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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. It would be very interesting to see a prosecution for careless driving where the main evidence would be someone driving at 30mph in a 40mph zone. Speed limits are maximum allowable speeds and there is nothing that says that people have to drive at the limit. Factors such as available visibility, weather conditions, time of day, volume of traffic, condition of the road surface etc will always have to be considered by drivers to determine what is a safe speed for them.
  2. I'm sure our resident local authority troll would think otherwise Jon:D
  3. Maybe if local authorities didn't see decriminalised parking as a cash cow and stopped introducing restrictions where they are not needed they might get a lot more respect from the general public:rolleyes:
  4. Your brother in law, if he is the registered keeper of the vehicle, will be obliged to provide the details of who was driving the vehicle to the police. Once he has done this then they will write to you and you will need to reply to them to confirm that you were the driver. They will then make a conditional offer of a fixed penalty which will mean a £60 fine and 3 points on your licence. This will be dependent on how may points you already have. If adding 3 points brings you up to 12 within the last 3 years then it will mean a court appearance. You might also get an offer of a speed awareness course, given the fact you were only 9mph above the limit, (if the force concerned run one). If this is an option I would grasp it with both hands and take it as it means no endorsement or points on your licence and no requirement to declare it to your insurance company.
  5. Juli, If a PNC check by the police shows a "permanent export" marker, then it is only DVLA who can put this on their records. So it is clear they have received the V5 advising them that you have sold the vehicle abroad. Who has sent you the letters regarding the parking tickets, is it a UK based company?
  6. Fitting the DVD player is a complete doddle and takes 5 minutes. I think the main issue is your reaction to this minor component failing. I am surprised you have lost confidence. I would be letting them send me the replacement part rather than rejecting the PC. If you then had other failures then that might be the time to lose confidence. But they have offered to ship a new PC to you which seems very reasonable behaviour by them. WHy not take them up on their offer and give it a try instead of reacting as you had over the failure of this one component?
  7. The OP stated that they went into the bus lane for the purpose of avoiding the cars that had stopped. That is very different to having "driven down the bus lane". More often than not you are telling people they are wrong as opposed to giving them advice, and that is exactly what you have done in this thread. While you continue to come out with your "holier than thou" nonsense I'm sure there are plenty here who will challenge it. People are getting fed up with local authorities issuing PCN's to people who have just brushed a bus lane, or gone into one to avoid a vehicle turning right (which they are permitted to do), to get out of the way of emergency service vehicles on the blues and twos or to avoid accidents. Common sense is clearly not prevailing within the local authorities who issue PCN's in such circumstances. People are also getting fed up with bus lanes being created where there is no real need for them, or timings being put in place that are totally inappropriate. Or bus lanes being put in on 2 lane carriage ways which by forcing traffic into one lane will cause far more pollution as a result and will never work as a way of forcing people to use buses. The fact is the authorities are trying to force us on to a transportation system that is not up to the job. They employ the usual scare tactics, yet their ultimate aim is about raising revenue. The increase in the number of bus lanes, coupled with increasing the hours in which they are exclsuively bus lanes, is proof plenty of their true aims. If you speak to any traffic police officer they will tell you that one of their main tasks is to keep the traffic flowing. As for buses reducing polution, can you explain how a large bus being driven around the streets outside of the rush hour with a hardly any passengers on board is reducing pollution?
  8. If your friend didn't go through a red light then they have no choice but to deny it. If there is only one witness who has alleged this I would be very surprised if the CPS did anything with it.
  9. I wasn't defending the OP, I just provided them with 2 examples of exemptions for going in a bus lane. Which is more than what you were prepared to do. You just did you usual "holier than thou" routine that we have been having to put up with in this forum for far too long. Re-read my post, all I did was posted up an exemption for going into a bus lane. There was nothing comical about advising a person of an exemption. What is comical is you saying such a thing when you have admitted that you always used to go to court to challenge cases against you in your courier days in case the officers didn't turn up or the prosecution messed up. You are in no position to criticise others for using the same approach that you have used. And there was me thinking that the idea of traffic enforcement was to keep the traffic moving as much as possible:rolleyes: I guess you would rather they sit still for longer and cause more pollution? I look forward to the day when you give sympathy to someone who has been given a PCN and comes here to find out information about how to tackle it. I guess it will be a cold day in hell when that happens:D
  10. There are other ways to tell that a vehicle may be about to make a left or right turn without relying on the indicators being used by the driver:rolleyes: You really do spout some rubbish at times. Of course you can tell if a vehicle is going to turn right without the indicators being used. As a former motorcyclist I would have thought this is one of the first observational skills you would have picked up..............assuming you were any good as a driver of course:rolleyes: It is not an apt comparison, as you can see the examples lifted from the Wandsworth website. It was just another of your obscure and ridiculous comparisons which you are well known for using when you know you are on thin ice. The OP wasn't actually driving, her father was. I think it is perfectly reasonable for a passenger not to be paying attention to what is happening in the road, don't you? I think Ken Livingstone has a rival for being the number 1 hater of personal transport in London!
  11. Thanks Aviator!! That bought up a revolting image and my breakfast is all over my keyboard!!!
  12. The cars still turned right:rolleyes:. Many people drive without using their indicators correctly. What a ridiculous scenario to come up with! Is that the best you can do? As the Wandsworth FAQ shows, it is legal to use the bus lane in certain situations, including to clear vehicles making a right turn or to avoid an accident. Which parts of it are you having difficulty in comprehending?
  13. That wouldn't relate to vehicles turning right as that is not considered waiting traffic. Nice try G & M:rolleyes:
  14. And from the London Borough of Wandsworth website with regards to going into the bus lane to avoid vehicles turning right:- Q. Can I go into a bus lane to overtake a vehicle waiting to make turn right or blocking the outer lane? A. vehicle may use the bus lane for the sole purpose of maneuvering around a stationery vehicle, provided the vehicle immediately returns to the outer lane and does not remain in the bus lane. Parking - Bus lane faq - Wandsworth Council
  15. A FPN for causing harassment alarm or distress? Do you mean a PND? And did you issue it?
  16. It's one thing to challenge PCN's that are not up to scratch, but do you really think it is ok for you to abuse someone who is attempting to do their job? How would you like it if someone you worked with or a customer spoke to you in such a way? You wouldn't be best pleased I suspect.
  17. So the chronology appears to be as follows:- Clutch "fails" at 70000 miles. Van taken to dealer who advise it is out of warranty van serviced, clutch fixed and work done on brakes, bill of £1400 Clutch "fails" again Dealer now state that all they did initially was to top up the hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic clutch resorvoir. First of all, I would do some homework on the model of van your friend has. Find out if it is fitted with a hydraulic clutch or a cable operated clutch. I would also study the £1400 bill to see what was done and then ask the garage for a full breakdown on what they did. The diagnosis that was given by the other garage, see if you can get that in writing. When the van is repaired, point out what work was done at the service and ask the garage that does the work to comment on it (if they will). Once you have done this then come back and post the results to let us know where you stand and if there is any action that can be taken.
  18. You are allowed to enter the bus lane to avoid an accident. I would write in and make informal representations and state that the vehicles stopped suddenly and that you legally entered the bus lane to avoid an accident.
  19. It's not necessary for you to keep on posting the original post. All it does is cause annoyance to people. Is the dealer who did the original clutch change a authorised Renault dealer?
  20. What you could do is to write back to them and ask if they will provide a photograph on the basis that it may help you identify who was driving at the time of the alleged offence. Don't just write and ask to see the evidence as they don't have to supply you with it until such time as the case goes to court and a not guilty plea has been entered. But they should supply it if it assists you with identifying the driver. I would also suggest you go to Pepipoo as speeding is their speciality. Just do a Google search on it and follow the links.
  21. It's easy to see how a bike like a CBR125 would be declared a write off by the insurance company. A low speed crash where the bike just slides along the road could necessitate a new fairing and the associated brackets and fittings and the costs can rocket enormously.
  22. As I understand it, if you make informal representations then they will stop the clock and extend the time you have to pay at the reduced rate. But as soon as they issue the notice to owner the discounted rate is removed.
  23. It seems the site owner doesn't want any links or even mention of this particular site for the time being though it appears to be under consideration. It's a shame that the site owner thinks this way as the site in question is very useful.. If the OP wants to find it though here is a way that might assist. What do you need to buy before you can take a journey on a bus or train? _ _ _ _ _ _ The Supermarine Spitfire was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aircraft. You should be able to put the 2 answers together and then do a Google search on it:D
  24. It's also a good point for you that the claimant acknowledges that the HPI check did not show up the write off history of the bike. What model bike was it?
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