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  1. They did follow process, its more about the fact that other employees have done similar acts and had nothing happened. They didn't like that 2 of the photos were taken in work time and that I had commented on one of them calling the employee in question a cock. The employee in question is also my boyfriend though and had been interviewed to say he didn't mind. As I say, my appeal would be more about other employees doing the same act and having nothing happen, certainly not being sacked!
  2. They were some photos of other colleagues who I am also friends with and some stuff just around the store, a plant pot etc. There were 6 photos in all. I've worked there for four years and my previous disciplinary actions are only one written warning for absence which I got a year and a half ago and haven't had a day off since. I was dismissed after they had an investigation and I came in for a secondary meeting.
  3. Hi there, Today I was instantly dismissed following an investigation into alleged gross misconduct. The misconduct in question was uploading several photos to facebook (stupid I know!) but other employees in the same store have done the same offense and not had any disciplinary actions. Previous to this I have not had anyone talk to me about the social media policy nor about the inappropriate nature of the photos. I am going to appeal but I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to word my letter or even what to include? I'm totally at a loss! Thanks for any help! Scarlett.
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