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Everything posted by mizzbabyjess

  1. Hi, just a quick update. after sending my proposals to Equita, as advised by my local authority. Equita have ignored all my emails which I sent through their online system and direct. Today I received a text message informing me that an enforcement agent will be visiting etc. I have emailed my local authority explaining everything and how Equita have been ignoring my emails, even though my LA advised them to make a payment arrangement. I have stressed how upsetting this is and how it is affecting me. I also asked the LA if they would consider setting up the payment arrangement via Equita.
  2. Hi, I need to send a breakdown of my income & expenditure to Equita and proof of any benefits. Is there a template on here that I can send as I really don't feel comfortable sending my bank statements? I a carer for my parent so that is my income which I do receive carers allowance.
  3. Yesterday I received 2 emails from my local council, informing me that they had requested the account be put on hold for 2 weeks while I gather my income & expenditure together, and they have advised Equita to come to a payment arrangement with me. This morning I had Equita bailiffs banging on the door, when I explained the situation, the bailiff called Equita who said they were not aware of this, I then had to produced the 2 emails to the bailiff to prove what the Local Authority had sent. He then left. Should I inform the Local Authority of this and that Equita are stating they were not aware of the the account being put on hold.
  4. Due to personal circumstances I wasn't able to proceed, but I am now looking into this. Today I have been trying to sort out all the old paper work I have relating to my previous mortgages. I also had a mortgage with Kensington and was charged nearly £4000 exit fees, I will get all the paper work together for my present mortgage company and previous and will post back on here.
  5. Hi, because of personal circumstances I have only just been able o start looking at everything again, over the last year this went quite badly and was threatened with eviction, I managed to lend the money to pay off some of the arrears and enter into a payment plan, but the charges are excessive, so I need to get on to this. My only concern is they have a suspended possession order, could they turn nasty with me if I start asking questions?
  6. Hi, I'm looking for some advice, I have an old outstanding council tax bill, which was sent to Equita, I said I would set up a repayment plan with them and spoke to the local authority for them to clarify the amount as I don't agree with the amount they say. I informed Equita that I was speaking to the local Authority and in the meantime Equita sent a repayment plan of £900 per month, which I never agreed to and could never ever afford. Last week I received my new council tax bill and on it is the outstanding amount still owed. I straight away emailed equita explaining this, and that now payments would be made to my local authority as it seems they have taken the debt back. I didn't receive a reply from equita. then this morning I have received a text message stating that my account is with an enforcement agent and to prevent removal of goods to call a number I have now sent another 3 separate emails to equita, copying my previous email to them and clearly stating they didn't reply, I have also included one of those as a complaint. I have also told them I have sent copies to my local authority. It is not like I've been ignoring them.
  7. hi, thank you for your replies, so should my parents just wait now, there hasn't been a payment. Also just a question to the above reply, what does dictate the SB if it isn't the default date?
  8. When would the account become statute barred?
  9. Hi, from speaking to my parents they definitely think the account was opened in 2008. We are looking to see if there is any paper work. So do I not go by the default date?
  10. Hi, according to the credit report, it says account started 12/03/2008
  11. The Default date is June 2013, that is whats showing on the credit report. There hasn't been any claims for PPI or charges.
  12. Hi, I have blocked the numbers on my parents phones. this relates to an old MBNA Credit Card.
  13. Thank you, I was going to use the template on this site.
  14. Hi, My elderly parents are getting continuous calls on Mobile and Landline from PRA. If they send a telephone harassment letter will it affect the fact that the debt as it is nearly 6 years old. Thank you
  15. Hi, I’m looking fo advice. I am in the process of selling my property and my mortgage will be fully paid on completion as well as a secured loan. Can I claim back late payment charges and arrears charges as well as other charges added to my account from my mortgage company? If so how do I go about it? Thank you
  16. Thank you I will get onto that straight away & sent off.
  17. I don't know where the copy of the agreement is. I fell behind with my monthly payments but I am trying to catch up I made a payment this week for £500. I don't know how long left to run.
  18. No I haven't, it was that I saw the amount of charges & thought they were high. So I can't reclaim any of them back?
  19. So can you advise of my options if any? Thank you
  20. Hi, the initial loan was for 10,000 It was taken out in 2012. The statement states: Total Amount of Charges ( in relation to shortfall) £8,133.93 It also states that whilst the account remains in arrears, a management fee of £40.00 plus interest will be charged each month. I have brought the arrears down to £1728
  21. They are Equifinance. Can you advise the steps I need to take to reclaim? Thank you
  22. Hi, I hope you can advise? We took out a secured loan 3 years ago, and unfortunately fell behind with our payments and have always been trying to play catch up since. Today I received a statement from the company and on it it states £8000 in charges. I am shocked, is there anything we can do about these charges or claiming some of it back? Thank you
  23. I contacted the bailiff early this morning via text message, I stated that I couldn't pay the full amount straight away, but I could make a substantial payment, and if possible come to an arrangement to clear the remainder of the debt over the next couple of months. I haven't heard anything back, which I'm surprised considering he said it was urgent I contact him.
  24. Thank you, Equita are saying I have to deal with the bailiff now, but if I want to make a payment I can do so through them or their website, but if it's not paid in full any outstanding balance has to be dealt with the bailiff. I am going to pay the outstanding CTax amount of £1541 direct to Equita first and then I will text the bailiff to let him know and try and come to an arrangement to pay the remainder.
  25. A Bailiff called today at my home for Council Tax Debt. I didn't speak to him my daughter did, he also asked her for proof of ID, and he handed her a letter, to be passed to me and said it was urgent that I contacted him. The actual debt is for £1541.22 Then Compliance Fee £75 Enforcement Fee £239.00 Total £1855.22 I was aware of the debt and had received a letter, but due to personal problems I couldn't deal with it. I would like to pay this, but should I pay direct to Equita? and then in form the bailiff I have paid? Also I can pay the outstanding debt and I was going to ask that I pay the remainder of their fees off. I will only talk to them by text or email. I do not have a car. Any advice greatly appreciated.
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