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Everything posted by HardYards

  1. ... or is it Rhod Gilbert...? Yayyyy, the ventriloquist cowboy joke, my fave, is there! Only in our version it's set in Dwygyflchi.... Two Yanks in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochuchaf on Anglesey are arguing about how to pronounce the village's name. They find somewhere for lunch, and ask if the girl working there can please pronounce the name of the place they're in, but pronounce it really slowly. 'Sure,' says the girl brightly. . . . . 'It's Burrrrrrrrr-gerrrrrrrrrr Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing...'
  2. LOL.... I haven't seen a donkey on the beach in all the time I've lived here... and no 13 year olds in Wethies, all our residents, if you added all their ages together, the population would be older than the earth itself... And round here it's the SHEEP who're easy! Yes, okay, racist stereotype, but my OH, a Welshman, collects sheep jokes :oD
  3. Hell, yes - we're buying *you* dinner! At the local Wetherspoons, mind
  4. I mean it! In fact I'm going to post in the meets forum early next year to see if anyone's interested in popping over, in the summer. Bit busy (tourist season) but it's worth a visit
  5. No probs, DB, I'm easily confused at mo..... No, we never received any letters with any of that information on. Only the West Byfleet letterhead has ever graced our threshhold. This is the first I've heard of Capital or Cayman, I did google it earlier and found that HFO have several different names. Hopefully including 'Mud'. Hey - if any of you guys are ever up The Welsh Riviera (that's all along the coast btw!), there's always a pint (or whatever your poison is) waiting for you, on us
  6. LOL, I need to have this tattooed to the inside of my brain.... cheers, hun :o)
  7. Listen, they're so fcuked up, when I spoke to the woman, she actually thought there were TWO Barclaycard debts when there's only the one! Please excuse French but I'm stressed. From the gist of it - it was a long call made difficult by the first person I spoke to being unintelligible - HFO Capital is owed the debt. Which we are contesting as they haven't got anything but an application form and we're both sick of HFO's shyster tactics.
  8. No, and no. The £1 was a token payment made towards the debt before OH had any idea we could request a CCA. I'll SAR B'card in January, I'm too fcuked to do anymore paperwork this month. But I have just donated to CAG
  9. No, it was an actual (token) payment, probably set up by the CAB. We didn't learn about CCAs until 2009 when I discovered this website. The woman at Barclaycard just said when I asked her for the exact name of the company acct sold to, that it was sold in 2007 to HFO Capital Ltd (all correspondence comes from West Byfleet). She answered all of the questions you gave me to ask except #2 - she coudn't tell me when acct was defaulted with credit agencies. By the by, I want to donate to CAG but can't find the link... am I going mad? Nemmind, I just found it...
  10. Oh but I L*E*R*V*E you guys! Found out this morning last payment on Barclaycard account was a quid in October 2006. Default notice issued Sept 2005. Sold in - surprise, surprise - 2007 to: (wait for it) HFO CAPITAL LTD I wish I'd done this sooner but I'm a coward & OH gets angina attacks. Hey, no one should be afraid to call Barclaycard it's very liberating when you get the *facts* ...... Thank you again DB and everyone else. (I'd click your rep again, DB, but it won't let me)
  11. Just checked - our telephone provider 18185 won't let us make 0844 calls - gonna have to write to the barstewards
  12. Hi again - cheers, DB, and thanks for your input, Dadofholly. No haven't called Barclaywad, been up to me eyeballs with legal stuff and I have ME so I get knackered really really easily. Do you just ring the Barclaycard number and they give you the info? Will they give it to me, as OH has angina attacks? (I still have the number at the beginning of this thread) I just assumed as Barclaycard sent a demand too that the account hasn't been sold on. I'm not very good with this stuff. Plus it's disheartening that despite formal compaint to OFT they still pull this bull****. Thanks again, guys, for your help.
  13. Did check on LinkEd, cheers for that, DB - also reported about that to OFT who seem to think that Deo is allowed to operate as an agent of HFO. I emailed back that as he has written under the aegis of HFO rather than Validor, as if he is actually IN the HFO offices, with a contact number I assume is in India (so rather expensive to ring! though 18185 won't let me do that, even if I would ever ring these jackals), that that is deceptive and unfair practice. Will update as I hear.
  14. And here is final attachment with highlighted bit showing the T & Cs are defo not from 1982: hfo4cag006.pdf
  15. Hey, all, Hope you're all well. Have not been able to be on site for a while due to legal issues I can't discuss at moment but will when I can. HFO recently sent these letters, now demanding simultaneously with Barclaycard on same disputed account, both demanding different amounts which I've whited out with the rest of the personal details. Both amounts demanded are vastly inflated from original demand when the original dca couldn't produce an agreement. There are six docs altogether but as I can only post up five at a time, will post sixth in post below. Barclaycard claiming they've sent T & Cs from 1982 but as you can see in pdf #6 under contact details they give a website and 0871 number, neither of which existed in 1982... DonkeyB kindly offered to help with letter to send next..... Many Thanks in advance. hfo4cag001.pdf hfo4cagAppForm002.pdf hfo4cag003.pdf hfo4cag004.pdf hfo4cag005.pdf
  16. Hi, Flandm, In my (limited) experience I don't think they can continue to demand payment whilst not supplying you with the document you request (and it's 12+2 working days so they got that wrong!) - I won't pay my OH's dcas whilst they are obfuscating & flannelling in re his CCA requests but not coming up with the goods. (If I'm wrong someone will correct me.) Hopefully someone more experienced than myself will be along after the weekend to assist you with this. Best wishes, H.x
  17. Defo, defo, DEFO!! May I add, someone's prolly already said it somewhere else, don't be like me and see your harse and throw away upsetting correspondence from HFO. Date-stamp it and file it away in a box file - you just never know when you might need it as evidence. Also HEWGE thanks to everyone on this thread for giving us the courage to fight back xxx
  18. Thank you, Dx, I didn't realise you could do that... I'm so thick:oops: I completely missed wonderful subtlety of Revenant's suggestion we let Cohen Brothers take OH to court...! Btw OH reminded me of when we went to CAB in 2007 and showed Cohen's pseudo-CCJ paperwork to our caseworker who was agog, said he'd never seen anything like it before (my memory's shot due to stress over last couple years). Caseworker actually rang Cohen & set up token payments. CAB dealt with everything at the time, it's only once we found the CAG website that we were able to start dealing with (and challenging) dcas ourselves. Cheers again for suggestions/advice. Will let you guys know how the cards unfold. H.xx
  19. Hi, May, Lowell didn't get away with it in that Lee of Vodafone immediately sorted the problem out. As both myself and OH are in ill health I didn't pursue with a formal written complaint. I did complain to OFT (without luck) but also think, with all respect to Lee who is *great* at his job, that Vodafone should re-consider using the services of a company that uses deceitful practices, especially when harassing sick people for a debt that isn't owed to them.
  20. Thanks, Happy. Disgusting the way your dad was treated by these jackals. Problem is Trustonline want 8 quid per address, can't afford that! so will try old address where first lot of dogy paperwork came. Or maybe one of those free trial credit reports is the way to go. Really appreciate peoples' time! cheers, all H.xx
  21. I've just looked at the trustline thing - can I ask one more question? We've had two addresses since dealing with HC & Solicitors, do I put in the old address we had the original 'CCJ' at? or the address we're at now? Cheers again, not done this before. H.x
  22. Thank you all for replies. OH originally got advice from an overworked CAB advisor who twigged original papers were fake, including a cut-and-paste court seal! but advised him to make payments anyway. He was paying a few dcas who weren't entitled to collect, all stopped now. Thanks also for link and for pep talk. Will check out online & post update. Would love to see them take us to court but OH's health not up to it... Look forward to shred-ripping!!!! as this dca has been a right barsteward throughout. Cheers again for your time.
  23. Rocket, I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I have no legal experience but maybe this might be of help: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/UsefulContactsByCategory/Governmentcitizensandrightscontacts/DG_195356 Apologies if you've already tried this....
  24. Hi, Cheshirelad1973, and welcome. This is one of the coolest websites on the planet, and the members are fantastic. There's also lots to read up on, CAG is really empowering!!! Take care, H.x
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