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Everything posted by topcat1802

  1. How can I get a foreign registration number for my car so I can park with impunity anywhere in the UK.
  2. Driving License and Vehicle Registration Documents are two entirely different documents, and the DVLA cannot (or will not) associate the two together, so changing the address on your driving license will have no effect on the address on you vehicle registration document! Since you have not changed the address on your vehicle registration document have you paid your vehicle excise duty (aka road tax) as any reminders will have been sent to the address on the registration document. If you have not received the reminders and you have not SORN the car or paid the road tax then a bailiff chasing an unpaid parking find is the least of your worries as you will be receiving a huge "Fine" from DVLA for not paying you road tax!
  3. Sounds like it was you who had the bad day in the office. I was merely pointing out that since she was under 10 she was not committing an offece as she was below the age of criminal responsibility! Also since she was under 16 she could not be given a FPN for cycling on the pavement as a FPN cannot be given to anyone under the age of 16. So technically although she was committing an offence of cycling on the pavent she was not in the wrong as she was below the age when anything could be done about it by the police and they should "have turned a blind eye" to the offence as they could not prosecute her anyway.
  4. While adults are not allowed to cycle on ‘footways’ children up to the age of 16 cannot be prosecuted for doing so. The maximum fine for ‘cycling on the pavement’ is £500. However it is more usually enforced by way of the Fixed Penalty Notice procedure (FPN) which carries a £30 fine if pleading guilty and you have to be over 16 to receive a FPN. The law applies to all but the police can show discretion to younger children cycling on the pavement for whom cycling on the road would not be a safe option. The age of criminal responsibility is 10 so, technically, only children below this age can cycle on footways without fear of redress.
  5. Just to let you know there are various pieces of legislation which are on your side, you may want to look at the following Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002. Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013. Basically this legislation can be summed as follows: Businesses must pay their invoice within 60 days, unless expressly agreed otherwise and provided it is not unfair to the creditor. A statutory interest rate applies (at least 8 percentage points above the Bank of England’s reference rate) to the debt unless an agreement has been reached which amounts to a substantial remedy for the late payment of the debt. A fixed sum for the cost of recovering a late commercial payment may be made on top of claiming interest from it, the amounts chargeable are specified in the legislation. Reasonable costs in recovering debt may also be charged. I work as a self employed IT Consultant and last year the agency that was paying my invoice did not pay until after 63 days. I wrote to them with the above information, giving them 14 das to make a payment otherwise I would take them to the Small Claims Court. They paid up within 24 hours, but omitted to pay the extra charges, so I invoiced them for the additional charges under the above legislation, which they grumbled about but eventually paid. So its always a good idea to chase debts. If the invoices were sent to the accountant then chase the accountant, they do not like to be taken to court for non-payment of their bills.
  6. A further update on this. Today I received in the post a final demand for the water bill I didn't ask for! Threatening Debt Collectors, etc., if I didn't pay the bill by 22 July. Cheeky people. So I phoned them up to find out what was going on. Due to their incompetence of closing my account even though I had not requested them to do so. They said that I owed them for the final bill that they had sent me, I told them no I did not request a final bill, and I did not close the account so I did not owe them any money as I paid my water bill twice per year in April and October. Well the person I spoke to had to consult her supervisor, and then came back and told me I had to pay the bill. I pointed out it was their mistake and they should not have sent a final bill and that I was not going to pay it and in any case it was an estimated bill anyway and was not based on an actual meter reading. After arguing I requested to speak to the supervisor, so I was put on hold for about 10 minutes, while she consulted her supervisor. The upshot was they have credited my account with the amount in question. Now I will wait and see what they do next! Fortunately I made recorded the call and she is quite clearly heard saying that as a gesture of goodwill the amount will be credited to my account. I will however be keeping an eye on my credit file, as I will of course keep the call record somewhere safe.
  7. Just to update this thread. Everything is now sorted out. Had letter from solicitor dealing with defence from my insurance company, saying the claim was settled on a 50:50 basis. Which is what I thought had been agreed to 2 years ago. What a strange situation to find yourself in 3 years after an accident.
  8. Better still take someone with you. get them to stand under the sign, and take a new photograph with the person and the sign in view. When you appeal send this photo and include the heright of the person standing under the sign
  9. Just a quick update: Contacted Thames Water to find out what was going on, whilst talking to them post arrived, which contained a water bill with my address and my neighbours name. So problem solved, it seems that when my new neighbour moved in he contacted Thames Water to have the account transferred to his own name, but must have passed the wrong house number. I asked what Thames Water would do now. It seems they must now open a new account for me and transfer everything to this new account. An interesting note was when I asked about the water meter, and was told "Not to worry as it was an estimated bill and no meter readings had been taken". So if it was an estimated bill without meter readings what is the point of having a water meter if they only come and read the meter once per year - you get billed twice per year - April and October but it would seem that one of these meter readings is made up and the bill is estimated. Makes you wonder why they don't go back to the old system of rateable value at least we all knew that was a con!
  10. Hi Just posting this in case something more happens. I am a tenant in a privately rented house which we have lived in now for two and half years. We pay all the utility bills, water, gas, electric ourselves. I receive my water bill by email from Thames Water, and it comes regularly every 6 months in April and October, and I always pay on time. Imagine my surprise to receive an email from Thames Water this morning, informing me that my account is closed, and enclosing the final bill! Strange really as we are still living at the same location and have not notified Thames Water that we are moving so whey have they closed the account and issued a final bill. The only thing I can think of is - prior to renting the house we rented a flat - we notified Thames Water when me moved out (2.5 years ago) and somehow they have put the two events together. I have raised the issue of closing my account with Thames Water and am waiting for their response.
  11. Trading Standards replaced Weights and Measures Department
  12. You can check if a vehicle is taxed on line at https://www.gov.uk/check-vehicle-tax, You need to enter the Registration number and vehicle manufacturer and you will get a message back saying if the vehicle is taxed or not.
  13. A certificate of posting is still free, you need to go into the post office and pass the letter over the counter, and request a certificate of posting. Once you have the certificate of posting, and the post office have your letter you are covered a regards delivery to the recipient.
  14. Solicitor for my side says may be better to settle my claim for excess outside of the courts!
  15. Apparently the claim for repairs and excess are technically classed as two separate heads of claim and the claimant can seek to recover both. Without wanting to get too technical the claim for repairs is what’s called a “subrogated claim” from the claimant’s insurers that can be included with the claimant’s claim. I asked if the claimant can claim his insurance excess can I make a counter claim for mine and the answer is I could.
  16. Received a letter from solicitor representing my insurance company, he has acknowledged the county court claim and is going to dispute it. Today received a phone call from insurer, they don't believe that the accident is 50:50 so they have told solicitor to dispute the claim although he advised that they settle for 50:50. I await to see what happens next. I agree with MaxPower - how can he claim his excess and the cost of repairs, if he paid the excess insurance would pay cost of repairs, if he paid cost of repairs himself them there is no excess to pay, so he can claim one or the other and not both! He is probably claiming both to bump up the value of the claim.
  17. There are two things you can do 1. Keep hold of the paper counterpart - since these will no longer be issued after 8 June, if you change address the you will no longer have one anyway. 2. Take a printout of the information from the website with you - remember that when you print a web page the page is usually date stamped so presumably you should do this just before departing on holiday Presumably other countries don't have problems with driver records when hiring cars!
  18. I phoned insurer, and then sent them a copy of the claim form last Friday. Since I had heard nothing back I phoned insurer yesterday to check what they were doing, was told claim had been passed to their solicitor to deal with and he had acknowledged the claim and would deal with it on my behalf. I asked for confirmation in writing and am still waiting a written reply. I have a recording of the phone calls since all my calls from my mobile are recorded.
  19. Don't send your appeal to the PO Box Number (which is in West Byfleet!!!) send to the registered address of the company.
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