dictaphone looks like it could be a worthwhile investment though stubby external microphones appear reasonable to connect too. the job centre don't like people signing off after being referred to providers for other benefit,but if the provider thinks there is little chance of finding work its beginning to feel like they want rid.they have the payment so no skin off their nose.
  8. it does not matter,they shouldn't be adding more pressure. the rules for esa are different then jsa and " Even though your on ESA you will be treated as if your on JSA " isn't specifically true.it may well be they are financially motivated to get results,however this doesnt mean that that it benefits the person and has the potential to backfire if mishandled of course this will result in only one being effected. organisations like A4e have access to no more opportunities that cannot be seen by anyone in front of a pc with internet.they have no medical knowledge and in some cases shouldn't be advising on medical issues,their job is to "assist" not to seek to dictate in areas they have no authority to.
  9. the job centre will tell you complain to the provider even though they are contracted to them,the official way to complain is to write to the provider through internal channels then wait eight weeks if you haven't heard then contact the independent case examiner. http://www.ind-case-exam.org.uk/ you should have been issued with paperwork before attending at the job centre and esa complaints may be differently handled then to jsa.
  10. are you sure they are aware of your disabilities,when i attended the shaw trust they sent me to learn direct and i have learning difficulties this can arise when there is a misunderstanding to disability. A4e are all to aware of the equality act,they should not be pressurising you into anything.if you are in the support group your benefit is made up of components,only your work component could be affected however they cannot force you to apply for jobs,again given the problems that appear to have been happening at some sites the staff may need to be better informed of their position and not to exceed it.you are not on jsa even if you were the equality act still applies. i spoke to a nice woman signing she did mention that you have health problems and people with these are held back,so there obviously is cases were people with health problems are continuing to be stranded on benefits.
  11. i notice its posted may 11 is this still current?.
  12. two advisor's tried to remove my distance from home that was made under the reasonable adjustments requirements.previously as the jobseekers act states this was wrong on their part. its important not to let people make up their own laws/rules as they see personally for the above reasons.
  13. what your saying is becoming more common,to restrictive exe this usually arises at the point of signing where there is a issue with the jobs available on the system its someone's point of view not requirements.however it must reflect your abilities and reasonable travelling distance the agreement need to be 39 hours only if left blank this exposes you to shift work. you should have stood firm on your requirements and abilities,the travel time is one hour from your door those without their own transport are held back one hours travelling time isn't far.you may wish to refer here. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1995/18/section/6
  14. you need the debt and medial evidence forms. http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/content.asp?cid=88
  15. what jobcentre plus normally did was say find a job for say a forklift driver then we'll pay for the training,of course no one did because they didn't have a licence to get the job in the first place.they wont pay. what you have experienced is nothing new,the dea should not have hung up the phone this is not professional,what will happen is as is as happened here you will end up suffering the stress and anxiety.while there is no law as mentioned into making enquiries unfortunately certain internal policies tend to conflict also to many people make a point" i an not trying to dodge work" "i want to work" this is a result of guilt felt by unfair publicity as if the person is somehow at fault not the economic climate. this letter has arrived because they think you may be fit for work,the best advice is keep out of there unless absolutely necessary your just adding more stress each time,the reality the whole situation boils down to their own doing and failures.
  16. i was wondering where those on jsa stand on being told to see a jp by a work programme provider and they were insistent,while those on esa are stated as not being forced to into receiving it does the same stand for jsa people?.if they dont follow the providers requests their benefit can be sanctioned. i have made an appointment with the gp as requested,however i am concerns about the providers motives for telling me to do so.also was this a tactic to force me off jsa.there were a number incidences over missed appointments that never were and i was going to use the appointment to ask the gp to sign me off over not surprising anxiety. basically i was wondering also are people who have a low score on assessment for employment mine was bottom 3 are being pushed aside,my next appointment for the work programme is a gap of four weeks,i have had no tailored support as promoted and i feel let down. has anyone else with metal health problems had this happen to them?.
  17. you need to appeal because of your anxiety and health grounds,they have to make allowances for these problems. you need to go to the cab office that doesn't sound right either two weeks wait and you are a single parent.
  18. you should have appealed put all this down plus the anxiety and stress and the fact you are seeing the gp over this.its not as if you didn't have good reasons'. they are expected to view job search positivity and do not appear to have here.the problem with jobseekers agreements is that they are often drawn up as the advisor dictates,they will always try to maximise the conditionality.not everyone is feeling up to this because of health/finance's and general ability.with more people being forced onto this benefit there are real risks of unfair sanctions. the agreement must reflect means and health issues that do not involve the runaround,working ridiculous hours/impossible to get to locations and great expense. and you are a single parent under anxiety that could rapidly worsen,then what would you do?. do not take this on the chin and except their version,vulnerable people cannot afford to go without and be discouraged from their rights to fair redress.
  19. you need to supply a specialists or gp's letter explaining the condition,make sure you point out that all documentation will be provided at the tribunal at that date. social phobia is debilitating and jobseekers is not the right benefit for that condition,its a circle of peoples reactions and how you feel and would lead to acceptance problems in the workplace exposing the person to greater anxiety and greater potential problems and greater benefit dependency.potentially on jobseekers for a considerable period of time. i had the shakes at the work programme providers with this and have to see the gp about signing off too.
  20. if you should have made a claim for esa then you should have,note that you have anxiety and the doctor signed you off for a reason.jobseekers conditions have the potential to aggravate conditions such as this as the expectations are large and the person is anxious, this gives a greater risk of sanctions because of health problems making the situation unclear and hence more likely to fall foul of through vulnerability.no one should suffer financial penalty because of issues arising of health get that that appeal in quick and deal with this.
  21. it doesn't matter what atos say's,you have a right of appeal against a decision made against you. the dwp should not be placing barriers or discouraging people from appealing.although this doesn't come as a surprise.you may be better advised to visit the citizens advice bureau who will be able to deal with this and assist.
  22. there is a very informative thread on this process here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?251737-Appealing-or-going-to-a-Tribunal-Some-useful-information(1-Viewing)-nbsp you should be paid up to the appeal.however the dwp are not keen on appeals the cab told me some time ago.
  23. you may need to apply for a crisis loan.normally when a fax is sent the transmission is recorded if failed or successful.this could be scanned up and emailed too. why didnt they just resend it?.not being very helpful are they.
  24. alleged offence might have been better, disgraceful story from this capita.
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