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Everything posted by axil23

  1. I called out some real engineers (British Gas) who have fixed the problem. It was a simple system vent required which should just be a call out charge and the water pump was ok. They have provided me written documentation of this. So is this now a valid chargeback claim since they did not fix the fault? They had said the water pump was faulty and would cost £290 to repair.
  2. I know what you mean. I just feel cheated that they used the term "excess" instead of call out charge and gave me the impression that the repair would be carried out if I paid that.
  3. I used my brothers card to pay for the call out. The policy is under my name. Can he turn around and say that he did not authorise the charge? Or that he paid for the repair and it was not done? I was told its a excess and not a call out charge. Surely a excess is only payable when there is a claim? What else are my options? Reading online reviews it seems the complaint to them is never successful? Small claims court? I know its only 75 but I hate it when these sort of companies con consumers.
  4. I just checked and they did not send me any paperwork. Just googled them and it seems there are 100s of us with the same issue. All told that the cost of the part is beyond economical repair.
  5. I can't find the ones they sent me but I am sure they will have this in there. Is it better to just leave this and move on then. Just hate it when companies con consumers though.
  6. The thing is that second hand boilers aren't worth much anyway. A new boiler now days costs £600. So 4-5 years down the line they will all be worth £200 https://www.247homerescue.co.uk/reviews/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAg_HhBRDNARIsAGHLV5365AWEJ4ULgjtR16exMwOf6k2FboEjh3n2zIIyBNOp3T2dZzTeJcUaAiq5EALw_wcB - - - Updated - - - Where do I stand legally on this though? Are they allowed to take money without doing the work?
  7. Have a boiler policy with 24/7 home rescue. Never had a chance to use them in 14 months until recently. The boiler was making noises so they said they would send an engineer out and I need to pay the excess amount of £75 which I did via Credit card. The engineer has been this morning and says that pump is faulty and will cost £295 to change and I need to speak with 24/7. Called them and they said that they only cover 60% of the cost of the value of the boiler and they value the boiler at £250. So they won't cover this issue. I need the boiler fixed so called an independent engineer and he has given me a quote of £140 for parts and labor to fit the new pump. I asked 24/7 to refund my excess as they did not do the job which they have refused. This is clearly a con by 24/7. Under value the price of the boiler and over inflate the cost of the parts and fitting and any claim can be void. I was also not made aware of the condition that they would only pay 60% of the value of the boiler for any claims. Any suggestions what I can do to get my £75 excess back? Chargeback? Also should I take this any further?
  8. I did this and they replied with further pics that showed the time stamp on them. Also they agree that the meter was not working and state that this doesn't mean that I could park there for free and should have paid via the app. I had ignored that yesterday got a letter that stated that unless I paid the £100 they would start court proceedings. What should I do now?
  9. I honestly can't find a similar one. Can you direct me to a sticky that gives the details like why I should not respond and what my rights are? Thank you so much for your help mate my wife thinks we should just pay it and be done with it rather than face court. I was thinking of just replying to them to advise them that the car park machine was not working.
  10. Surely though if I don't contact them back won't the problem just escalate? They will send further reminders? So what exactly is my defence on this?
  11. Monthly from my bank account. Should I email them back stating that their machine was not working and my wife did not have a smart phone to make an online payment.
  12. So what should I do next? Its a lease so I don't want the lease company paying them and billing me. Although they have my contact details so they should keep this communication between us only now?
  13. She was there for 2hrs. Yeah they do look like pictures taken from in front of the car and not ANPR. Not sure where the ANPR came in from. No reference to it on the ticket so could have been added in by a moderator? What should I do?
  14. Its a Parking Charge notice! Can you move this to the right forum? 1 Date of the infringement 28-9-18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 1-10-18 3 Date received 8-11-18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yeah they have photo of the car 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] n Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? NPS 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Blandford street pay to park. Newcastle NE1 3PZ
  15. My partner parked at a NPS (northern Parking Services) car park a few weeks back and the machine was not working. She could not pay for her parking. Today we got a ticket in the post. They have camera's there and must have automatically sent a ticket out. What are my options? Do I have to pay it?
  16. Another issue with the same company today. The other half curbed a alloy few days back and I emailed them straightaway for the claim. They wrote back today to say that the alloys were diamond cut which are not covered under the policy. I knew this when I took out the policy but the alloys are not diamond cut. I spoke with Audi who happily provided me written confirmation that the alloys are solid silver and not diamond cut. I sent this onto the Insurance company who replied Even though they are not and the main dealer has confirmed this in writing. Really annoying. It seems they are just declining claims for no reason at all. They have also cancelled my policy.
  17. They have now advised me that they will take 8 weeks to get back to me. Which I think its quite ridiculous. Does anyone know if I get the work done myself and take them to small claims court for the £250 will I have a chance? Also if you take someone to small claims court and loose are you liable for their Lawyers bills too?
  18. I have now been in touch with the main dealer and they have confirmed that the rear bumper is considered as one panel. Forwarded that to them a few days back and no reply. Looks to me like they will try and deny all claims initially.
  19. Would anyone know the answer to this please?
  20. I took out a policy on my car 2 years back for alloys and light scratches to the body work. Last month I ended up scratching the alloys and scratching the rear bumper. I reported this last week and was advised that they would not entertain the claim for the following reasons 1. The claim for the alloys needs to be reported within 14 days. I missed this by 2-3 days. I simply wasn't aware of this. 2. They claim the rear bumper is two panels where as its one rear bumper with a silver edging going across it. They don't cover two panel claims. its not two panels. A panel is a rear bumper as a whole. I was not advised any of this when I took out the policy. It was imply a we cover it all sales pitch. Do I have any rights here? Bump.... Anyone?
  21. He is a self employed DIY guy. So does handy jobs around the town. Always cash in hand and I only found out when he took house of me that he was claiming full benefits. So he probably tells HMRC that he is working part time to make ends meet and claims Dole/free housing from the government. I don't even care if he has to pay a fiver a week. Just want him to realise that he can't do this to people. He is on this new Universal credit and I have heard that you can get attachment of earnings on that but can't find much information.
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