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Everything posted by Grotesque

  1. Danielle. The reason they are more likely to be able to 'convict' in your particular case is not only the fact of the 'mistaken' Oyster-usage but the fact that this was then compounded by an inability to pay the required fare. So, at the point at which you were stopped the fare had neither been paid nor could be paid when the opportunity was provided. So no fare was offered for your journey; that is why they will not offer you another opportunity to pay for a ticket. No ticket + no means of paying for the journey = fraudulent travel. As 1stClx suggests, you may as well contact them; all things being equal, they may well understand your position.
  2. You have to have made a minimum number of posts to automatically activate the PM function. This is an anti-spambot measure.
  3. Yes, the question there is of course is- who defines 'effectively unteachable;' it is unfortunately his employer, as his contracts implies: Luck
  4. W96: He will generally be considered an employee and have the same rights as others at that placement. However those are legally limited within the first two years of employment. His conditions of employment- and the termination thereof- should be in the contract you say he has signed. Why did he 'leave' VI Form rather than train / study simultaneously?
  5. Indeed. If he can identify the OP so easily off FB... why can't he do the same off CAG?!
  6. Why can't you take this 'outside'? (Apologies if I missed something!)
  7. In which case, how does he know you've even said it...?
  8. Apologies to westham for libelling him (ironically!) in your Staff Room lol
  9. I meant (as I said before), you need not necessarily have named names; the question is how easily he could have been identified as the person you were talking about by a group of people to whom his reputation is valuable. I.e, could his identity have been inferred. I also suggested that his sol(icitor) obviously thinks so.* *Although solicitors always think you have a case- until the money runs out.
  10. Of course not. So he should tell them he has no passport. They'll probably accept naturalisation papers, Home Office documentation etc instead.
  11. If you were unlawfully deducted wages then you have three months (minus one day) from the pay date to submit your case to an Employment Tribunal. That will be your best witness in any libel trial- that you were writing the truth. Names- are they inferable by his current staff, customers etc, I wonder. His sol. obviously think so.
  12. If you said- or even suggested- that (e.g) he was crooked / embezzling / breaking the law in any way (and if you've said you're going to fight them in court, does that not imply that he must have done something wrong?) then the libel laws apply to social networking sites as stringently as newspapers. You do not have to have named him, the question is: how easily he can be identified as your subject. Tbh, if papers been lodged, then you need a solicitor not a public forum!!!
  13. In which case, the whole ordeal has actually been for the best. An internet connection to your home can- and at some point probably will- do you far more damage and loss than RLP ever could in their wildest dreams!
  14. They trawl this and other sites constantly, and as you specifically mentioned the goods involved it probably wasn't that difficult for them to put two and two together. There's no CIA stuff going on here yet!!!
  15. Err... be aware that if the dog is on someone else's property and an 'accident' occurs, the dog owner will have very little recourse though.
  16. Worth pointing out to the OP at this juncture that if following this course of action, remember to back-up every file you want to keep otherwise, like Willy McBride, it's lost and gone for ever.
  17. See that's what sort of got me- one of those other threads said you'd been there (somewhere) nine years- and I thought- blimey- same one?! You need to GTF OUT mate it sounds like some sort of roller coaster without the fun stuff (women's bras falling off etc)
  18. How many jobs have you said you would leave here / been advised to leave here / actually left? Good luck bro!
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