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Everything posted by HardYards

  1. Glad I was of some help And glad to see you'll be seeing your doctor. If he's any good (and not swamped as so many GPs are) he'll keep an eye on you. In my experience if an anti-d is going to work, it usually starts working within 2-3 weeks. And if it's not working, don't be afraid to say to your GP. It's natural to want to be well again quickly - but if nothing else, this illness sure does teach one patience... Believe me, Alan - I know exactly what you're going through. Nowadays I think depression is a sign of a finer personality - all the best artists, writers, and great contributors to our society have suffered from it in some form or other.... Please post on here, if you like, how you get on. All best & take care, H.xx
  2. Aye - not to argue with you but underneath the title Priority Application Form the doc reads: ‘Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. This agreement is made between us, HFC Bank plc, whose registered office…. and you, the Customer named below. Application subject to status.’ Then above HFC sig: ‘Please ensure you have completed all sections above (and) signed and dated your application in the space provided, and return to (address supplied).’ This looks like an application form that's been interbred with an agreement…. or fiddled with. Also, if OH has been paying two alleged debts, why is there only this application form for one? I’m lairy of SARing dcas. How do we know they won’t just keep the tenner and not send docs? Previous CCAing of dcas = no CCA, but they didn't return the fee. I let it lie because it was worth it to get rid of them. An extra ten pounds is another matter. They (TBI) did write a month ago to say they had applied to OC for CCA. Really really *appreciate* your help, Dx. Sorry for all the questions. As you said, something smells.
  3. No, I've only got the doc I've scanned, no t & c.... Is it not an application form, as it says 'application form' at the top? And 'application form' in the doc, which I underlined. And there are also the words 'please remember to sign and date your application' in this doc. Also there should be 2 items, as 2 debts are alleged. Nope - f.a. No statement or what the 'payments' were for, just reference numbers on the original demand which was shredded as until we found CAG we only kept docs for a year.
  4. Hi Alan, I've only just seen your post. My experience is pretty much yours, got off Seroxat but still struggled, had a nervous breakdown a few years ago and was proscribed Mirtazipane for depression, insomnia, and lack of appetite. Things have really improved for me - I'm really happy with the Mirtazipane - but I still have my ups and downs. Human beings being just that, and everyone being different, it's vital that you go back to your doctor if you have any further concerns. The Mirtazipane has really helped me, but my nurse came up with a solution for me: when I got really bad, I would increase my dose, but make sure that I decreased it again once I was feeling better. This advice might not work for you but that's what your doctor is there for, to find out what does work for you. If you are like me you don't like bothering your doctor but remember, that is what s/he is PAID for. They need to monitor you just in case the Mirtazipane doesn't work for you, and you have to try something else. You have had this condition most of your life and it will take some time to get yourself back on an even keel so you will be learning patience along the way. It's also important to be gentle with yourself - try not to beat yourself up - and really look for, when you are feeling a bit better, the things that you love, so that you have something positive to focus on. I'm an atheist but the words I do like from the bible are: THIS TOO SHALL PASS My mantra for the bad times! (Unfortunately time flies whether you're having fun or not) This site is a great antidote to depression as well - besides being a chemical imbalance of the brain, I think it is also the effect of feeling helpless - anger turned inwards. CAG helps us empower ourselves and that has also curbed my natural feelings of sadness to no end. Please let me know how you get on - and I hope my post has helped a little bit. with all best wishes H.xx PS. If you find yourself feeling suicidal again, ring your doctor immediately.
  5. Babybear39 wote: Unfortunately I have firsthand experience of these terrible standards That's dreadful, Baby Bear - I'd go for the formal complaint, unlike OFT/Financial Ombudsman, at least they (usually) pay attention - my OH's father was treated terribly by a doctor in his surgery at a moment when he was dying - formal complaint and meeting resulted in action taken against offending doctor. (Apologies to last poster, I didn't mean to 'talk over your head' - your post appeared after I'd posted about NHS)
  6. I think I've done it (whew) Apologies for having to ask how to attach files but the 'How To... For Dummies' link I have applies to the old version of the CAG website. Cheers, Dx! APP FORM JPG erased PDF.pdf
  7. the internet!!! But then I LIKE swearing-- --it's aerobic, it's a stress-buster, and last I looked, it's FREE!
  8. Sorry, by previous SAR meant one we did on another account with good old Abbey Nat. Will scan in and post up app form/statements with personal details scrubbed out.... I've noticed upon close inspection of app form that even then bank was trying to confuse.... the word 'agreement' is continually used even though this is defo an application. Really having a problem with attaching images this time! Will have to go look up how to get rid of uploaded files... Though I think you've pretty much said it all in your last post, Dx. Thanks again.
  9. Hi, Clarey, I've had problems with these bottom-feeders (Lowell) in the past - I'm still new(ish) at dealing with dcas but it sounds to me like they are trying it on, as they did with us (pretending to be Vodafone trying to collect on a bill that had been settled a year before - if you want to read my thread on that, it's in my signature). You probably don't have to do anything but keep hold of your Littlewoods letter saying the account is clear, and ignore Lowell. And - Don't send them any money, or ring them. If I'm wrong someone should be along to correct me! Best regards H.x
  10. Update: Hi, all, Received a thin 'bundle' this morning from Beneficial Finance (member of HSBC group, from the HFC Coventry address). 3/4s of it are pages of abbreviations and what they mean. There is also a small stack of nonsense, such as a 3 pg statement of what looks like an old bank account (no balance owing). Finally, a copy of a filled out and signed Priority Application Form (for a GM card). As with a previous SAR, the information received does not at all match up with the alleged debts – there are supposed to be two of them. Only thing is, can they reconstitute agreements and lift OH's signature off application form? Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions; though I shall have a look through the forum as well. I do try to do my own research but peoples' situations are so different, it's sometimes confusing to know how to apply it to our position. H.xx
  11. :lol: Thanks for a Monday LOL, Bazooka. Thanks, too, for advice - will sit tight, saves me a visit to the p.o.....
  12. Hello, all, Have had a letter from R. Way this morning saying that I am £1 in arrears, if I don't pay they are going to demand the entire amount. Just the usual letter they send every month, no new information or proof that they *own* what they are asking for. Should I write and ask them to send proof that they own the alleged debt? Or wait and see what happens next? Suppose if they do actually own a debt that OH does actually owe, if they take us to court they will be forced to accept lower payments as we have no jobs, money, or property… Thanks much H.xx
  13. Yes, and Lowell Portfolio would receive a bunch of bananas...
  14. I see this thread has gone quiet. Just curious, what does the award look like? Lemon-shaped, perhaps?
  15. Really cool to hear from you as well, HH. Yes, the (CAG) voice crying in the wilderness is 'Ready... aim... FIRE!!!!' Though I reckon comparing dcas to Beelzebub and Mephistopheles is giving them credit for far more cunning and intelligence than they actually possess Yes, there is hope - like Bazooka (love the name!!) says, so much of it is attitude. It cheers me immensely to think of how these **dolts** would HATE it if they knew we were laughing at them rather than cowering in fear! They will probably never go away entirely but who cares? I'd rather be in my situation than in theirs!!! Thanks again BB - no other correspondence so far from Robbers but I'm no longer dreading it like I was. Vine is great stuff - I still remember the call-in about the miners strike where he played Elvis Costello singing Stamp The Dirt Down.... Take care both of you H.x
  16. Yes, I sent birth cert and only paper bill we get, the latest council tax demand, plus OH's signature on tamper proof strip - no other news from HFC - will keep that in mind in future about sitting tight and not responding to these clowns, which means less paperwork for me, which is always a bonus. Thanks again, Dx, you're a star. PS. CCA time expired on 18 January 2011
  17. It's a couple of old HFC 'agreements' (the fantastic Dx100uk has been on the case for me) - HFC demanded proof of identity for a SAR yet they've sicced ANOTHER dca (Scotcall) on OH - so that's three dcas in total trying to collect on the same accounts. Dolts. Oh yes, and just as you mentioned about noting dcas using 2nd class post for 'urgent' missives, one of the letters was from 29 Nov 2010!!!!
  18. Have you had a look for the answer to your question on the Directgov website? click here Good luck to you, best, H.
  19. Must say a hewge Thank you! :-) to you again, BB (been offline as on top of everything else broadband died at w/e)... Thanks to your encouragement, receiving two demands yesterday to do with another account - one dated Nov 2010!!! - just made me laugh. One threatened a doorstop visit; was tempted to write them 'well if you do come, can you bring a pint of milk? as we've not been able to get to the shops!'... My OH also asked me to give you his deepest thanks. I made a small donation to CAG and when OH can he's going to make one as well. Take care & stay well, H.xx
  20. Dear Dx, Finally have a new broadband router! so back online. Thank you so much 8-)8-)8-) for taking the time to write such a lengthy response - especially to explain about the CCA/PPI things. I've since had another demand from DLC/Hillesden as well as a new demand from a company I've no experience of, Scotcall. I am sending to both the 'you-can't-collect-while-account-in-dispute' letter Recorded Signed For. Also am gathering info to make a formal complaint about HFC - in the past made a formal complaint to OFT with a result of sweet f.a. Do you think it would be better to complain to the Financial Ombudsman instead? Take care, H.x
  21. You're very inspiring, you know - going to put those words on my PC It's never too late for a worm to turn.... right, off to make my donation. Also clicked your reputation. Huge thanks for all your help. H.x
  22. Hi, BB, In your opinion should I sit tight on Robbers Way and see what they send next, or post them a letter asking what the debt is actually supposed to be for? At the moment I dread the mail, I know better but I scare too easily... Thank you, H.x
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