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Everything posted by lhmcr1

  1. I have a feeling that somewhere there is still a record, after having a quick look round the forum it appears that banks do keep information for longer than 12 years, although it's a struggle to get it from them.
  2. Hello again, I have read and also been informed that PPI reclaims have no time limit, so I thought back to a PL I took out with Natwest in 1998 for around £2k. I remember very well the "sale" of the PPI though, no explanation of features or benefits, or discussion about if it was suitable, just was told "this is good to have" Problem is I have no paperwork any more, and, only know that it was taken out sometime in 1998. I was 18 at the time and also on a rolling short term contract at work at the time, if that makes any difference. Will it be possible to request details about this PL and PPI from Natwest after 12 years? And if so how do I go about it? I am already in the process of reclaiming from Creation and have a thread about that here on CAG. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
  3. O.K. Have sent a letter rejecting their response, I am pretty certain that they will reject my reclaim and I will have to take it further. My concern is where to take the reclaim, as said, I have no faith in the FOS, but to go to court means something different all together. Has anyone skipped the FOS and gone straight to the small claims route? Again my concern with the FOS is that they will side with Creation because of the non-advised sale and agree that the onus was on me to read the T & C's.
  4. Thanks, dx. I have just remembered also that between 1998 and 2000 I had a personal loan with Natwest, this also had PPI. As a complete long shot, is this also worth looking into for a reclaim, if so, would I need to send of for an SAR to Natwest? How far back is it possible to go, I take it that a PPI reclaim that far back comes with certain restrictions on who can get involved. I would also imagine, that if I complain to Natwest, their response would be that because this was over 10 years ago, I am no longer able to reclaim, have any members sucessfully reclaimed this far back or further?
  5. I certainly know that Egg will be encouraged by the FOS decision with regards to my case, but I take it they are going off the pre-event audit and have not seen or do not wish to see the post-event audits, anyway, I will not keep barging in on another members thread but I would ask: If my case did get as far as a judge and I asked for the audits, can Egg legally refuse to provide these in a court?
  6. O.K. Thanks for the replies, I will be sending a letter to Creation rejecting their response and also including a request to cancel the PPI. Are there any responses I could use, I have checked other members responses but they are all mixed in with other points and complaints.
  7. I have posted in my own thread that I have sent the Pre-Post event etc... mail and I am waiting for a response. I take it, Mistermind, that when you say the situation above is better than mine, you meant that the FOS are not involved and have agreed with Egg?
  8. Yes, I would say I got conned, as I would also say Egg's £16 charges are excessive, however the FOS (the adjudicator and the Ombudsman it was escalated to) disagrees. So you will see that I am cautious. I also had a hardship claim rejected. I would like to go via the small claims route, even though there is costs involved, my concern is that if it gets infront of a judge, he may see the cross in the I agree box and say that I should have checked out the T&C's and rule in Creation's favour, my FOS expeience has sort of dented my confidence in reclaiming should we say, especially when I see other reclaims being upheld and refunded. I can only hope that Creation either do not file a defence, don't want to be dragged through court or I get a sympathetic judge. I do have a thread on CAG about the Egg reclaim by the way. Sorry about the negativity but my reclaims and FOS dealings have not gone smoothly recently, despite on paper, things looking as though they were in my favour.
  9. Well, I went by secure EggMail the Pre-Post audits etc... letter on the 4th August, no reply as yet, will contact again today to find out what is happening.
  10. As I said in my first post, I do remember being told that the cover was free in the special offer period and my intention was to pay it off before the offer period expired but other things happened. I did agree to the free cover, however, the rep certainly did not say that if I went over the offer period the PPI amount would be aded in whole and interest added. This is where Creation are saying the onus was on me to check the agreement and make a decision. My concern is that if I proceed, the fact that I agreed to the free cover means I knew what I was signing up for, but if the rep had told me that it was single premium and interest would be added I would not have signed up. The FOS agreed with Egg on their £16 penalty charges as they said that Egg had satisfied the OFT with evidence that it costs them a little more than £16 to deal with over-limits.
  11. To dj1971: No, it isn't their final response, they said if I disagree with their desicion, I should write back and tell them why. Other forum members, my own experience, and general comments about the FOS puts me off going to them, even if it is free. And they may look at Creations response as above saying that it was sold ligitimately (as they have done with my Egg Money charges complaint) Anything I could further add as to why I disagree with their response, as I don't want to follow up this complaint if I have no chance. (Don't mean to be negative but not had much luck with complaints recently) I want to make sure that this policy was definately mis-sold. Going off the key facts it does say, however, even under non-advised guidelines they can ask questions about my circumstances. There is nothing I would like better than to take the complaint to the top and get my money back. To dx100uk: Yes, they certainly are.
  12. I have received a response from Creation regards to my PPI reclaim, I will try to slim down the response as much as I can, what they said was: They say the policy was entirely optional and sold on a non-advised basis and have given details of the policy and the standard documents that accompany PPI policies, initial disclosure documents, demands and needs etc... They say that it satisfies the insurance conduct of business. They go on to say that all policy documents about the cover and included details about cancellation, giving me an opportunity to opt out. Also they say that due to the PPI being a non-advised sale the onus was on me to thoroughly read through all info and decide wehther to proceed, as referred to in point three of the IDD and they cannot agree that the information was not supplied. They say the costing is clearly annotated and they do not understand how I was not awawre of the information. (It wasn't explained at point of sale) Their final point is that as it was on a non-advised basis the sales rep was under no obligation to explore existing cover I had or any details of medical history. They say that the PPI was sold within the terms of a non-advised sale I do, however, remember that I was certainly not told that the policy was going to attract interest and be added as such on to the final amount. If anyone knows whether it is worth pursuing or if this is a standard off putting response designed to deter me from taking things further, any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read all of this.
  13. O.K. I will make an SAR request also asking them to cancel the policy immediately. Can I ask though, does the non-advised bit make any difference to a reclaim?
  14. Hi, Last year I bought a washing machine on a buy now pay later deal which I intended to pay in full at the end of the offer period. unfortunately we needed the cash for other things that came up and had to go into the finance part. When I asked for a settlement figure it seemed rather high and queried why it was the amount stated. I was told that PPI had been added on and was attracting interest. I do remember being told that there was free life cover built in to the agreement but was certainly not told that at the end of the offer period a single premium policy would be added on to the agreement and generate interest. I wrote to inform of this but they said it was a non-advised sale and all details were presented to me in the contract and I agreed with these terms. I also said I was not asked about existing insurance arrangements or details about any employer sick pay or told of any features, terms of cancellation and exclusions of the cover. Again, they said because it was a non-advised policy it was up to me to decide whether it was suitable, I do not recall, however, being told that it was non-advised. Does this mean that reclaiming will be difficult or is it just something they say to put you off going further. The provider by the way is Creation finance and the retailer was Bennetts electrical. Thanks.
  15. I have today sent by Eggmail an amended version of moc1982's template letter. I only hope it is still relevant as it appears to be around three years old. I did notice while looking through other peoples claims something about Dublin Bank only charging £3, are Dublin bank anything to do with Egg, Citi or whoever owns them now? Any reply I get I will note on here.
  16. I was unaware about the incompetencies of the FOS until I read about them on here. I do see what you are getting at Misterind but I am very tempted to proceed through court, I would ask if any other CAG members have gone to the ombusdman first, been rejected, then gone on to court.
  17. Well, I've just had the ombudsmans final decision and, surprise, surprise, they have not upheld it. They are saying that Egg have shown satisfactory evidence that it costs them a little more to deal with people who go over their limits, hmm!! They have asked me to either accept or reject their decision, I am incined to reject and go to court. I have read about people taking Egg to court and most say that they cave in right at the end.. So, I now need to make the decision wether to go to court. I looked with interest at another member sending a letter or email to Egg requiring them to act with integrity and honesty, or something along those lines, and within a couple of weeks recieved a settlement, does anyone have any more info about this?
  18. Thanks for the reply. I haven't got the FOS's letter to hand at the mo, I'll post it as soon as I can, AFAIK the FOS mentioned that Egg had satisfied the OFT with their "little more then £16" claim, (I don't understand either) citing the higher credit score needed and also the fact that a DD must be set up to make payments. I did notice someones post about a well worded letter to Egg that made them pay up within a few weeks, that could be interesting. But i think I need to wait for the ombudsman's decision now.
  19. Hi, I am new to this forum so I will briefly go over the situation. I started a charges reclaim against Egg and got the usual refusal back so sent it on to the FOS. I recently received a letter from the FOS saying that they agree with Egg that the charges are fair. I managed to get the case to be forwarded to an ombudsman for another look but I can't see the ombudsman disagreeing with one of their adjudicators. Egg sent the FOS a response which I see has been given in other forum users cases where they say they have satisfied the OFT that it costs a little more than £16 to deal with overlimits. I am just wondering that if the ombudsman does agree with Egg what the chances are if I continued to court. I have some questions: 1) If Egg file a defence, will they refer to the ombudsmans decision of support for them? 2) Again, if a defence is filed will they refer to their claim of satisfying the OFT? 3) How likely is it that the claim will be allocated to another track an raise the possibility that if Egg win, they can reclaim their costs from me? I do want to go as far as possible to reclaim the charges, but if going to court is going to result in problems and added costs (other than the court fees) then would it be best to leave it. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
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