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Everything posted by sparkles2010

  1. Hi Honeybee i feel totally drained, guess lack of sleep is there too, just keeping fingers crossed now, and thank you x
  2. Hi Rebel very true, was really dreading it to be honest but its all done and dusted now.
  3. Well i am back from the medical, the nurse was very nice and friendly and allowed me to talk. The first she did was to go through my form that i had filled in, and picked a few things and asked me questions about it, i was able to fill her in on things, when it cam to questions regarding getting dressed was down to pain levels, and if i was in to much i didnt get dressed. She asked how i did my shopping, which was ok as i order online and get it delivered, then asked what if i run out of something, thats when my friend spoke up and said if i needed any thing she goes and gets it for me. I was asked about the flat i lived in did it have stairs etc or a lift, and how did i manage with 3 flights of stairs for getting out, i dont go out unless i have to because of the stairs and my leg going dead if i walk or stand for more then 10 mins. Then she checked what medication i was taking, and how often and had any of it changed. Because i have depression stress and anxiety as well as a back problem i was asked questions relating to my mental health and how long i had , been ill, she asked when i had last worked and what my job was, which i explained i was a senior carer in the community, and because of my back and mental health problems i left the job. The examination its self was an ordeal, had to stand and move my arms etc, squeeze her fingers, and push her arm up and down. I had to raise my legs one at a time, to as far as i could but i told her when doing it was hurting she was fine with this, also used her hands to try and push my legs down and up etc where you push against them. She has 6 attempts to test the reflexes in my left leg, and kept going until she got a response from what she was doing,and a few attempts with my right leg, this was done with my legs hanging over the side of the examination bed. She said she was not allowed to tell me when i would hear anything, but the form goes straight to DWP and i will hear something in the next 2 weeks,despite being in pain when i got there, i was in more pain when i left, to the extent that i did struggle to walk with the pain, but that is normal for me. I was asked how i got there today, was brought by car as i get to stressed being on public transport, trying to get to somewhere i dont know. I guess its now a waiting game as to when i hear, but i think i may know by monday at the latest.
  4. Hi Honeybee i have read and reread lol, fingers crossed it goes ok, how long does it take to find out if you have passed or failed the medical?
  5. well i have my medical today after the mess up 2 weeks ago,must admit im dreading it really,didnt get much sleep last night worrying about it all. If i know anything later will post, but will let you all know how it went when i get back later.
  6. i thought there was also a self employment credit you could claim of £50.00 per week,as well as the back to work credit or instead of?
  7. crikey this erika is like having your own personal stalker lol or as a friend of mine says like dog poo gets all over lol:madgrin:
  8. I must admit i wasn't looking forward to it, i am abit peeved about it, but nothing i can do. Just gives me a bit of time to check up on things and check the discriptors.
  9. i wasnt impressed i must say, my friends had driven me there and one was coming in with me, the lady on reception said they tried to ring me at 1.40pm so not much notice when i had to be there at 2.50pm, so i guess just got to wait another 2weeks to go through it all again. Wasn't given a reason for the cancellation, they are paying my exspenses though which is better then nothing.
  10. well i got to the medical in plenty of time, to be told it was cancelled, i had missed a phone call on my mobile an hour before but as it was witheld number was unable to return the call, so now rebooked for 21st july at 1.30pm, looks like i had a sleepless night for nothing. Although i did see that i am down to see the neuro nurse.
  11. Hi everyone, well today i finally have my ATOS medical after much date changing etc, its at 3pm im not thinking i will pass it, but will post when i get back if i know anything:!:
  12. They cant leave her with no money, thats wrong, has your friend applied for a crisis loan? I dont know much about the benefit system im new to it but someone will be along to help you.
  13. Just seen your roll out table for this new grant to start a business, i didnt see central scotland on there?
  14. Hi leemack, ive answered as best i could, my days dont really very that much, the only thing i can say is the pain varys, some days im in more pain then others, how it affects me daily doesnt change really. Apart from more pain i do less sometimes, other days i just push myself and pay for it the next day. Found out friday night that i will have to change my medical date again, should of been 15th but my friend cant take me she has hospital herself, so rearranged for the 20th, been told she is not avliable then either, so i have to ring them again monday for another appointment, at least i have another friend who can take me on any monday, just not the 20th as they dont have the car that day.
  15. yes i will be able to afford the payment,
  16. Have now spoken to them and they have given me 2 weeks to pay which is really good.
  17. Thanks for your reply, i have no assests, the flat is fully furnished by the landlord, i have no car etc and no savings
  18. Hi all today i recieved a letter from messengers at arms, which is a summary warrant for council tax arrears of 21.69. I have not long moved to scotland so i dont know the scottish law, im also on ESA because i have mental health problems, stress, depression and anxiety. The letter states i have 5 days to pay this, i dont have the money. Any advice on what to do, also list a charge of 47.10 if an officer comes to the flat, which i rent private. Any advice will be great thanks:!:
  19. HI i have read leemacks thread about the meidcial, and have a question for you. Do they just stop your esa, and you have to get it reinstated if you fail, or do they continue to pay you the assessment rate?
  20. Hi all i have got a date for my esa medical on the 20th june , havent a clue what to expect, apart from not passing it going by what i have heard about them. Any help would be great.
  21. A police caution will show up , along with any offences. I think they now go back til your teens with these i have one done every three years, well i used to for care work.
  22. little update now 21 days since last ciggie lol x
  23. When i hit week 13th on JSA i never signed on weekly, just carries on as normal no changes,but did have a 13th week review of my agreement etc whic is done at normal signing time
  24. Just thought i'd do a little update, now been 10 days since i last had a ciggie, do miss them at times, but still doing ok
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