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seen this before

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  1. according to the paperwork handed out by the job centre "wpo1ma4"you will not be made to apply for any jobs',on esa it goes on that its made up of two parts basic part and work related part and goes on that if a sanction is applied the work related part is cut in half for the first four weeks and in full if you fail to carry out the activity the provider is set. i dont know about anyone else but i dont know how they can get away with these statements.it clearly breaches the equality act. no it does not,there appears to be some expectations that this going to work at the dwp,from what can be seen everyone placed on this scheme has in affect a price on their heads regardless,given such tactics are highly controversial placing disadvantaged people in to this arena even stating "as you move from welfare into the workplace" .they want people they can move quickly. this is exactly what they are doing,getting people to sign forms with appointments made/tasks set for the next four weeks
  2. if the doctors issuing certificates then stay on esa and keep the appeal.trying to claim jsa in these circumstances is unwise as the outcome of the esa appeal is as yet unknown and it could be a reason to disallow it (jsa) if you are unfit.on the other hand you dont want to undermine the appeal by seeing to be applying for jsa. jobseekers allowance is not an ideal benefit to be on because even those covered by the equality act are being sent onto this work programme after twelve months.yes they have by law to make allowances but reading a4e's newsletter that two and a half times more people then expected are being placed on it.what this shows from experiencing the job centre have to high hopes for this scheme and when the dust settles into reality theres a risk this will be taken out on the jobless.
  3. if you have been submitted for these jobs apply and keep proof,you should not have been submitted for anything outside your traveling distance but some choose to override this and its important to say no. if you dont have the experience you dont,just apply anyway if someone has submitted you for this and as mentioned keep proof again its highly unlikely you will get a job without some experience,employers dont like taking risks it costs time and money to employ someone and have to repeat the procedure. what happens on these submitted vacancies a supposed check is carried out to see the outcome,these "a doubt has arisen" letters arrive typically 4-6 weeks after applying,however personally i have had these one instance i had a letter saying i had been turned down,another time the company had the application in the office and a number of these letters on every job i was sent for.i kept proof each time and kept covered,there are reports that some companies don't keep records at all casting further doubt on these letters authenticity.
  4. always appeal any sanction,there is brief mention on checks that are made on the new agreements however these "checks" have been shown on occasions to be of dubious origin when employers are contacted.
  5. what i have experienced so far is a few hours here and there and some days free. it doesn't appear to be like new deal where thirty hours a week is required but the work programme lasts for two years where new deal lasted around nine months. on signing on she didnt even look at my book just saying from now on a4e are responsible for job searching.
  6. its been more then four months they must have at least had that many certificates,will be watching this as i am considering signing off and claiming this benefit if my doctor agrees.
  7. i dont like the sound of this.its important to get to the cause of sons not wanting to be at school and this must be dealt with the cooperation of the schools governors. you shouldn't have been sanctioned the added pressure of this education authority with their attitudes/penalties must be placing a horrendous strain on the family. if your taking a child to school and they are not attending its the schools responsibility while they are in their care if the child is then leaving the premises soon after.complain to the job centre and try and get that sanction lifted,it sounds if it was made very unfairly and appeal against it if necessary. you could also go to the cab and see if they can provide legal help with this. this "its all your fault" attitude is not true,parents can only do so much and in cases take so much.
  8. your sons interest is the main concern,my interest in this is that my parents had similar problems with me when young,i dont know if this is the case here but if your son has a disability i am not saying he has you are covered under the equality act also. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/equality_act_2010_carer.pdf it is the case with the dwp that everyone regardless is tarred with the same brush regardless of work history/contributions. always appeal any decision made against you
  9. well the proof of the pudding is in the eating,an organisation whoever they are cannot sit in cloud cookoo land cast decisions and hope that all is well but they have done well out of the taxpayer so their not complaining. its unsurprising its going to unravel at a very fast rate and this is precisely what has happened,of course the governments have created mayhem and seeked to exploit inaccuracies and untruths for political purposes. however also nothing in the way of success stories from this fiasco has been seen in the release of figures for those whose lifes have been turned around by these policies,it has to be suspected if there were it would make unsurprising little reading too.
  10. hides or omits material information,breach of the consumer protection unfair trading regulations 2008,at least it mentions "if" we are successful. these letters have one purpose to intimidate and overwhelm those not aware of the law and their redress to such material.
  11. this highlights the treatment of the unemployed "are you stupid".those referred to the work programme are asked do you eat healthily,are you registered with a doctor/dentist and a number of intrusive personal questions that have nothing to do with them and breach the equality act. no doubt bankers were not asked these.
  12. its a good point and shows the risks of someone being in the job centre for some considerable time and having not only to deal with the disability and then having to battle organisations like jobcentre plus on top."the real world"they are sending people for the work programme regardless of prospects of employment and are placing unreasonable expectations on those that claim small amounts of benefits expecting them to travel unreasonable distances to find work (you can halt this by complaining and its important to do so) having own transport and expecting to perform miracles with no thought for the effects on the customer either financially or emotionally. people who hire want the best person with the experience,they are not interested in the dwp's vision,the companies they employ.the economy is in a terrible state as we know and their seems to be policy of not focusing publically on this,instead feeding negative statements as in another guardian article but its customers'.being on benefits like jobseekers doesnt mean someone is going to find work. the atos scandal will have adapt it has no choice the costs/burdens of its actions and decisions again are not in the real world.
  13. this is where i have problems also i start reading and my eyes start to wonder and the concentration goes,when starting the work programme i was handed a brochure of high power job searching tips,i couldn't concentrate though all that. as mentioned above regarding pets these are very therapeutic and recommended,these are expensive to keep and if a sanction is applied the cost of keeping them would have a reverse affect and the stress of worrying about them on top. if i have to sign off because of the work programme if it becomes to much i don't fancy being faced any of whats been said.
  14. there seems to be an never ending trail to this saga http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/jul/24/atos-case-study-larry-newman
  15. another media story on this highly controversial organisation,its dealings with the vulnerable have come under more scrutiny. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/jul/24/atos-faces-critical-report-by-mps
  16. its also worth noting that the oft guidence is as follows. f. pressurising debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large instalments, or to increase payments when they are unable to do so k. not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt. more can be found here. http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/consumer_credit/oft664.pdf
  17. its important that the "missing" postal order is located and has it been cashed and where the money is,if its been allocated,its a shame it got to this as you could have hit them with the s78 no further requests for sars of £10 payments' would have been sent.buchanan clark & wells have no paperwork and for whatever reason broken the cca. and the former combined with the cputr would have seen it returned to jd williams as sometimes these letters are marked "without prejudice" this means it cannot be used against them,the letter is untrue because the original cca request is still outstanding and they shouldn't be threatening proceedings.
  18. typical them,they think they can walk on water.you pay what you can afford not what they dictate.to many people think the hsbc a reputable company,metropolitan very approachable totally wrong.they will lie through their teeth on the phone and even put this on paper then backtrack with excuses and breach the cputr at a drop of a hat.you do owe this debt and dont dispute any charges?.
  19. yes but they never replied to the november 09 request for a cca,if they are cashing the postal orders thats another £10,you cannot stop these,they don't own the debt and it the usual "our clients"
  20. contact the post office and see if its been cashed,was it made crossed.they cannot enforce an agreement unless they have provided a true copy of the original cca under s78 of the 1974 act,being a catalogue depending and if opened prior to april 07 their unlikely to have one. 78 Duty to give information to debtor under running-account credit agreement. (1)The creditor under a regulated agreement for running-account credit, within the prescribed period after receiving a request in writing to that effect from the debtor and payment of a fee of [F10£1], shall give the debtor a copy of the executed agreement (if any) and of any other document referred to in it, together with a statement signed by or on behalf of the creditor showing, according to the information to which it is practicable for him to refer,— (a)the state of the account, and (b)the amount, if any currently payable under the agreement by the debtor to the creditor, and ©the amounts and due dates of any payments which, if the debtor does not draw further on the account, will later become payable under the agreement by the debtor to the creditor. (6)If the creditor under an agreement fails to comply with subsection (1)— (a)he is not entitled, while the default continues, to enforce the agreement; another opportunity to apply the cputr 2008 too.
  21. i have gone for a job as an estate agent before to bump up the numbers,i can't see this working who decides what you can do and cannot?,certainly the person signing cannot make that decision.the jobseekers agreement is still in place and going for jobs you haven't had any experience in means your going to get turned down. by all means go/apply, you can apply for an astronaut but getting it is another story.and don't be surprised with the end result. the best thing to do in these places is keep quite,if anything is said against you keep a note of what was said and when for later use.
  22. really this is getting more foolish by the day,they know there's little out there competition is great and as the whisleblower stated its easier to stop someones money. those disabled often have a struggle as it is just filling in the paperwork to satisfy the job centre,something that a non disabled person would struggle.what we then see is the equality act passed off as being treated equally,however this is not the case. anyone who has a health complaint made worse by stupid behavior has an substantial appeal case.they have tied themselves in an knot with their benefits system the jobcentre asking are you well enough,atos saying the opposite.its phishing for sanctions and the work programme heading for doom were told "as the economy moves from recession to recovery" much the same as the 1992 infamous "green shoots of recovery" its not happening.even then the astonishing claim was made "unemployment" is a price worth paying.
  23. i have just started this and have to return next week at A4e to be honest the few people that were in there didnt seem to be doing much had a list of questions and came to level 3 i asked is there a 4 "he said no we couldn't cope with that here .number 1 being job ready.there was one unemployed member behind the receptionists desk.the amount of staff/claimants could be counted on on one hand. i really don't know what to expect from this and to be honest that's not much,its unreasonable to expect you to apply for jobs that just are not there. you say your on medicines for depression/anxiety,if its more then twelve months more then minor or trivial then the equality act applies,if the bullying starts this can be immediately brought up against them.
  24. i have a potterton suprima 40 boiler now eleven years old there is not a lot to go wrong in these except the infamous circuit board solder contacts but this is repairable diy. open the case is illegal for for non corgi gas members,the dangers in combustion refereed to is carbon monoxide gas this can occur in a an appliance that is poorly vented and is fatal,its an easy boiler to work on and corrosion on the heat exchanger is normal as it is on any cast iron. http://www.partsarena.co.uk/baxi/System/DATA/Dx/DS1/installation/2221/I04-2221/I04-2221.htm#z7faultfindingguide here is a diagram of the boiler once studied it falls in to place,theres no pump inside the boiler its in the airing cupboard.the heat exchanger has an input output pipe which is attached,a system should have a corrosion inhibitor installed in the system.
  25. they could apply to the dwp to have deductions from your benefit.the cab might be the first choice to see if they can negotiate a settlement on your behalf.the benefits of this is that they are less likely to attempt bully an arrangement that has a detrimental affect on you financially. warrants are applied for in bulk to enter property,people have arrived home before and their furniture has been moved. http://www.yourrights.org.uk/yourrights/privacy/power-of-officials-to-enter-your-home/gas-and-electricity-boards.html ebico are a good choice for low users,there's no standing charge you pay for what you use although southern electric the company that handles the payments/administration of the account can be heavy handed sending out disconnection notices twenty eight days after the bill even though they send payment cards,if they don't like the amount being paid this is what they do.
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