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Everything posted by stu007

  1. Hi Could I also just add the Coop saying the security guard is employed by mitie they are sort of telling you the truth but not. Yes the Security Guard is Employed by Mitie but it is the Coop that has Employed/Contracted the Services of Mitie to provide Security in that store so the Coop are responsible for the actions of the Security Company they Employed Mitie to carry out this Service on there behalf. (them passing you to Mitie is wrong as the buck stops with Coop as they Employed them to carry out this Security Service in that store) You don't need a solicitor to request CCTV you simply send the Coop/that specific Coop store a Subject Access Request (SAR) requesting copies of the CCTV on XX/XX/2022 from time approx. Start Time to approx. Finish time and that this footage must be kept and not destroyed and that you also require "ALL DATA". Make sure those involved in this incident i.e your husband and yourself are named in the SAR request. ( they may ask you to provide photo ID to identify you from the CCTV Footage which you could just send with your SAR Request)
  2. Hi Don't you find it amazing that after your MP gets involved suddenly A2 start communicating with you which they should have been doing from the start but has until now failed to do so. Now if the MP gets a response from A2 and forwards it to you I bet you A2 try to make themselves look whiter than white to your MP and just think to yourself when you read it " DID THEY DO THAT" bear in mind A2 polices that they haven't followed and breached. Data Protection Policy Communication Policy Customer Care Policy/Charter Repairs Policy
  3. New online Armed Forces compensation service goes live Veterans UK has launched a new online service for Armed Forces Compensation and War Pension claims. READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png New online Armed Forces compensation service goes live - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Veterans UK has launched a new online service for Armed Forces Compensation and War Pension claims.
  4. Hi That's good news that the Ombudsman has taken on this issue but you will know from your dealings with A2 that they will more than likely try to make themselves look whiter than white that they have done nothing wrong and basically followed all there policies. Hopefully the Ombudsman sees through anything that A2 provide. I bet that due to this A2 will suddenly start updating you on the progress of the repairs to your actual property and keep you updated which they should have being doing throughout this process from the start but that they have failed to do until this. (please correct me if I am wrong)
  5. Hi I have to agree with dx100uk let the Management Company deal. Just an air of caution with your Domestic CCTV, if you are recording out with your own properties boundaries even if the road outside your property is shared access this is still out with your own property boundaries so you would need to be registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as a Data Controller and there is a cost involved. Domestic CCTV systems - guidance for people using CCTV ICO.ORG.UK There are many domestic CCTV systems on the market to help you protect your home. If you’re thinking of using one, you need to make sure you do so...
  6. Support services for military and defence personnel and their families: detailed information READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Defence and armed forces: Support services for military and defence personnel and their families - detailed information - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK List of information about Support services for military and defence personnel and their families.
  7. Hi As you have recieved that and are not living in the Property You must forward that onto your Housing Officer but make sure you inform the Housing Officer that you haven't made any arrangement or appointment as you are not living at the Property and how they wish to proceed with this. If the Housing Officer insists you make arangements and must be at the Property then you ask them to provide you with Travel Expenses and what about time off work if you are working costs.
  8. For each different Pension you will need to look for your specific Pension on that link above and when you go into it please ensure to have a good read of it as you should notice they have added "Customer Journey" which contains these new diagrams for each different Pension which are all downloadable.
  9. Veterans UK - Learning from our experiences together - further updates - Our first step has been to produce a comprehensive suite of diagrams that illustrate the flow of a claim or an appeal READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Learning from our experiences together - further updates - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Committed to listening to veterans and improving how we provide our services
  10. Brit ex-soldiers could receive six-figure payouts over 'poisoned water' fears at US base - Between 1953 to 1987 READ MORE HERE: Brit ex-soldiers could receive six-figure payouts over 'poisoned water' fears at US base | World | News | Express.co.uk WWW.EXPRESS.CO.UK Thousands of British military veterans and their families may be eligible for six-figure payouts following a water poisoning scandal at a US Marine...
  11. Defence accommodation policy READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Defence accommodation policy - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK The People Accommodation Policy Team is responsible for Defence accommodation policy on behalf of Chief Defence Personnel (CDP).
  12. Career Transition Partnership READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Career Transition Partnership - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK The CTP provides comprehensive resettlement support services for personnel leaving the Armed Forces, as they transition from their military...
  13. Armed Forces Covenant: guidance and support READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Armed Forces Covenant: guidance and support - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.
  14. Hi The CCTV from next door Shop you need to very careful for the following reasons: 1. As the Shop is not only capturing CCTV but also Audio Recordings they will need to be registered with the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) for both the CCTV and Audio Recording so you need to ensure to ask if they are registered for both and the ICO is aware. 2. Does that Shop have a Sign outside the shop saying they have CCTV as it should as this is not a Domestic Property where the Rules are different? (even in the Shops window) 3. Even if they are Registered Capturing images is one thing but Capturing Audio is a different matter which can be classed as an invasion of Privacy. as they are capturing all audio within that cameras area of everyone walking past that Shop. The Audio Recording from that Shop would only be admissible if that Shop is Registered with the ICO and the ICO if fully aware that there CCTV is not only capturing CCTV images but importantly is also capturing all Audio. If as an example that Shop has only informed the ICO when registering they have CCTV and nothing else (not informed them it records all Audio) that Shop has opened itself up to an invasion of privacy of anyone walking within that shops area covered by that CCTV that is also recording all Audio at the same time as this is an Invasion of Privacy and the Shop should have informed the ICO they are recording all Audio within that CCTV area. This is me airing caution on this due to the Audio as you need to be very careful in its use from that Shop in any Claim.
  15. Hi You are more than welcome and it is a pleasure to be able to help you with this as that is what we are here for. You look after yourself and you know where we are even if it is just to have a rant about all this. Don't forget to let others know about CAG.
  16. Domestic abuse: guidance and support for the armed forces community READ MORE HERE: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Domestic abuse: guidance and support for the armed forces community - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Information and guidance for those affected by or dealing with cases of domestic abuse in the armed forces community.
  17. Hi I have to agree with the advice already given as there is absolutely nothing stopping individual employees of whatever company and whatever sector it is in joining any of the Unions in the UK. So do an internets search simply type 'join a union in the uk' and have a wee look as different unions deal with different sectors and bear in mind most have a Cost so bear that in mind. As for how to get an employer to recognise a union uk have a wee look at this link: /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Employers: recognise a trade union: Overview - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Employer's responsibilities during the process of union recognition.
  18. Hi Maybe it might be worth just given a bit of feedback to the owner suggesting that there is something in the Welcome Pack in the rooms about these and maybe when individuals book in at reception this is also advised by reception what these are to prevent someone thinking it may be hidden cameras.
  19. Hi Was the owner happy with your explanation? Bear in mind if this was for Fire Protection that the Owner will now have to get the Fire System Retested at the Owners Costs and I am not saying they will by you need to be aware that due to this they may ask you for those costs. (just my air of caution)
  20. Hi It's nothing to worry about it only due to the legislation changing and also what they haven't said is that they are still like a lot of organisations still doing catchup due to COVID-19 and depending on whether they are now fully working in the office or partly in office or working from home. So don't worry about that response and I know this has taken a lot of time due to A2 and that Final Response in which well they have basically tried to put them in the right we have done nothing wrong but your evidence says otherwise so lets keep fingers crossed the Ombudsman sees it that way. I would also remind the Ombudsman that during all this A2 not once informed you of your Rights under the Right to Repair nor updated you to advise/ask for extensions on the Time Limits to repair your Property nor were you offered compensations for them failing to do this. You can email them and easily add this into you complaint to them. I know this may be taking a toll on you due to the length of time this has been ongoing but just remember you have done nothing wrong here and you keep your head held high and take care of yourself.
  21. Hi With the first question you mention the Company let everyone go due to Covid-19 Pandemic, my question on this is were you actually let go by the company therefore Unemployed or were you place on Furlough by the Company during this period? Furlough and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - Acas WWW.ACAS.ORG.UK How furlough was used to put employees on temporary leave during coronavirus (COVID-19), including pay and returning to work after furlough. As for the Employees Handbook I would contact then and as to be provided with a copy of this as you have asked on numerous occasions and as you access is restricted you can't access this so require to be provided with a copy. Put this in writing to the company and make sure and get Free Proof of Posting from the Post Office and keep a good paper trail of everything. ( even if you email the company asking this back it up with a written letter mentioning the email and get free proof of posting) Read there Equality Policy very carefully as to exactly what it state and then have a good read of the actual Equality Act 2010. /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Information and guidance on the Equality Act 2010, including age discrimination and public sector Equality Duty. As for Occupational Health I assume this is a large company which would have this in place so you are entitled to ask that company to be referred to there Occupational Health for an assessment and any adjustments the feel you need for your employment they will recommend to the employer and you always ask them for copies which you should be provided with
  22. Hi Welcome to CAG please be patient as I am sue others will be along to give you advice on this matter. You also have nothing to be sorry about so don't worry about that. How long have you been employed with the Company? Do you have a copy or access to the employees handbook at all? IMO you may need to use the Companies Grievance procedure to Complaint about what has happened as the Company is fully aware of your medical issue which should have been taken into account when you explained your problem of being switched bars at such short notice. Also try to look up or get a copy of the Companies Equality Policy. If the Company has Occupational Health Access ask them to make an appointment for you to access that as they will be able to inform the company what adjustments may be needed for you. As said please wait for other to pop in to give you advice on this matter as well
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