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Everything posted by siriusb

  1. OK, so unless the DCA that own three of my debts come up with the goods tomorrow morning they will have all had their 14 clear days - and not one CCA! I'm having to tackle things slowly as these debts are managed through the CCCS whom apparently do not take well to you telling them not to pay certain debts as you want to lawfully put an account in dispute. So is it worth CPURTing them (if there is scope to) and advising them that you will be reporting their lack of compliance to ??? FOS? FSA? Naughty people not complying!
  2. Please don't think i was being glib - i mean that i am more concerned about the preparation and getting that spot on (in as much as i have no experience of taking anyone to court). I see it can all be done online (initally) but as I have not had sight of the forms I do not know whether I include any previous cases etc at the early stage.
  3. The thing I am the least worried about is the actual 'day in court'. For me it is getting all the right papers together and what scope of costs could be levied at me if I lose Going through the Gov website it would seem that both are initiated the same way. The first one on my radar is Egg.
  4. I like the idea of a lottery win but sadly it's not quite that much. The figures tend to be around the £2000-£3000 mark. I have responded to one of the rejections, but they have failed to provide the screen shots I requested to substantiate them not upholding my complaint or acknowledge my second letter in anyway. I am still waiting on two more responses but let's just say i am not hopeful.
  5. Hello, Well thanks to CAG I am fired up and looking to deal with the mis-sold PPI rejections I have. From what I have read the FOS can be good but are snowed under so I have been looking into the possibilty of going the court route. I have read a few posts where poeple have done this with mixed results, but I am a bit confused. Is it small claims or County court that I need to use, or can i use either? If i were to lose would I have to pay the other sides costs (that is the scary bit)? What kind of timeframe do county or small claims work to? I'd really welcome any advice or caggers experiences in this area
  6. Well the corker of this tale is that he rang them today...and the reference and number on his letter have nothing to do with him or his loan or car! They've mucked all their details up.
  7. I send EVERYTHING recorded...no way they can wriggle out of it then! Is it worth putting the request under CPURT in with the same letter?
  8. I have certainly found they are considerably slower at providing information than hassling you for payments.
  9. Lol. That is so stern. I'm having to learn to toughen up and be less fluffy.
  10. Egg tuned down my initial claim so I sent a letter asking for screen shots to show i ticked a box rather than didn't un-tick it or if they couldn't provide that please refund my premiums plus interest etc. The 14 days I gave them is almost up and i suspect I am unlikely to hear a dicky bird. Has anyone ever got screen shots if they have asked for them? Has anyone ever gone down the court route rather than the FOS route? I'm not even sure where to begin or the costs involved but i would welcome any imput. Hx
  11. Can anyone give me any advice on cabot asking for 40 days? Is this legally 'enshrined' in any financial acts? I want to send them the cpurt (i think) request even though we have already covered the fact they don't hold a cca - just to cover ALL bases for when its starts getting a bit messy.
  12. I understand that it doesn't remove the debt... and if what i have read make sense it has more to do with implications of enforceability... ...if they don't have one it's just a bit more gris to my mill once all ppi etc has been claimed back (if i ever get that far!)
  13. No plans to be a pedant just yet...but not enough knowledge on the subject so don't wish to shoot myself in the foot long term. Bottom line - if i understand it correctly is a CCA request doesn't not LEGALLY require an authentic signature?
  14. So although an electronic signature technically should be enough, especially in light of the fact they send statements to my house monthly so they have fair belief I am who i purport to be, there is no real risk/implicationd from me signing a letter to them? Maybe I should just go for a different signature.....
  15. That what i am worried about. I know it sounds a bit paranoid but all the advice points towards not giving them a signature, but if they won't process the request without it i'm a bit in limbo....
  16. Hi, Well I don't seem to be having much luck on the CCA front! The latest reply regarding my MINT account is that they cannot procees my request as they require my signature. In the request I sent off I included the £1 postal order and relevant details, and signed the letter electronically (as per advice on the forum). So what can I do now? This is a card I took out in mid 2004 and the account is defaulted and being managed through the CCCS (but i still get a statement every month directly from MINT). I don't want to give them my signature to add to a document if they dont already have it, but I'm not sure how to progress from here. Any ideas? Hx
  17. Hi, No he doesn't have the agreement - but the tone of the letter seems to be very much 'we know who you are, but we can't deal with you'. Just wondering if he should sar vw finance or the garage he purchased the car from? Ultimately the money went to vw....
  18. This is a Q on behalf of a friend. Although a long time ago (1998) he purchased a new car using finance (it was a skoda which if I understand correctly is part of the vw group). He worked out that there was a good chance ppi was put on this HP of around £3000 he wrote to vw asking if this was the case (as he was self employed it wouldn't have been suitable). They have written back saying they can't help as his details do not match the Agreement Holders details! Now his name hasn't changed and he put his address when he took out the HP - so what's going on here?? Any ideas?
  19. Hi, I know this thread is a few months old but I'm wondering what the outcome was for you as I am in a very similar position - though it took a credit check for me to find out ccj debt had been sold on but still handled by Optima
  20. I've had ppi back (just over a £1000 inc interest) and am waiting to hear about charges... I think with this one I'll just sit on it (paying) until the 6 years from ccj are up and then go with a silly low offer.
  21. Looking through SAR info from MBNA they, towards the end of my complete financial meltdown, offered to settle my debt for 30% of outstanding amount. As I couldn't rustle up £3000 it ended up in CCJ and CO. What I am trying to figure out is how much the DCA is likely to have paid for it, bearing in mind to some extent it is a secured debt. Any ideas?
  22. Damn! Was hoping that wasn't the case - but thank you for clearing it up for me. I am currently still making payments through the cccs / step hangs so no chance of it being statute barred in that time...
  23. in a way after six years the debt become unenforceable? There would be no recourse should I just decide to stop paying a defaulted debt?
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