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Everything posted by HardYards

  1. Hi, everyone, hope you are well. A couple of years ago Cohen & Solicitors sent fake court papers to my OH claiming they had a CCJ against him (they didn't), on an old Kwikfit card. This was the very first he heard from Cohen. No attempts to negotiate, no introduction, just "we have a CCJ against you". Of course he immediately started paying them. Knowing the CCJ was fake we recently CCA'd them and have had this response: Re CL Finance Ltd v. Yourself Northampton CCBC County Claim No. XXX We refer to your letter dated xxx/2011. Please be advised that requests for copy credit agreements (sic) made under Section 78 of The Consumer Credit Act 1974 only apply to running credit accounts, however, your Clients account is not a running credit account as it is subject to a County Court Judgment Order. Not sure how to proceed, this is a new one to me! OH just wants HC to prove that they are entitled to collect and to get the correct amount. They have been demanding approx. £600 (there was a £500 limit on the card). Had we known any better at the time we would have challenged Cohen from the get-go. Many thanks in advance for any advice. H.xx
  2. Hi, Mark, I believe that as long as the account and overdraft was solely your wife's, that you are not liable to pay anything. My OH had a dca demanding on an overdraft, so a CCA wasn't appropriate but we stopped paying until they could prove they had a right to collect on the debt. They did not come up with proof but we dug our heels in and refursed to pay another penny. Eventually - this took a little over six months - they caved in and forgave the debt (in writing) due to OH's ill health. If they won't respond to your requests for proof then I certainly wouldn't pay them and would wait to see what they do next... Someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong! Good luck to you.
  3. Welcome, Lexi.rose, to a fantastic community! This site is one of the best things to ever happen to people suffering from stress due to debt... I joined a few years back and it's the only web community I've ever belonged to where the members are consistently friendly, patient, and happy to share excellent advice. Stress no more! CAG is the land of empowerment, learning - there's a lot of good stuff to read - and self-respect. Hope you enjoy your weekend. Best wishes, H.x
  4. I wish I could help, Babybear.... the only way we could deal with BT was to leave... Hope you're otherwise well
  5. We had this problem with HFC demanding proof of identity on our SAR.... we sent them a copy of OH's birth certificate and most recent council tax demand, noting as in the letter above that they'd been perfectly happy not to question OH's identity when they set dcas on him... got what we wanted in the end
  6. You're no way a pain, Skem, I know what it's like when you've been reading and re-reading links on this site, your brain goes a bit dead... the letter I used is on post #44 of this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?300494-HFC-CCA-request/page3 The only change I made was to the 2nd paragraph, as what the dca sent us with the app form was slightly different. Priority1 and M2ae, you guys are spot on - knowledge is all when fighting for your rights and a bit of peace of mind.... not to go off-topic, but do you ever feel a bit like Van Helsing?
  7. Thank you again for taking the time to answer my question on this thread. I sent the revised CPUTR letter and have had one back today from the dca saying fulfilling my request is impossible and they are passing account back to OC. Result!
  8. OH doesn't have the original account number, only the account numbers from various DCAs. Can he still do a SAR, perhaps to Barclays Bank rather than Barclaycard? Thanks in advance, H.x
  9. Hi again, Fred. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but for a SAR it's just the one payment of £10 to MBNA which is for all the stuff they have re your Dad.
  10. Thank you again Coledog for your suggestion to follow other threads.... I have already learned something new & hope to be able to at least give some support, if it helps others, as you guys have helped me
  11. Subbing... I'd like to see how you get on, Hippy... or do I call you Happy? BTW just also want to say I think hospital staff are heroes, very admirable to do what you do and still manage in your free time to deal with these (I thought I was the only person who called them) JACKALS! All best H.x
  12. They're all a pain to be honest, aren't they? but nothing you can't handle... there's loads here on CAG re Mint, that and with your threads on each of the accounts I know you'll find/get all the advice your dad needs Take care, H.xx
  13. Hi, Fred, I'm still learning myself but just a quick post to say good luck with it all & I'll sub to see how you get on... Best H.xx
  14. Hi, IwasOnce (and will be again!!!)Happy, Just to throw in my iota of support... you sound like you have in life what really counts, your beautiful children and wife. It's not worth letting debt take away your peace of mind - you deserve a better quality of life. You're in the right place. CAG really is a great place and the support is amazing, there's lots to read, too. Just my two cents on meds: I suffer from depression, I have to have meds because my brain doesn't produce enough happy chemicals. Hard as it is, if you can, keep seeing your GP until you get the anti-depressant that is right for you, even if you're only going to be on it for a short time. I've been through the insomnia and the suicidal feelings but with the help of a good anti-d, the support of my GP (it might be an idea to tell yours about your debt problems, my OH's GP wrote a letter of support for him) and the support of other CAGgers, plus this website which has so much information, life is good again. A struggle, but we're no longer living in fear. It takes time & some effort but like someone else said, reclaiming your life is worth it. As someone else also said, organising yourself helps, too. I've got file folders for all my OH's stuff, plus a big box file that I plonk all correspondence after I've read and date-stamped it into for sorting later on. I also have a specified time for dealing with debt stuff, and if I'm not 'clocked on' then I banish the thoughts of it, which do nothing but stress me out, until it's time to deal with the paperwork again. If you do find yourself unable to stop thoughts going round in your head, try, if you can, repeating 'beep' out loud. Stops you obsessiong and beeping is silly so sometimes even makes you laugh in the bargain. Wishing you all the best H.xx
  15. Will do. Even if I can post a 'don't panic' as it is so scary when you first get the threat-o-grams... Writing another letter to Mr Waldron:typing: to post tomorrow I should buy myself a time clock! H.xx
  16. Thank you again for your help, Coledog:clap2: - will get onto it. Could I send an email to OFT? Also I mean to make another donation to CAG in July. Is there any other way I can help CAG? I don't feel I know enough yet - the rules seem to keep changing - to advise others. H.xx
  17. Thank you, I've tried again. (Please let me know if you can't see/read it, I've used OCR and can post gist of the letter) hfo letter for cag.pdf
  18. I've tried clicking on attachments and it doesn't seem to work, I'll have to find that post by dx that says how to attach files... might be quicker to type letter out
  19. Is the pdf attachment not showing up in my post? I'll try again... hfo letter for cag.pdf
  20. Also the amount they are demanding is inflated, not at all the amount that was previously demanded - I don't know where they get their figures from.... I haven't responded to the application form, not sure what letter to send. Here is HFO letter received today: hfo letter for cag.pdf Thank you again for your help. H.xx
  21. Morning, Coledog - thanks for your reply. HFO have had CCA request and Failure to provide CCA letters - they have only supplied an application form from 1982 and have never been paid anything as the account was already in dispute with another DCA who couldn't provide documents. Will scan letter and post in a mo'.
  22. Update: Dolts have sent a theat-o-gram to right address - whatever next?? - threatening the usual court action, bailiffs, severe consequences & and doorstep visit if we don't contact them in 3 days. *Yawn*. I'll give it a week and send the doorstep letter: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?410-LETTER-USED-WHEN-A-DCA-THREATENS-A-DOORSTEP-VISIT
  23. Balance? I think you have made some highly offensive remarks on this thread. I applaud the CAGgers' responses. Much stuff about dcas is NOT made up but peoples' actual experience. Like most people on this site my partner has worked hard all his life. Through no fault of his own, having paid through the nose for years, he had a terrible accident at work and this ended both his professional career and his ability to continue to pay through the nose. DCAs nearly killed him in 2007 when he had a heart attack because of harassment, threats, fake CCJs, you bloody name it. I'd like to have you say 'making up all sorts of stuff about dcas which... then found out not to be true' to *his* face! I don't feel at all guilty about challenging dcas, most of whose m.o.'s equate to being mugged on the street, and I am so thankful to CAG for helping us fight for our rights. And as for a career in law enforcement... Having known police both here and in the USA (I've had the dual experience) I wouldn't automatically call that proof of a good and honest character (no offence to the good guys, whom I've also met). all best wishes (for a speedy exorcism) H.
  24. M2ae, really appreciate clarifications, thanks again.
  25. Thank you, Means2amend... Token payments now stopped since said account in dispute. Can I send the letter PriorityOne used in post #44 on this link: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?300494-HFC-CCA-request/page3 I'm also confused about who I write to, the dca or the OC. I would rather challenge a dca/OC, that they are entitled to collect and on the right amount, rather than send token payments out of fear. Thank you again for your invaluable assistance. H.xx
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