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  1. hi renegadeimp and everyone else who replied ...yes the letter does actually say it is classed as a defense so they have advised Tesco to drop the matter...can't believe that they actually look through these kinds of forums! Is that really how they find out who's who!? Sort of makes me feel like were being spied on and makes me more aware of what i actually post online! I did worry that they had somehow got access to my personal info that i used when signing up,relieved to hear actually that this isn't the case i would really like to thank everyone who took time to reply and help during this ordeal will that actually be the last i hear from it now do you think?
  2. hello...update...i received a letter on 28th march saying i had to pay £89.20 "due to my actions" and today i have received another basically saying that they know ive been on an internet forum and stated that it was a mistake and in light of this info being classed as a defense,they have advised their client to drop the case and wish me to ignore the first letter...im happy with this because it was a genuine mistake in the first place,but i must admit im a bit freaked out that they know it was me on here? Can anybody shed any light on how they came to know this?
  3. Hello all,sorry to be a pain but I'm now sitting here with the thought going through my mind of the days events,I think the reality of what happened is now hitting me and I'm plaguing my mind with the thought of will all of the staff know about this? Thing is,my friends relative works in there and obviously I don't want the shame of people knowing about this...will Tesco tell all their staff about people they have banned or is it just the security people that know the details of this? I'm upset aswell as I know how it looks but I honestly did make a mistake and just feel mortified by the whole thing now sorry to go on...
  4. Hi pawsforthought...is it best to reply to their first letter with the one liner then as opposed to ignoring it all together? I take it they don't give up too easily then going off your experience!
  5. Thank you silverfox, I just wanted to be clear that I won't cause myself any more trouble by ignoring the letters from rlp...I will certainly be taking all the advice I've been given here as I said earlier and can't express how thankful I am for everybody's kindness,I feel much much better about the whole thing now I will continue to update you all...thank you once again
  6. One more question siverfox...is there any possibility that Tesco would take me to court if I did ignore the letters? Thanks in advance
  7. I did in fact notice that their successful cases were no more recent than 2012 now I see why!...so I am correct in thinking that I need to completely ignore any letters they send regardless of how threatening they seem? How long roughly does it take for them to give up trying to make you pay? From what I can gather reading here,around 6 months is the usual timescale?
  8. Thank you for the heads up,I'll be sure to remove any details before posting
  9. Renegadeimp,thanks so much...really can't believe that these people can use tactics like this! Thank goodness for sites like this I've done some more reading on here of some ofvthe threads regarding rlp and I am definitely going to take the advice from here...I will update as and when I receive any letters...thanks again
  10. @pawsforthought...thank you very much I will look at your posts...feeling much better after posting here
  11. @renegadeimp...as mentioned their site suggests that they can get bailiffs involved for non payment..is this wrong?
  12. @renegadeimp...thank you so much for your reply,the security guard made it sound like I'll be receiving a demand for a big fine and if I don't pay up immediately the police will be the other option...he said apparently they recover costs incurred for the time they've wasted to deal with me aswell so I can mount up?
  13. Hi all, I'm looking for some advice...went shopping this morning at Tesco and as I got my trolley I put my handbag in there Got some shopping,about £40 worth and was about to make my way to the checkout when I thought I'd look for some makeup as I'm going out this weekend. I decided to get a lipstick and put it in the trolley then made my way back to the checkout when I bumped into someone and stood talking for ten minutes or so Went to the checkout put all my shopping on the belt,paid and left. I'd just got outside when two security guards shouted excuse me have you any items you haven't paid for? To which I said no..he asked for my receipt which I showed him and then asked me to come back in,at this point it dawned on me that I had picked up the lipstick last minute and didn't recall putting it on the belt They marched me through to the back room and asked me to remove my bags from the trolley where the lipstick was under my handbag,at this point I was close to tears and tried to explain it was a genuine mistake and offered to pay right away but they didn't acknowledge what I was saying and asked me to wait there,left the room and comeback 15 min later asking if I had any identity on me,I said my bank card,gave it him and again apologized and offered to pay for the lipstick,again he ignored me. I then said what's going to happen will the police be called? He said no you're lucky the value of goods was under £10 meaning we can issue you with a bang from store fir 12 months and you'll get a fine through the post He gave me a sheet explaining the ban and a sheet from rlp saying my info might be shared with third parties and that I will have to pay for the goods plus a fine...I wasn't asked to sign anything I'm really worried about what will happen next,feel ashamed and also angry that it was a genuine oversight and I never meant to steal anything but wasn't allowed to try and explain myself Please help,will I have to pay a massive fine? Will the police get involved?
  14. hi brigadier thanks for replying.....i am dealing with debt management but they seem very inflexible to lower the repayments...would it be possible to cancel the DD then until i have sent off a letter detailing my financial situation?
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