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Everything posted by sparkles2010

  1. Hi watching maybe she was off today? Would be a good idea to keep your alarm, i can understand you getting all worked up expecting her visit , and then she doesnt arrive, nothing more annoying than that. Aprt from that keep chin up chick xx
  2. The meeting will be a review of your medication, and a check on your general health, etc blood pressure, and yes gps do , do this they let you order a certain amount a year before there is a review.
  3. You need your alarm watching, so its best to keep hold of it, it could be difficult to get it back if you have it taken away. Wardens i know can be a pain in the bum, they just want to know that you are ok, they wont snoop and probably wont be bothered if you arent dressed unless its like 3pm then that may raise some concerns. Everyone has off days and not up to speaking to other people, and hiding behind closed doors, sometimes it can be helpfull to speak to someone on the outside who is looking in. Maybe you could arranged with her that she rings you instead of coming round? DO you alarm company contact you daily through it, to check if you are ok?
  4. I think your girlfriend needs to speak to CQC about what has happened regarding another carer disposing of medication down the sink. CQC do operate a whistle blowing policy, what they did by failing to give meds is actually abuse, and could also be classed as neglect. I dont think your gf has much to worry about, they cant dismiss her because she is pregnant, if they do you have a good case against the care home.
  5. I would chase boots on this as well, are there copies of fax's sent over to boots that could be checked? It's not uncommon for chemists to miss things, and have them ready for delivery.
  6. Ok, my bet is someone on night shift has misplaced the script. Does the chemist collect and deliver the scripts, or is it down to a member of staff to sort out? Could it be someone was supposed to take it to the chemist but forgot and its hiding under the seat in car?
  7. So the care plans were being made up at home? As in the residents information were being put into the care plans at your girlfriends house? They can still class that as a breach of confidentiality, as the care plans contain personal and confidential information about the resident, they could even claim you may have looked at them. Looks as though someone has misplaced a script and is trying to pass the buck, by saying your girl friend didnt order the items required. Do you know if the script actually went to the chemist? Has this been checked by your girlfriend? Maybe the chemist didnt deliver it with the others , as it wasnt ready or had to be ordered in. I would be inclined to contact the chemist, or the dr that did the script saying it has gone missing. Also who carried out the risk assessment? Where i used to work it could only be done by management , who would arrange to watch the carer at work. Getting someone put on the POVA list is a hard thing to do, one company i worked at tried to do it with a carer and failed, so i wouldnt worry to much about that.
  8. Care plans shoudnt be removed from the care home, they are classed as a legal document, who ever told your girlfriend that she could do this is very much mistaken. I have worked as a senior carer for 10yrs, and the only time a care plan was removed from a clients home was when the service ceased, or if the office staff requested it to be removed, but it would be replaced with a new one, containing all the clients details. What was the medication error they claim your girlfriend made? Has she had the correct medication handling training?
  9. Hi watching im ok thank you, went back to the drs friday, she has put me back on my meds, reviewd pain relief for my back,have been signed off for 6 weeks, so today i have sort that out, after running around or in my case not running lol to sort my jsa claim out. The leg going numb buisness is due to my disc problem which i have had for many years, have to ring the social today to sort out a claim for ESA, bit worried about it really as i know may take a while to sort out, and from a money point of view we all need it . But thank you for checking in x
  10. when this happened to me i hate confirm all dates and send them a copy, ex still tried to say it wasnt right, so i got my boss to write me a letter stating that i had finish work early on every other friday as i had my son for that weekend, i still say they tend to go with what the parent says who has the child living with them. And ignore what the absent parent says
  11. Hi all i was claiming contribution based jsa this stopped on 5th may, i had alsready filled in jsa3 form and sent it back. Had a dr's appointment on friday to get more pain relief as i have disc problems, and my left goes dead when i walk for more then 10 mins, after the dr checking out my leg and foot etc, she said its all related to my disc problem and then then a general review of meds etc for pain relief. She has signed me off for 6 weeks, do i ring my sign on job centre on monday, or the number on the sick note? Due to sign on this thursday, do i still attend and hand my sick note in then? Many Thanks
  12. I know it was a bad idea, and i should no better being a trained carer, but will get sorted tomorrow and get back on my meds, my best mates know i have stopped them and one is coming with me tomorrow not to ensure i go lol as i always attened my appointments, but because the new drs is to far for me to walk as i also have a disc problem, and cant walk for to long without being in pain.
  13. You can also leave instructions with the carer who sees your mum daily to also ring you if there are any changes with your mum, this is of course as well as writting it up in the care plan and informing the care manager at the company they work. Hope mum picks up soon, can be difficult i know for familys, but its a lot easier once your in system, i was a senior community carer for 10yrs.
  14. Keep your chin up watching, there is help out there, even when it feels like there isnt. I have been on and off antidepressants for years, i did the silly thing in jan of this year and stopped taking mine thought it was a good idea at the time. Having to face up to that it wasnt over the few weeks, and seeing a new dr tomorrow as i have moved, so here i go again lol , but all will be well.
  15. Thanks for that flumps, have rand BDC again in Aberdeen and they told me it was the wrong form i had filled in, depsite them telling me to fill it in lol. Have now gone back and filled in the correct form, was told to take it when im due to sign on, but that not for another week, so will post it today and hope they dont take to long tos sort it all out.
  16. Thanks flumps may give BDC a ring again as well just to check, they did give me the correct info.
  17. I dont know if they still do it this was more then 10 yrs ago, so could well have changed now.
  18. Many years ago i did report someone who was claiming and working. The only reason i knew was she dates my brother, had 3 kids none his, worked 3 part time jobs, and one of those she turend up to where i was working and got herself a job, i couldnt believe it. Went on to report her they did say if they prosecuted her i would get £50.00 told them i didnt want the money, they got her in the end, after several interviews, she denied it at first, but when they named all the 3 places she worked she couldnt deny it any more, got fined i think in the end, only knew from my brother telling me.
  19. Hi everyone, new here planning on giving up my cigs tomorrow, havent any nicotine replacement patches etc, so could be intresting time lol
  20. Thanks for your reply flumps, when i saw the lady at the job centre she asked me if any other my circumstances had changed, none of them had they are still the same as when i did my orginal claim last november. I did take the letter i had recieved with me and did show them the letter and the two people i spoke to both said was a JCP25 that i needed to fill in. I dont have any other income, and do not have a partner.
  21. Hi all new here, i have been claiming contribution based JSA for 6 mths. I recieved a letter on saturday saying it is about to run out, typical on a long weekend.I have spoken to BDC in Aberdeen today who told me i needed to fill in a JCP24, when i went to the jobcentre they said needed JCP25? Any way t young lady sorted it out for me, just asked if they were any changes , and was a case of sign the form and sorted. Does anyone know how long it takes them to process this? Im also renting private and a bit worried about LHA being stopped aswell. Altho the lady i spoke to this morning said my contribution based JSA actually stops on 5th may. Will i get transfered straight over to income based from thursday? Any help would be great thanks
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