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Everything posted by topcat1802

  1. topcat1802

    P60 Issues

    I don't think you read the document Employer responsibilities Only give one form P60 to each employee, even if an employee worked for them more than once in that tax year. Employee does not receive a P60 by 31 May The employee should first ask their employer to give them a form P60. If they still do not get one, they should write to their own HMRC office. So the simple answer is write or phone your tax office! Your employer can probably tell you the tax office that deals with your tax which is probably the ne to contact. Failing that just phone the nearest tax office.
  2. Sounds a very peculiar setup if you ask me surely if its temp work you are being employed by the recruitment agency not the other way round. By opting out you are not getting rid of the umbrella company!
  3. Actually if you look around you can find the course for £90, which is £10 less than the fine!
  4. It costs a few pounds to set up a limited company - £120-180 - just talk to an accountant and they will generally help with the paperwork required. a limited company also needs a bank account which you can easily set up by visiting a bank once the company is set up. Its not necessary to register for VAT unless you are earning over the VAT threshold (I think its about £79,000 per year) but you only need to register in the quarter when you are likely to go over the VAT threshold so there is not much point in registering for VAT just yet - its more of an annoyance anyway until you are earning vast sums of money from the company. Since Companies House is a separate entity from DWP there is no reason why you need to tell DWP anything anyway you are just setting up a limited company, at the moment. Eventually you will need to register as Self Employed with HRMC .
  5. They may just be trying to intimidate you by getting a letter from a solicitor, so at this stage all you should probably do is acknowledge receipt of the letter an nothing more.
  6. Yes they do. I used to be a customer of Portsmouth Water and believe it or not the last bill we received from them (in 2013) was lower than the one we received from them the previous year (2012). Unfortunately although Portsmouth Water supplied fresh water they did not deal with the waste water which was the responsibility of Southern Water, and there bills always went up every year. So what we gained with Portsmouth Water we generally lost with Southern Water. I believe that Portsmouth Water customers have some of the lowest bills in the country for the supply of fresh water.
  7. If you have spent £2.82 in 4.5 hours that works out at about 17KW! Some pretty hefty usage if that's the case. Get Southern Electric out to check the meter as there is definitely something wrong - an average size electric heater is unlikely to consume more than 1.5 - 2 Kw per hour!
  8. You could also point out that even with tax records you are not required to keep records beyond 6 years!
  9. Sounds like a continuous payment authority. In most cases, you should be able to cancel by contacting the company taking the payment and asking it to stop. However, you do have the right to cancel directly with your card issuer (your bank). Once you have done this, it must stop payments immediately – it cannot insist that you agree this with the company taking the payment first. Any related payments taken after you ask for a continuous payment authority to be stopped are considered to be unauthorised transactions. Card issuers must refund these payments and any related charges immediately. If payments continue, contact your card issuer to arrange a refund. If it fails to do so, you should make a complaint to the card issuer and, then, if you are not satisfied with its response, take the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Maybe the threat of this action will be enough to get your card issuer (the bank) to stop payments, so tell them unless they stop payments you will be contacting the FOS.
  10. How about leaving the country for 14 days! If they can't find you then by the time they can the debt will be statute barred and you can tell them to go take a running jump!
  11. The problem with all cheques is that the physical cheque has to be sent back to the branch that issued the cheque - that's why it can take so long. So you Euro check was paid into a branch of your bank, they send the cheque to your branch who send it to their clearing centre, who send it to the clearing centre of the issuing bank who send it to the branch that issued the cheque, all this is done by post, the branch that issued the cheque then debit the account and send the cleared funds to their clearing centre, who then send the cleared funds to your banks clearing centre, who credit your account. The problem is the physical cheque has to be sent on the first part of the journey and can take 2-3 days to travel between each location, even the electronic bit can take 2-3 days to make a transfer from EUR to GBP. Of course its in the banks interest to keep the money in their hands for as long as possible as they can use the money themselves until they let you have it. The company I work for recently had a payment form SE Asia of over 5 million US Dollars and it too nearly three weeks for the money to be credited to the company bank account and that was an electronic payment - the can get at least 25% interest per day, so you work it out during the 3 weeks the banks made 1.25 million per day over 21 days so that's about 26 million!
  12. If you live so far from the B&Q store why did you bother having a B&Q clubcard in the first place?
  13. A quick google search will reveal it will take from 4 days to 6 weeks depending on the UK bank concerned. There is also a fee to pay which varies between £6 and £60 depending on the bank. In future request electronic payments as its (a) cheaper and (b) quicker.
  14. If you needed a replacement driving license why has it taken you so long to apply for one. When I needed one it took about 7 days to arrive after completing the online application that way I was sure any paperwork would not get lost!
  15. Last time I checked even to make a claim in small claims court costs more than £22, which means to pursue you to court is going to cost more money than they can recover from you, and since the case would probably be thrown out they will make a loss in pursuing you through the court anyway!
  16. Have a word with ACAS - Helpline on 08457 47 47 47 for free and confidential advice
  17. PAYE Enquiry Line for Employers may be able to help Opening hours 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Saturday Closed Sundays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day 0300 200 3200
  18. An very shortly the insurance companies won't even need to ask as they will have access to your driving record direct from DVLA!
  19. Sounds like you were paying not just for your electricity but also for the rest of the property - how could you use 319KWh in 13 days that works at 24KWh per day - i.e. you would need a 1Kw electric fire turned on 24 hours per day - in the middle of summer!
  20. There is not much you can do really. Basically if they overpay you and then ask for the money back they are within their rights and you owe them the money. I was once paid an incorrect amount €10,000 by my then employer when I should have been paid €4500 as the payroll department misread my pay and paid me the tax instead of the salary. They correctly asked for it back when they realised they had made a mistake, but I hung on to the money for a month (to get interest from the bank) before repaying the overpayment.
  21. Another article about these rip-off merchants. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2549818/Were-ripped-tax-return-sharks-Copycat-sites-bill-people-thousands-phoney-government-services.html
  22. Google don't care about the legalities or otherwise, all they are interested in is that the advertisers pay them money for the privilege of being the first site returned for web search. I actually complained to Google but it made no difference!
  23. Probably because you are no longer receiving council tax benefit. I hope you are claiming you 25% single person reduction on your council tax!
  24. Perhaps we should start an ePetition, making such practices illegal!
  25. Its not just passports, so far it also includes: 1. Provisional Driving Licenses 2. Changing address or name on driving licenses 3. Replacing Lost/Stolen Driving Licenses 4. Booking driving tests both theory and practical 5. SORN you vehicle And probably many others. When you go to the websites, they use the same colours and fonts as the www.gov.uk websites, they have a disclaimer in a very small font at the foot of the page that is easy to miss. Just remember in future to go to www.gov.uk and start from there. Ignore what google comes up with as these bogus websites have paid for google adverts so they come first on the list of stes found.
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