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Everything posted by mizzbabyjess

  1. Hi, just an update, I received a letter from Equifinance, all they have sent is an arrears statement from November2019 - Feb2020 No sign of the returned SAR and no acknowledgement of it. They have until 5th March. I haven’t had any contact with them since the payment of £3000, so I don’t know why they have sent an arrears statement.
  2. I just can’t believe how much I’ve paid back already £25, 524 & they are saying I still owe £16,157. They will probably be in touch Monday to say they haven’t received full payment.
  3. Should I still wait for the full SAR? And ignore them until I have received that?
  4. Thank you, I have made sure all communication is by email. But I will not be having any more contact with them now until I receive the SAR back. according to the last redemption statement sent last week it says Original sum loaned £11,895 Total Charge for Credit £10,341.48 Fees & Disbursements £7,412.80 Discharge Fee. £180.00 Total Amount due. £29.829.29 Additional Accrued Interest net of interest rebate £11,852,49 Less Monies Received. £25,524 Settlement Amount. £16,157.77 So I have actually paid back £25,524 of an £11,895 Loan.
  5. Thank you for all your advice. Equifinance have said because of previous problems with payments, even though there is no outstanding arrears on the account, if the account is not paid in full by 14/02/20 with refinancing, then they will start possession proceedings again. They have also stated that the term of the loan expired last August, but in their letter it did state about continuing with repayments until the loan is repaid. Which is what I am trying to do, but when I put this to them they ignored it and said that the account needs to paid in full. surely the fact I have made 2 lump sum payments and to resume monthly payments shows my commitment to paying this loan.
  6. Thank you, apparently there is no outstanding arrears as such, it is now just the the whole amount outstanding. i will resume the monthly payments and wait to hear from them. They did state that the full amount had to be cleared by 14th Feb.
  7. Hi, I sent the SAR off to Equifinance last Thursday 06/02/20, I haven’t received an acknowledgment from them. whilst I am waiting for the SAR to come back, I have a question? I got into arrears with Equifinance which I explained in my first post. I made a lump sum payment of £3000 last week and £3800 in October this was to stop a pending eviction. I have been trying to refinance so that I can pay Equifinance in full. unfortunately it has fallen through, and Equifinance had said previously that if I didnt pay them the full arrears then they will again start possession proceedings. Now I am in a position to make monthly payments to Equifinance and I have reduced the debt down with the lump sum payments. In the past Equifinance have never done anything to help like freeze interest for a period of time or maybe increase the length of time to pay, all they have ever done is send threatening letters and orders for possession. I do need to go back to them to say that the refinancing has fallen through And I want them to accept repayments going forward, but I’m not sure they will accept this. I dont know how to go about it with them. Any suggestions would be great. thank you
  8. I haven’t moved. yes they hold second charge. can I also do this with my mortgage provider Platform Mortgages or is it more complicated?
  9. The account is in joint names, should I send 2 separate SARS?
  10. Thank you for your advice, when I get the statements back, I will need some help as I haven’t got a clue where to start. Also can I send the SAR by email?
  11. Thank you, I haven’t got all the statements, so I will send a SAR, can I even claim the Accrued Interest?
  12. Hi, I hope someone can give me a bit of advice. I have a secured Loan with Equifinance the total which currently stands at £19k I have had the loan since 2013 the original loan was for £11k I have over the years fallen into difficulties, but have always managed to repay my payments. However I was looking to refinance last year as I had financial problems, I found someone who said they could complete the refinancing clearing my debts including Equifinance, to cut along story short I was completely duped and taken in and after paying out over £4000 to the company no refinancing came about, to be perfectly honest money was taken from me under extreme circumstances and I foolishly believed this person. because of the awful circumstances I found myself in, Equifinance had an eviction order which was for last October 19’ my parents lent me a lump sum of £3800 and the eviction got cancelled, and I have just paid another lump sum of £3000. I have requested a redemption statement. i was really shocked. Equifinance have charged Accrued Interest of £11, 906 A total charge for credit £10,341 Fees & disbursements £7,382 I have paid back so far £22,524 can I claim anything back from Equifinance as the fees & interest seems high. Thank you
  13. Thank you, I will get that done. just a question, by sending the letter will it acknowledge the debt to them?
  14. Thank you for your advice, which I have followed. However I have a letter has now been received from a company called CSL stating that PRA have transferred the debt to them and that they have registered the defaulted debt with a credit agency, even though the debt is over 6 years old. what should I now send to this company as it seems PRA are not dealing with it anymore?
  15. Yes that makes sense. i have checked their credit file, and it has dropped off there as well, I think last October
  16. Thank you for your reply there hasn’t been any payment in over 6 years. Is it ok to reply to them with a SB Letter, I’m just worried they will reset the time.
  17. Hi, I hope you can give some advice. My parent had an old MBNA credit card debt. That is now over 6 years old. PRA are still continuously sending letters demanding payment. The Credit card was taken out in 2008. How can this be dealt with, as my parents are elderly and getting really stressed over this. Thank you
  18. I feel really uneasy naming names as they have really made me feel intimidated. But I I know I need to, the company is LPI Finance also known as London Property Investments, I have just recently discovered they are not registered with the FCA.
  19. I hope this is the correct place to post Hi I’m hoping someone can advise. My story is quite long so I will try to condense it. B ack in 2015 I was made bankrupt for a debt of £2000, I was going through some intense personal problems and went into meltdown. The bankruptcy was taken on by trustees and £2000 soon turned into £70k i was being threatened with repossession of my home. I was so desperate I came across a company that said they could clear all my debts and keep my home. They stated this in the summer of last year 2018 A Payment of £70k was paid to the trustees. I then had my bankruptcy cancelled/Annulled this was done with the help of an insolvency practitioner. The finance company however has still failed to secure funding even though I have paid them nearly £4000 each time they state that I need another valuation on my property, I have so far had around 5 valuations on my property in a year. I have never seen a valuation report, i have been led to believe that every thing is near completion, and then they inform me that they are going with a new lender, this is continuous. I tried to come away from the company and find another way of raising the money ( remortgage) but they send intimidating emails, threatening repossession. I have also discovered they are not registered with the FCA, I have also discovered they have put a charge on my property. I have now found a company that is registered & transparent. Even up until today the other company are asking yet again for another £650+Vat for yet another valuation and also for £500 upfront admin fee. I have now requested from them a full breakdown of charges that they say are due to them, as I don’t have a clue how much it is, as of yet they are still to produce them. They are ignoring my requests for a full breakdown. I also asked who paid the £70k I have been given 2 different answers. I’m not disputing I owe the £70k which I am working on raising the funds to pay. But I feel I have totally been duped with regards to the payments I have paid this company in over a year with no results and I was very vulnerable at the time. I just can’t believe I let myself get involved. in this. I’m just wondering if anyone has any ideas what to do next?
  20. Hi, Just an update on this. My parents have now received a letter from PRA, this is the first they have ever received, they are now getting panicked over this. If my parents were to offer a full and final settlement on the account what do you think would be a good offer? £7000 is owed according to PRA.
  21. Hi, since the visit from the bailiff, I have had contact from my local Authority confirming the account is on hold and this week I received an email from my local authority stating that they have asked Equita to contact me to come to a payment arrangement that is affordable to me. In total I have now sent around 20 emails to Equita. Today I have received 2 letters from Equita and they are both removal notices for the same account. It seems they are blatantly ignoring my Local authority. I have now sent another email to Equita stating again what has been said by the local Authority. Obviously on Monday I will inform the council and just hope they might take the debt back and let me pay them. I was also wondering if I would be able to take this further with anyone higher, as I have all my emails and emails from the council and not once have I had an acknowledgment from Equita except threatening letters?
  22. Yesterday afternoon an enforcement agent turned up at my door, i didn’t let him in. I tried to explain to him about the councils emails with regard to the account and show him proof of the emails from the Council, he wouldn’t look, He was so aggressive in his manner, he said he was calling Equita, I asked if he could come back in the morning to which he replied no I will be banging on your door again soon, he then said Equita has denied all knowledge, but still wouldn’t look at the proof, he made me feel so intimidated, so I said I would need 24 hours to contact the Council for them to verify, he begrudgingly agreed and said only 24 hours. He pulled up in my road in this 4x4 truck left it in the middle of the road and was just acting like a thug. I managed to get through to the Council, who then found the emails they had sent to me, I also explained the amount of times I have been contacting Equita with the payment arrangement and the fact Equita are just ignoring everything, I said I even put in a complaint and still nothing, then they send a bailiff. He the contacted Equita, he said the account is 100% on hold, he recommends I bombard Equita (those were his words) with continuous emails. I said that the bailiff said he was coming back, he said that I shouldn’t be receiving any visits, but if the information hasn’t got back to the bailiff yet, if he does knock I am to say this persons name in the Council and he will go. I just can’t beleive all this, and all I’m trying to do is set up a payment arrangement.
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