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Everything posted by HardYards

  1. Hi, dx, Yes - no CCA from TBI, just threats, and I've stopped paying them. Reading another thread I wonder have I dropped a ******* in requesting s.77/78 CCA from TBI? TBI says they don't need to come up with a signed agreement, just a 'true' copy of the agreement. Every dca reply is different which makes it confusing.... And still waiting to see if HFC bank will continue to stall on SAR. Thank you so much for your help & hope you are having a good w/e, H.x
  2. Hi, BB, Yes sorry about mistake, I'm very stressed - OH said last night he did have a bank account with Abbey 10+ years ago, though the only paperwork the SAR turned up was to do with a mortgage from the early 80s. There was also an Abbey loan that was CCA'd and is in dispute. I had help from CAGgers and earlier accounts are in dispute with the dcas gone away except for occasional threat-ogram. (I asked for help with this Robbers hoo-ha because I had no idea what to do when the dca says a CCA isn't relevant.) What remains is: 1. Robbers Way - I've looked again and it's nearer to 500 owed (I'm easily confused when it comes to numbers) - since 2008. 2. TBI Financial who were CCA'd last December - no response till this week when their threat-o-gram says they don't need to produce signed agreements only true agreements & when they do we're in BIIIIG trouble - since 2008. 3. Regal Credit/RBS loan - since 2007. 4. AIC (UK) Ltd/Lloyds TSB overdraft - need to SAR Lloyds next - since 2008. 5. Howard Cohen/CL Finance, Kwikfit - since 2008 when they sent fake CCJ paperwork, a scare that worked. 6. Apex Ltd/Lloyds TSB card - since 2008. OH lost job in 2006 so that's how long he's been chased; when he was working he had everything consolidated and paid a monthly lump sum. Because of our both being unemployed due to chronic ill health (they take a partner into consideration) all payments to dcas have been for £1/month. Thanks again for reading/responding to all this..... also thanks for pointing out about threat-o-grams being sent 2nd class, though the last lot from Robbers and TBI did come 1st - opening salvos, I guess. Hope you have a great weekend:-) H.x
  3. Hi, again, Bazooka, Thank you so much for taking the time to help, and to type all that out Method of payment has been token £1/month by cheque written on my account rather than OH’s. No dca has our phone number since we moved. To confirm, the only reason Robbers Way (I like it) was paid was OH just took their word for it. There is no mention of the debt Robbers say OH owes in the substantial pile of paperwork sent by Abbey/Santander. Have original letter from Abbey saying alleged debt had been sold onto Robbers but there is no information in letter whatsoever saying what debt actually IS which is why I sent CCA. I also noticed that this ‘debt’ appeared out of nowhere in 2008 as it wasn’t on the original list of (alleged) debts, written out for the CAB, which I kept. Only one Abbey on that, for a loan account and for £2k. Will check out Experian, thanks for that. Not difficult to cancel, are they? Also about £75 has been paid so far, not arsed about getting it back (I haven’t got the energy!), but just, if this debt is not owed, getting RW off OH’s back. Maybe something I could look into later. Having once worked in admin I keep everything notated, stapled, filed – thank you also for the excellent idea of writing on letter the date it was actually received - but some weeks I find it harder to cope (I have ME/CFS), especially when dealing with several dcas as is happening now I am challenging them. To be expected! So all in all I will take your excellent advice & will post updates as they occur, and make my small donation in the morning. You guys are lifesavers! Take care, H.xx PS Thanks for sub, PGH7447:-)
  4. Noisy upstairs neighbour's (I think she was running a part-time laundrette) tumbler dryer finally packed in - no more overhead banging for days on end...
  5. Hi Bazooka, thank you for your quick reply. 'Yes' to both of these questions. OH was banking with L/TSB until a year or two ago - never had bank acct with Abbey. Now banking with N/wide and nothing owed to them. Is there a letter I should send them, or just write asking them to provide ALL details of what this debt is that is supposedly owed to them? OH has made token payments to R. Way since 2008 without querying as a panic reaction to demand letters - we didn't know about CAG then. God, I hope someday I can help with advice instead of asking for it... I hope a small donation to CAG will be of some help.
  6. Update: Letter from TBI saying they don't have to come up with a signed copy of the agreement and when they don't OH will have to pay up within 12 months.... good luck with that.... thanks again for all help
  7. Sorry to ask another question but have searched forums without luck - the situation is different again to other problems I've asked for advice on. On CAB advice OH has been making token payments to Robinson Way for 2 years, sold on by Abbey (we never enquired for what). In Dec. sent CCA request to Robinson Way; letter back saying that as the debt is unpaid bank account, OH must pay it. Recently we SAR’d Abbey/Santander, all the paperwork received was only re OH & ex-wife’s mortage, nothing at all about a bank account - OH's most recent was Lloyds tsb - nothing containing the figure (appprox. £400) RW says OH owes them. Can anyone please advise what, if anything, I can do next? Or if I’ve missed a thread that deals with this issue, point me to that? Thank you in advance, best wishes H.x
  8. Hello, would like to purchase more of these but struggling a bit with website and can't find link. If not for sale, will CAG be selling them again in the future? Thank you and Best regards, H.x
  9. Letter received from HFC, they want proof of identity, copy of passport/driving license - have passport but it needs renewing (can't afford the fee), can I send a copy of that? Huge thanks for any assistance, best, H. PS Doing a search found some threads and letters, think if I send the you-have-been-mailing-me-for-years-at-this-address letter with a copy of passport, not signature page, that should be all right.... thanks again for reading this
  10. Can I nominate (Missing) Link Financial for the Baron Munchausen Award as well? Despite no CCA they have switched from threat-mail to the following received today: 'JANUARY SALE!!! - ONCE IN A LIFETIME OFFER - PAY OFF YOUR [disputed, mind] DEBT FOR ONLY £49.58 PER MONTH! SLEEP EASIER KNOWING YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING BY PAYING OFF YOUR [disputed] DEBT!' Made me lol, anyway... like I'm going to go from paying one pound per month I don't owe them to nearly 50.... plus the dolts sent two identical copies of these letters (in separate envelopes)! Thanks for this great thread!
  11. DCAs giving themselves gongs reminds me of the Frederick Raphael quote: 'Awards are like haemoerroids; in the end, every a***h**e gets one.' How about an award for thickest DCA? Or would that come under 'DCA most mentioned on CAG'? Best wishes to all H.xx
  12. Happy New Year, everyone - hope you're all well. Can anyone answer a quick question? To recap, letter from Hillesden today saying they are authorised by HFC to collect 1 of 2 HFC debts, paid already to another dca. Both debts are now in dispute - original dca cca'd in mid-December '10. Do I cca Hillesden? Or send them a letter stating the account is in dispute, therefore they cannot demand money? Or just ignore? I've never considered myself dumb but this is confusing I shall also send a SAR request to HFC Bank, who have not replied to my what's going on? letter. Have complained to OFT in past, in writing, loads of documentation, & been fobbed off. My health is still poor so haven't done new complaint, seems a waste of time. So sorry to keep bugging people - I've looked at the previous posts in this thread but still confused - many thanks in advance for any assistance, all best, H.xx
  13. Received today a letter from Hillesden, they say they've been instructed by HFC to demand monies, even though another dca as I mentioned is already collecting - already have wheels in motion to CCA present dca collecting money, and will post an update. If I hear again from Hillesden will CCA them as well. Many thanks again for all assistance. H.xx
  14. Cheers, Consumeredge - I've found the doc and downloaded it. Again, RESPECT and hewge thanks for all advice given hope y'all have a stonking weekend! Hxx:rockon:
  15. Thank you, Dx and Consumeredge, at least I have an idea of what to do next.... Best, Hxxx
  16. Hullo, again, Dx, how are you? HFC A/C being paid to TBI sooooo old OH not sure even what original debt for/from! Probably from the 80s though he was paying up to 2005. OH only started getting organised after his heart attack, when he lost his job, because I have office skills. (Thanks for point re PPI.) So, from reading these posts, looks like I should CCA TBI Financial (all these initials!!) and tell DLC (by registered mail of course) to do one in manner suggested by Consumeredge. Thank you again SO MUCH, everyone! Tactics used by dcas always different - and there are six debts still left after CCAing various dcas last year -which is why I get so **confused**... Hxxx
  17. Thank you, Magician and Consumeredge for your replies. Consumeredge, there was never any communication from HFC in re TBI, just a letter from TBI back in '07 saying that they wanted payment. And now the letter from DLC saying that OH hasn't 'kept up with his agreement' - this is the first we've heard of any dca called DLC. What's 'acc' mean, please?
  18. Hello all, hope you're all well as can be expected, My OH's been whittling away at 2 debts with HFC Bank, paying TBI Financial since '07. Now he gets a demand letter (at his old address) from another dca, Direct Legal & Collections (part of Hillesden Securities it says on their stationery) for 1 of these debts, though OH still paying TBI. Does he write to DLC disputing the debt, or ignore them, as he is making his payments? Planned to cca TBI Financial in the new year but not sure what to do next. Any advice very much appreciated, I'm sorry I've not been able to do much on these forums myself but hope to donate ££ to CAG after Xmas. Many thanks H.xxx
  19. Many many heartfelt THANKS to everyone who assisted me on this thread - VERY much appreciated! No other correspondence from Link, who truly now are and have been missing for a couple of months.... complaint to go to OFT asap! (everything takes longer because of illness) Hope you are all well, all best H.xxx:rockon:
  20. Yes, the paperwork pile Abbey/Santander sent is of photocopied microfiche and about 3" thick (don't know what that metric-wise ;o) The print is tiny, going to have to dig out my magnifying lens
  21. Hi, Dx, thanks for your reply, I've not been on the site for a little while. Originally the sar was made because of a dodgy agreement (including missold PPI) sent by Link Financial who have been threatening court action, though nothing has happened. One of the two agreements provided by the sar has under Status 'cancelled'. Does this mean the debt is cancelled? Cheers H.x
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