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  1. Good luck Sicktodeath33, and thanks everyone for help and comments. I'm going to write to Jobcentreplus asking for an explanation, and a written statement of their reasons. I thought Bipolar came under "tentatively invite" to a medical, so I've been stressing over a medical for weeks. Never thought I'd go straight to wrag. I wonder if this is a new trend? Thanks again.
  2. Hi, no pensions, no income, no partner
  3. Hi RMW, thanks for your reply. (i) I had an ATOS medical about 6 years ago, which basically lasted about 4 minutes because when bipolar came up, and I described how I am, the doctor phoned somewhere and when he came back he ended the medical, saying I met the criteria for IB, just like that. It was very strange. (ii) The jobcentreplus letter (which is the only thing I've received) says "You are entitled to contribution-based" ESA.
  4. I didn't want to hijack Sicktodeath33's thread, but I'm in a similar position. (mods, can you merge the threads please if you want, thanks) I'm bipolar, under a psychiatrist and on lots of meds, been on IB for 6+ years. In 2009 I filled in a form (IB50?) and was told I didn't need a medical and IB would continue. This time round, I filled in the WCA form with basically the same information as I did before, adn I find on Friday I've been put in Wrag with no medical. I'm shocked. And scared. I didn't include any documentary evidence (e.g. psychiatrist's letters) with my WCA form, which might have been a mistake. Can anyone advise me whether my first thing to do should be: write asking for the basis of their decision, or just go straight to appealing it? Thanks to everyone here. L
  5. Thanks all caggers. ID is a problem for me, I dont have utility bills etc. Can I just request that they post it to me? That would be much easier for me. If they're not sure I'm me, then does it help that they (the bank) sent a NOA to my current address? [i presume it was the bank that sent it: I received a NOA on headed paper from the bank in question, as an enclosure from a DCA ... but somewhere I read that might not actually have been written by the bank...] Can I just write back to the bank and say I would prefer them to post the SAR bumf to me, please. ?
  6. Hi, I have heard from my OC, a high street bank, who would like me to pick up the SAR bumf from a branch of my choosing, if I show photo-id. Great, except I dont have any photo ID. Is there anything else they might take? Or can I ask them to put the stuff in the post instead? Thank you caggers
  7. Thank you. Thanks to all Cag people, I shall not send them official evidence, my psychiatrist has better things to do than write to DCAs!
  8. Thanks but I don't understand why its statute bared if I made token payments on it? There wasn't a six year gap without payments.
  9. Thanks everyone. No, it's not statute bared because of the token payments. Thanks for the information on getting charges back.
  10. I know this is a silly question but is there a site where it shows 'example experian pictures' so you know what different scenarios actually look like? A sort of I-Spy book of credit records for those old enough to remember them!
  11. Can I still get charges and stuff back on a debt that defaulted over 6 years ago?? Or are those charges sort of statue bared, even though the debt isn't? Oh and yes I am confused too about experian and token payments.
  12. Thanks everybody. The DCA is Lowell. The bank debt is in dispute because they haven't sent a CCA yet. The token payments were up to 2009. I shall take everyone's advice and not send them letter from psychiatrist. thanks people.
  13. Hi, I'm on Incapacity Benefit for Bipolar disorder. A DCA is chasing me for bank loan and mobile phone bill. They don't appear on my Experian anymore because its 6 years since i defaulted, but I have made some token payments since then so i don think they are statute bared. I sent off for a CCA for the bank loan, but the DCA tell me they are having to ask the lenders. Anyway the DCA have asked me for proof of my mental illness. I don't know what people here would recommend so I thought I would ask. I am seeing my psychiatrist soon and I guess I could get a letter off him saying I am diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and then send it to the DCA? Any thoughts anyone? Thank you Cag people.
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