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Everything posted by Grotesque

  1. What is it you want them to do exactly? Or more to the point, what is it you want to be able to make them do?
  2. Absolutely It's probably something to do with presenting it personally- perhaps thus implying permission. Whoop whoop this is tha sound of the bank
  3. And start job hunting; you must be pretty well qualified.
  4. Indeed, Shannondore speaks wisely. It is the first step towards writing a boook these days- the positive side of social networking, eh!!!
  5. I'm not sure I'd trust anyone who was both an Elvis and Man U fan
  6. It's because Pusillanimous is really Larry's lawyer LOL
  7. Good practice for the rest of your life I would have thought.. Yo, representin.
  8. ...i bet it's not a final thought lol...
  9. Ah- if it really is on someone else's behalf of course
  10. Not when someone, as in this case, has made a SD to that effect already; whilst not an oath, it is still perjurious.
  11. Are you serious? And are you seriously here to actually help people???
  12. Ellenor's views on social networking sites are spot on. People nowadays oft-times think that because it's 'the internet' it 's therefore not 'real life'- but of course it's no different to a newspaper or other media. Bottom line: don't say anything on FB you wouldn't say to someone's face, whether it's personal or corporate...
  13. Yeah... but the Chinese authorities have not exactly showered themselves with believability when it comes to truth and disclosure in this case so far
  14. Advice on the forum should be given openly and freely rather than be dependant. Yo, Joey Zasa! lol
  15. They will not ask 'why on earth did you just "forget" about the incident making no effort to contact the Train Operator? ' representin
  16. Don't think paper is a useful substance for containing common sense though LOL
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