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paper_tiger3030 last won the day on May 7 2006

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50 Excellent
  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Okay thanks for the all the advice, I'll bear it in mind. They can't help it. Its their job. To be total neo-fascist authoritarian ****wits who enjoy what little power they have in life to make other people's lives difficult. I'm leaving the country.
  4. Right.... what offence would I be charged with if I did do this? And what if I had a T-Shirt with the legend "Traffic Wardens are ****ing ****s"? By the way there was no ticket issued. Just wondered if I could get away with it.
  5. Hello Sorry, I did scan for this answer, but anyway. This morning, a traffic warden from local authority about to ticket my car just after unloading. Explained that he was about to issue a ticket. I said I've just finished unloading. I wondered, is it illegal, to add "you ****ing (Edit)" at the end of that. Can I call them anything I like, or is it limited and going to get me in trouble? paper tiger
  6. Yes, the item was reported as unpaid in the first instance. I did not follow through the dispute through, as (although it means I look like a dunce) I wasn't familiar with this protocol, and there was no contact with the seller. The item was relisted and later sold.
  7. By the way - how the f* do you contact them by phone? Anyone got a number?
  8. Hi - thanks for the quick responses buzby and skbuncks. The short answer is I only got so far with the unpaid item process, so did not follow it to its entirety. Like I said I find ebay thoroughly confusing and it wasn't apparent that I had to do more than that. Is their "60 days" to close the dispute enforceable?
  9. I've not seen posts on this issue, but wondered where I stand on this. I sold a car on ebay, the first winner was suspect, never contacted me and the phone number he supplied was false. This cost me £20 in sellers fees. I reported an unpaid item, but there was no contact whatsoever. I eventually sold it to another bidder after relisting the auction. Then ebay billed me for the auctions including the £20 from the unsold item. This I disputed, got lots of copy and paste messages about having 60 days to dispute the unpaid item and reminding me that I should have contacted the buyer to sort it out. Of course, couldn't do this because the buyer was a fake. I have disputed the £20 fee with ebay and paid the remainder of my fees with them. I have disputed the 60 days of their terms and conditions to sort out the item, as I thought most people had 6 years to sort these out, and it could constitute an unfair term. Please note, I very rarely use ebay so am not up to speed on everything on the site, indeed it seems very confusing to me and it takes me an age to find the right page! They have continued to send me copy and paste messages with standard paragraphs, which I then replied to saying that this could constitute harassment as the £20 fee is not justified as no sale took place. They have now replied that: "Thank you for contacting us regarding the outstanding amount of 20.00 GBP. The Fees on your account relate to charges for eBay listings and services. Please act now to make the necessary payment. To collect fees due, eBay will use legal means if necessary, including the use of collections and legal services. We look forward to receiving your payment shortly. Please note that you will continue to receive collection notices until your eBay account is up-to-date. Thank you for your cooperation. Kind regards" Hmmm. Now some total clown has attempted to cost me £20, where do I stand? Where can I go? Trading Standards? Administration fo Justice Act? Injunction? Clearly it would be easier just to pay the £20 and forget it, but I don't like being bullied! Tigerrrrrrrrrr
  10. A freind came to see me the other day with a copy of LTSBs new Terms and Conditions which come into force on 2 November 2007. These actually increase penalty charges. The document is in a link from Lloyds TSB - Borrowing from us - Overdrafts The upshot is that if you go £100 over your overdraft limit they charge you £20 PER DAY to a maximum of 10 charges per month. The 10 maximum charges are "resest" at the beginning of the next billing period. So if your £100 "unplanned overdraft" spans two billing periods (say 10 days at the end of one billing period (£200) and ten days at the beginning of the next billing period (£200) the bank will charge you £400. Quick calculation on the comparative interest rate and its 2400% per year. Wonder if anyone else has found this one. Far from backing down these banks are increasing the squeeze. I've also seen A&L are trying a similar change. Alex.
  11. Just a further addendum to the thread... I asked for my full charges back TWICE. I got them back TWICE. The second time was quicker than the first and didn't involve going to court. However, yesterday recieved a letter. "Following a review of your account we have made a commercial decision to withdraw banking facilities. Persuant to clause 12.4 in terms and conditions, we hereby give you 30 days notice that we will be closing your account numbered 40-XX-XX XXXXXXXX on XX September 2006." They spat the dummy.
  12. Thanks for that. I would go for the whole amount also... I am waiting for them to try to close my account... the reason they are not doing it now I think is that I showed them the size of my new contract, which is a six figure number...
  13. Depends on what you want to do! How much is 3/4?
  14. An addendum to the thread. The money I got back did not get me out of financial trouble. I am self employed and some of my clients take ages to pay me, so my pay is neither regular, nor reliable, although when it comes its a lot. I discussed my overdraft requirements with them and they gave me a limit lower than what I asked for. Hence I went over the limit. HSBC since helped themselves to a further £200 from my account. I sent a letter explaining the details to them about how I work, and that I've previously taken them to court, and they did not want to defend, and I really don't want to go court again, but if they insist then I will. My complaint was responded to with a straight stage 3 letter saying they will pay back the lot, while assuring me that their T&C's were fair, blah blah. So I win again. Wonder if next month will bring me more charges...?
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