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Everything posted by sparkles2010

  1. Had to chase my back to work bonus today or job grant which ever it is called. Rang my local BDC to be told there was nothing down on my records, yet i asked for it last week, she promised me a phone call with in 3 hours, wasnt holding much hope to get it. I did get a phone call to be told yes i did qualify and it would be in my account by friday, now just waiting on tax credits form coming.
  2. Thanks for that im still waiting for the form to arrive
  3. Hi all i am waiting for my claim pack to come hopefully will be quick. I am going from unemployed to self employed having never done this before im guessing i have to send cashflow in, but also been told that for the first year i dont have to give accounts? Any advice is great
  4. No problem sadone tomorrow i close my esa claim, and also apply for my job grant, and need to phone up HMRC for tax credits, will let you know tomorrow
  5. Have just got off the phone to the back to work credit people they have my paperwork etc, and have now confirmed dates for when i start work which is from tomorrow, it will take 2-3 weeks for payment to come through which isnt too bad, thats one less phone call to make in the morning.
  6. I am about to go self employed this weeks after 18mths unemployed. My advisor at the job centre was great referred me to shaw trust who help you get your business going and you also get a free grant of £500 which helps with materials.
  7. Your welcome although on esa at the moment i dont know enough about it to advise you, wouldnt want to give wrong info
  8. I think this needs honeybee or erika to help with this one
  9. I dont blame you sadone, best to sign off before they sign you off i think. I shall be glad once im off it, just hope this buisness well eventually, next week im out leafleting so fingers crossed
  10. I have just recieved my letter for not going to my medical last friday. I have until 25th june to reply to them, but as im closing my claim thursday the 21st i dont see the point of replying to them.
  11. Thanks for that, i know i wont get loads of people overnight, i have a wedding booked for end of this month, i am also going to be putting out leaflets etc, local to where i live, and leaving business in as many places asi can, including my friends barbers shop. I know that the guidline figures i have given HMRC are just that but when i rang and spoke to them we took the higher figure as what i would earn, fingers crossed i wont be looking at over payments.
  12. I have been on ESA/JSA since otcober 2010 i am now on 14th week of ESA i am considering ending my claim on wednesday, i would only loose one days money which im sure would not be much. I have spoke to tax credits on the phone we went through the basics and she gave me a figure of what i could get a week, so they already know everything i just have to phone up on the day i go self employed. I have also found out that the back to work credit is not counted towards housing and council tax benefit, so i would still get that paid for me as they only class tax credits as income, this i got from my buisness advisor , i havent as yet spoke to the council as i havent signed off, how ever i have now posted my forms for return to work credit.
  13. Ok i have finally got through to DWP today ref ESA my 13th week was last friday, i am due a payment this thursday from them, the girl also confirmed this. I asked if i ended my claim today will you pay me up to the sick note runs out, was told no, she said if i am closeing the claim to ring back on thursday morning, and close the claim then as i would loose money by doing it today. So on thursday i end my claim for ESA and will claim reutrn to work credit and tax credits, plus job grant, just hope it doesnt take to long to come through.
  14. sadone the questions were, would my business effect how many people came to my flat i said no as it was by appointment only. and would it make a difference with extra cars etc parking and that was no again and the parking issue was why he got sent out by the boss to check it out
  15. I will do, once i have spoke to them tomorrow will post up etc, i had no choice but to go selfmeployed i spent 10 yrs as a senior carer and nvq assessor, but because it wrecked my back when i moved to scotland it was impossible to get a job because of it, so i decided the way forward was self employment.
  16. unsure on that, but i think you would be ok, good luck with it
  17. no problem, if you can referred to the shaw trust by the jobcentre they have a business advice bit, and once you have done your buisness plan you get a £500 grant and support for over 2yrears in total .
  18. sadone my council just required me to fill a form in with what i would be doing, what hours i would be working, what i would have stored in the room for work use. I then got a visit from my housing officer and he asked me two questions, then said he was waiting for the planning deptment and the roads deptment to get back to him, but didnt think there was any problems. Business rates is payable if you use a room dedicated to work only, so as mine is a bedroom im fine. Best thing to do is check on your council website and see what info you can find out as all councils are different.
  19. Right thanks for that Mike and Suzibear for all your help i will ring them monday and get the info then cancel my claim once i have got my last payment and take it from there.
  20. no i wont have to pay that, as i am using my second bedroom which is classed as a bedroom still due to having a sofabed in there for when my family/friends come to stay
  21. i will do mike, will phone them first thing in the morning and get that checked, then ring day after payment to close claim?
  22. sadone this is correct you have to provide proof of trading ie. invoices if you have purchased stuff for the buisness, recipets etc for work. Suzibear i am sorted i hope lol im going self employed as a nail technician this has taken me 2 years to get this far, and last week i recieved confirmation from my council to work from home doing it, i have chronic back pain and at the moment have no car.
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